• Hi

    Not sure if this is best suited in Share Tips or Feature Request, but.....

    Does anyone know how to create a reverse reverb, similar to the Danelectro Back Talk Reverse Delay?


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    Thanks in advance

  • Kempermaniac nailed it. There's no reverse delay or reverb.

    Delays and reverbs are one of those things that always are in the feature requests, yet seem to get overlooked by Kemper quite a bit. That being said, another voice in the crowd is never a bad thing. Make a post over in Feature Requests, and include this video. In the meantime, you can always put a pedal like this in the FX loop. If you upgrade to something like a Strymon Timeline or Eventide Timefactor, you can even control what patches are set (including reverses and those beautiful Stymon Ice delays) via MIDI in performance mode.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack

  • Hello,

    Instead of creating a new thread I will ask my question here :

    If I am not mistaken the Delay back then were not updated yet. Is there a way today to achieve this kind of psychedelic sound ?

    I read the doc and the reverse setting is global but I don't know if it is meant to be used like this or just to reverse the echo.

    Or maybe the best way to do it would be in my DAW.

    Anyone ?

    Edited once, last by playmo77 (March 19, 2020 at 4:50 PM).

  • Hello,

    Instead of creating a new thread I will ask my question here :

    If I am not mistaken the Delay back then were not updated yet. Is there a way today to achieve this kind of psychedelic sound ?

    I read the doc and the reverse setting is global but I don't know if it is meant to be used like this or just to reverse the echo.

    Anyone ?

    This thread died five years ago. In the meantime the delays and reverbs were completely overhauled.

    And you are not just limited to a reversed delay. You can just continuously mix in Reverse within various delay effect types. It's all in the Main Manual starting on page 194.

    I think the current manual is a better source of information than a five years old thread.

  • Again I read, the manual, I just have difficulty to reproduce the kind of sound posted in the video.

    The only info I found in the manual is the reverse setting which in my case seem to reverse only the echo.

    Do you have any tip to replicate this kind of sound ?

  • Try setting the both the mix and reverse mix controls to 100% wet. You can't tell in the video above because you can see the player's hands, but there is a delay between what they play and when that sound comes out in reverse.

    Again I read, the manual, I just have difficulty to reproduce the kind of sound posted in the video.

    The only info I found in the manual is the reverse setting which in my case seem to reverse only the echo.

    Do you have any tip to replicate this kind of sound ?

  • Try setting the both the mix and reverse mix controls to 100% wet. You can't tell in the video above because you can see the player's hands, but there is a delay between what they play and when that sound comes out in reverse.

    Im having the same issue as Playmo77.. only the echos seem to reverse and not the whole portion of incoming material.. playing a scale fast upwards with a high delay time (2000ms) should reverse what happens during the 2000ms (so the processed reversed signal would produce the scale playing downwards..) or? Thats what the Danelectro pedal seems to do in the clip above and what Strymon Timeline also can do.

    Of cause one can use the efx loop for an external efx (if nothing else is already there), but one main point about the Kemper (at least for me) is to have an all in one solution (and leave the pedals at home:-)

  • Our reverse delay folows the same principle as most other reverse delays.

    If the whole phrase gets reversed instead, this introduces a few timing challenges for the player. Could you show us examples of a reverse phrase delay used in musical context? We don't intend to add effect types, which are only nice in theory.;)

  • Our reverse delay folows the same principle as most other reverse delays.

    If the whole phrase gets reversed instead, this introduces a few timing challenges for the player. Could you show us examples of a reverse phrase delay used in musical context? We don't intend to add effect types, which are only nice in theory.;)

    The reverse phrase function that is built in the kemper looper is exactly what StrawberryMoose is asking for, and frankly it is something I would love as well! Timing challenges with reverse delay isn't the point. The whole point isn't to play the lick/riff perfectly, but to have a sorta of warped, reversed playback of what you played. It would be even better is there was a WET/DRY mix to the reverse delay as well to have it mesh OR clash with the riff the use is playing. I attempted to play around with the reverse delay options on the delay and I couldn't get the delay to that point either. Unless I am doing something wrong... it was most disappointing.

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    cut to 3:50 to see the example.
    Here's an example how reverse delay can be used in a creative sense ->
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    As someone who dives in the deep end of noise / weird effects this would be a neat feature to have and it seems like it is built in the kemper already! I have many presets that I created that are just made to introduce noise/weird sound FX. That is one of the things I wish Kemper would focus on.. expanding their fx section to be a bit more exploratory/wild/noisey.. I know it's not the typical norm for most guitarists/bassists.. but it's not like both aren't mutually exclusive. So far I am surprised at what type of weird noise/weird guitar effects I can create with the kemper. Hopefully Kemper continues on supporting that with future patch updates and so forth.

  • Our reverse delay folows the same principle as most other reverse delays.

    If the whole phrase gets reversed instead, this introduces a few timing challenges for the player. Could you show us examples of a reverse phrase delay used in musical context? We don't intend to add effect types, which are only nice in theory.;)

    sorry late reply..didnt see the activity here.

    I made and recorded this tune using Strymon reversed delay as a part of my musical context. The reverse delay is used for the intro loop which also comes as a background sound under drum solo at 3.06 .

    (The world famous American guitar player Bill Frisell have also used reversed phrases as an intergrated part of his musical expression during the last maybe 20-30 years. Most often in his solo guitar pieces.)

    Im aware of that this effect most often comes with the looper function. But I have a setup where (like in this attached song) I need to make a sound, loop it and and have three loops instant available. (I.e. In this song at 1.50 I change sound, make a rhythm guitar loop, change to lead guitar sound and play a (weird) solo.)

    Besides the phrase reverse effect I actually would love if i it would be possible to insert an effect loop AFTER the last reverb instead of before the dly and reverb. I dont have time to change sound, jump to Kemper looper, back and change to new sound etc. everytime a new song part is comming. (I often start a new songpart by creating a loop with a different sound). I also need to loop the sound including reverb and dly so the effect loop placed before the dly reverb in the chain dont work for that purpose.
    So I have a Strymon reverse delay in the effect send/return and a separate stereo (Boomerang phrase looper) placed after the Profiler which has three loop buttons direct acces.

    Anyway a phrase reverse delay (or whatever you will call it) funktion in the delay part would be much appreciated:-)



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    Edited 2 times, last by ElectricP (December 1, 2020 at 12:01 PM).