Any plans for a Kemper 2 amp?

  • I'm a bit late to this discussion, but would like to add a personal experience to the mix. In my day job we design and build a device that provides protection and monitoring to the physical layer of computer network interconnections. It is a high technology product, and was basically designed in its current form over 10 years ago. We have made small cosmetic improvements over the years, and quite a few firmware upgrades, but the basic hardware is the same as it was a decade ago. It still sells great and is considered the Cadillac of its product type in the industry.

    My point is there are times when you can design a product with enough foresight where it will not need a hardware upgrade for a long time. The Kemper can easily be such a product. Can it really be improved in its core functionality, other than the effects implementation? Most improvements one can think of can be made with firmware upgrades.

    And on the Kemper's cosmetics... I have had several folks comment the Kemper on how beautiful it is; the CEO of my company saw it and was quite smitten on its appearance, and this was when it was unpowered. IMHO the Kemper toaster format is a brilliant rethink of the modeler UI, on par with the original Line 6 bean, and the multicolor LEDs and button/knob selection is brilliant. I picked the toaster over the rack version as I simply think it looks great.

    I'd guess if there is ever a Kemper 2.0, it will be a less expensive reduced capability version. There might be a real market for a less expensive floor model Kemper that will only play back profiles. But the original Kemper does what it does so well, maybe there aren't many ways to improve it.

  • You guys keep saying all this but if they or somebody else came out with another with all of the updates/ upgrades people have been asking for, most of you with the money would be all over it.

    And, once again, in the near future or farther down the road, somebody will most certainly trump the KPA, whether it be a new version or a different company altogether. If Kemper just stands with the current version ultimately it will fall away. Software updates alone won't save it.

    You have to keep the masses, the majority happy or you will fall behind once somebody else meets and then betters your product. What will you have left to sell? How do you keep the business fed? A few fanboy customers who already have your product? I don't think so.
    Free software updates only goes so far.

    Go ahead and continue saying the KPA is perfect. You need no hardware innovation/ upgrading.
    That is some pretty ass backwards ways of thinking.

  • And on the Kemper's cosmetics... I have had several folks comment the Kemper on how beautiful it is; the CEO of my company saw it and was quite smitten on its appearance, and this was when it was unpowered. IMHO the Kemper toaster format is a brilliant rethink of the modeler UI, on par with the original Line 6 bean, and the multicolor LEDs and button/knob selection is brilliant. I picked the toaster over the rack version as I simply think it looks great.

    I second that. I often keep mine on as a decoration :) It's a brilliant visual design with personality, not some bog standard rack type B black box.


    "And, once again, in the near future or farther down the road, somebody will most certainly trump the KPA, whether it be a new version or a different company altogether. If Kemper just stands with the current version ultimately it will fall away. Software updates alone won't save it."

    I'd not be so sure about this. This is guitar gear. Gibson, Fender, Marshall, Tube Screamer.. I can go on for a bit.. Kemper is right there with them, having a massive impact on the industry as a whole - I am really not exaggerating here, what we are seeing is a revolution comparable to the release of JTM45 (well, maybe a bit less.. ;) ) . I am not saying it's perfect, but neither are Marshall amps. The deal here is, that most of guitar players, are just that, players. Tweakers are minority, despite being very vocal. They already have Line 6 to cater to their needs ;) If something sounds good then it does. One can't make it 120% good (except one company which I won't mention)
    There will be a new model at some point. I don't know how core profiling algorithm can be improved though. Maybe if it can profile different amp settings then merge all of it together into one profile and make EQ stack work like in real deal, yeah, that would make me upgrade. I don't really care about having 20 different type of delays and 4k 3d colour display, my Marshalls have none of this:)

    Edited 4 times, last by mdeeRocks (July 18, 2015 at 6:50 PM).

  • You guys keep saying all this but if they or somebody else came out with another with all of the updates/ upgrades people have been asking for, most of you with the money would be all over it.

    And, once again, in the near future or farther down the road, somebody will most certainly trump the KPA, whether it be a new version or a different company altogether. If Kemper just stands with the current version ultimately it will fall away. Software updates alone won't save it.

    You have to keep the masses, the majority happy or you will fall behind once somebody else meets and then betters your product. What will you have left to sell? How do you keep the business fed? A few fanboy customers who already have your product? I don't think so.
    Free software updates only goes so far.

    Go ahead and continue saying the KPA is perfect. You need no hardware innovation/ upgrading.
    That is some pretty ass backwards ways of thinking.

    Nope, not perfect... "Close enough to perfect for me" When some great guitar players and studio engineers can't tell the difference between their amp and the KPA, and readily admit that they are half guessing when they have a 50/50 chance of getting it right, then something was done right the first time.

    Could you add some more bells and whistles, of course, effects mainly I guess in looking at the wish lists around here. Maybe a floorboard with a nice screen that doesn't profile, cause I probably won't ever profile an amp. Don't have any anymore and everyone else is doing such a nice job for me. Still got the same slice of that $50K Dumble from my KPA that someone profiled with the settings that made them smile and me.

