Pure Cab, what is it ??

  • i curious about how this feature works,
    anybody can tell, maybe the beta testers, what this feature do?
    is it well programmed master eq ? which dials out frequenziies which are too much in the program
    im a sound engineer and want to know what it changes soundwise

  • Nobody but Kemper knows. ;)

    My impression:
    PureCab does different things to different rigs for sure, I perceive it as an adaptive realtime EQ applying different EQing to different rigs and I 'seem to perceive'
    a tad of phasing/comb filering/whatever... which make the highs somewhat sweeter.
    I cannot describe it better.

  • From the description in the notes, and the comparison someone posted of EQ curves with and without Pure Cab, it looks like the KPA does a bunch of math to figure out where the really spiky peaks and valleys are and then tries to smooth them out. Thus, you lose a bit of the uniqueness of that cab/mic combination, but the sound ends up being more balanced, less harsh, blah blah.

  • My guess is it is phase related. I drew the analogy on another thread that is sounds somewhat similar to switching a high quality EQ plugin between the "Linear Phase" mode (No phase shift throughout spectrum) to "Analog Phase" (Phase shifts increase with frequency) mode. This is listening to the circuits without any EQ points (ie. FLAT).
    PureCab sounding like "Analog Phase" mode in this analogy. Smoother, less hard transients. Not better but different. Sometimes when mastering the Analog Phase seems to lose detail vs. Linear. Sometimes Analog is just what is needed to smooth out harshness. Linear Phase can suffer from ringing. It just depends and the source and the sonic goal.

    I loaded a profile "Strumming 02" (M. Franzkowiak) that has a flanger on it. Switching between PC OFF and PC on (but set at 0) and I can hear it change the flange effect. Move PC dial around with a lingering chord seems to alter the flange (phase). Switched to Air Chorus and I can hear again what seems to affect the movement with the chorus effect.

    Phase shifts that change with frequency and/or amplitude.?


    Edited 2 times, last by WillB (August 8, 2015 at 9:52 PM).