Had my Kemper for 3 days!

  • Figured this was the best place to start. I've been playing off and on since I was 8 and recently started getting serious again. A friend of mine had a Kemper and I plugged in. I've had tones I've liked before and they took a lot of work, but not until that moment had I plugged in and without much work liked what I heard. I have to say though it's not as strait forward now that I have my own. I'm not the best player for sure but I'm starting to think I have no idea how to create tones I like, in fact I'm certain. I don't think it's my guitars, they should be good (http://www.tkinstruments.com) and I believe the Kemper can do almost anything. I jumped right in and maybe should spend more time in the manual, not sure my inputs gains are set right, or if they need to be, but many of the highest rated rigs I've tried sound bad to my ears. I'm excepting it's my lack of understanding of how my new toy works and I'm looking for some advice on some basic first steps?

    I'm using an old mosvalve SS stereo amp for now and 2 2x12 Legacy cabinets with 1 V30 and 1 G12T75 each. Thinking of getting a Line 6 L3M. So far I did like a few Bogner Shiva rigs from R.U.Sirius. I saw a youtube video of a guy nailing SRV with what he said was "Teey Tiny Feet" in the first amp pack, I downloaded it, loaded that preset and it was literally nothing like what I heard in the video. It was clean and had tons of effects? I must be missing something basic. Not trying to bitch, I just really want this to work out.

    Thanks for any advice.

  • Firstly, check out the tutorial for the input section :

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    Then, disregard any rig ratings; they don't seem to have any bearing on the quality of the rig, unless there have been more than 10-15 votes (just ask R.U.Sirius, who has consistently made some of the best free profiles, yet stopped uploading to the exchange because he kept getting 1-star votes!).
    There are some gems on the exchange, many with no ratings whatsoever. I recommend downloading Rig Manager and setting aside a few hours to sift through the 6000+ rigs on there. Only spend a few seconds previewing different rigs and be ruthless. Anything that doesn't immediately rock you, move swiftly on! (Once you get more accustomed to the KPA and how to tweak it, you can do this exercise again, as almost any profile can be tweaked to result in a profile that meets your taste). I did this process with the stomps and effects locked in the disengaged state, so I could only hear the pure amp tone. You might like to try the same.

    Then, once you've sifted the exchange for free stuff, I'd recommend checking The Amp Factory and MBritt for commercial clean/mid gain profiles, Sinmix, Tonehammer and Choptones for high gain, and Pete's Profiles for some great specialty amps.

    Also, RTFM hahaha! ;)

    Enjoy the ride! It's gonna be a good one!

  • Welcome :) finding the right rigs can some times be a pain at 1st. When I first got my KPA I had the same issue. IMO I think commercial profiles are better and easier to find, well for me they are...... But there are some great guys out there who do post free ones, but again ya gotta spend the time finding them and for me I don't have that time. ;) I've heard people on here talk about how great a profile is then when I've tested it I've thought "is that it!!" Everyone's idea of a great tone is different and that's a good thing otherwise we would all sound the same :) I suggest giving the Rig Rxchange another go and then maybe dive into some commercial ones you could even give the free ones ago that commercial profilers have given to kemper to put in a pack this will give you an idea of what their stuff is like. But remember they are not as good as the ones you buy :)

  • When I first got my Kemper I was very disappointed with the sounds that it had onboard.
    Tried a few profiles from commercial venders and started to feel better about it.
    It was only when I got my first Mbritt profile pack, that I was as happy as I hoped I'd be when I bought the profiler.
    I now have all the Mbritt packs and have all the sounds I could ever want!
    If you go to his site, I believe that there are some free profiles that you can try.
    As one of the previous replies said, it's all a matter of personal taste when it comes to sound. You might have to try a couple (or a few) commercial profile sellers before you find the one that works best for you.
    The world would be dull if we all liked the same thing.

    Best of luck with your new toy. I'm confident that you'll find your tone heaven soon enough :)

  • Hello Merkava,
    Welcome here :)

    If you use a guitar cab you won't usually get the same sound you hear in any clip which - like Paul correctly pointed out - is obtained through a linear cab (and which you'll faithfully hear ss long as the cabs you use for listening to it are linear themselves).

    Your Profiler will basically sound like your cab, which is true for any amp BTW.

    You might want to stop choosing profiles by the clips and start choosing those who make you sound the way you like.

    I'd also like to stress that two different players with two different guitars will sound differently. Heck, they most often sound different with the same rig! LOL

    Last but not least, remember to switch the cab off in your Profiler when you use a guitar cab, or it will be as using two guitar cabs in series.

    HTH :)