    So even though I respect your opinion, mine is not really ass backwards in a consumers standpoint just a manufacturers cause maybe they made it right the first time. IMHO

  • As a box that was intended to capture the sound and response of a close-mic'ed guitar amp, the KPA has ultimately succeeded. This was the primary goal, and as C Kemper has stated, I'm not sure how they can improve on that process. Sure, they could maybe include the capture of room mics, add more FX etc., but would that really warrant the upgrade? The original target group was recording guitarists and engineers. Most of this demographic has a pile of plugins/hardware at their disposal so that the upgrade wouldn't actually be worth it. Me personally, I won't consider the KPA a resounding success until it gets a decent spring reverb emulation, as that has been a staple of guitar amps since forever. However, everything else is just a bonus in my book, and the KPA already does much more than I will ever need it to.
    Of course, there are many other guitarists whose needs aren't being met, and everybody's different, but I'm ALMOST totally satisfied with the KPA/Remote combination. A spring and a stomp delay and I'm done!

  • You guys keep saying all this but if they or somebody else came out with another with all of the updates/ upgrades people have been asking for, most of you with the money would be all over it.

    Irrelevant really, but I and many others saved for a long time. I would have literally skipped hundreds of meals as part of the process just for this one piece of kit. Upgrading won't be an option unless somehow it was imperative.

    And, once again, in the near future or farther down the road, somebody will most certainly trump the KPA, whether it be a new version or a different company altogether. If Kemper just stands with the current version ultimately it will fall away. Software updates alone won't save it.

    How will they trump it? If the Kemper's 98% accurate will a 99% offering from someone else tempt us all to say goodbye to our rig collections and jump ship? We're well into hair-splitting territory here, IMHO. Besides, we already have the security of great communication with the company and designer, along with the awesome support of the community. Good luck to any so-called "competition", I say. Anyone who wants to jump ship should a Johnny-come-lately upstart claim to have upped the ante, or anyone else for that matter, I say good luck to him / her. You'll probably need it.

    You have to keep the masses, the majority happy or you will fall behind once somebody else meets and then betters your product. What will you have left to sell? How do you keep the business fed? A few fanboy customers who already have your product? I don't think so.

    Classic music gear remains so. There's just not much room for improvement as far as I can tell. Sure, one could tweak the UI and make arbitrary cosmetic alterations, but the guts of the thing, the bits that really count to tone heads, need not change IMHO. Heck, the (unpowered) unit I've got runs so damned cool it's not funny. It even has an operating (and storage) temperature range that blows all the digital gear I've ever owned right out of the water.

    I guess I'm trying to suggest that any "competition" might well have a whole lot further to go before it'd be considered thusly by this simian...

    Free software updates only goes so far.

    I know! They really can go so far, as the Kemper is proving.

    Go ahead and continue saying the KPA is perfect. You need no hardware innovation/ upgrading.
    That is some pretty ass backwards ways of thinking.

    Well, call me naM_yeknoM then, bro'.

    Just a bit of fun. We're all different and are entitled to our opinions, of course, and I understand and respect where you're coming from, InThruTheOut. I'm only trying to suggest that, again IMHO, pressuring the company to release a v2 line, whilst it may be a reasonable endeavour at first glance, is more likely to be an exercise in redundancy on the whole. This can really only be said for exceptional products, mind you, and we all know our beloved beasties are no exception... to being exceptional.

  • Made in Germany..need I say more..They've always made the best product in the world....from way back to now..Germany is very good at what they it be Cars, Guns, Knives, Musical equipment..the list goes on and on..if it says Made in Germany, you don't even have to look just get it.cause you know it's good..real good..and No, I don't own a Kemper yet, but what I just said stands true..and we know this..I cant wait to own one I cant wait..

    Thanks Kemper for all you've done for the World of Music..and for giving us all those great Tube Amps that we don't own or will never be able own. and to have them All at arms reach....God Bless you all.....Barry.

    and thanks to All Those who contribute Their Tube amps for us to enjoy too..Thats just incredible..!!.You Guys/Gals are great..A mark has been made that I never thought possible..Thanks Kemper..Thank you Kemper users..I'll be joining you soon enough..Barry..

    ESP Formula FR
    EPI 1960 V3 Les Paul std.

    Edited 10 times, last by Bear (July 19, 2015 at 3:58 PM).

  • Sorry about all those edits guys..ha, computer is acting up something fierce..there was letters and # and symbols between almost every word..weird..i just couldn't get 'em out of there..anyways.....

    God Bless..Barry...

    ESP Formula FR
    EPI 1960 V3 Les Paul std.

  • I've been on the fence for years, tried the axe and the Kemper before without getting the GAS. I finally bought the Kemper Toaster with the new remote on Friday. I can honestly say I'm blown away by the sound of this thing. I did a test of the profiler function yesterday profiling my Friedman Dirty Shirley amp and cab. I was not able to hear any difference, to me thats amazing.
    To me this is a superior product to the Axe FX, sounds much better and easier to use. the fx section of the Kemper isn't as deep and flexible as the Axe but sounds good. What sold me about the Kemper is the quality of the pure amp sounds. Thats what matters to me.

  • I've been on the fence for years, tried the axe and the Kemper before without getting the GAS. I finally bought the Kemper Toaster with the new remote on Friday. I can honestly say I'm blown away by the sound of this thing. I did a test of the profiler function yesterday profiling my Friedman Dirty Shirley amp and cab. I was not able to hear any difference, to me thats amazing.
    To me this is a superior product to the Axe FX, sounds much better and easier to use. the fx section of the Kemper isn't as deep and flexible as the Axe but sounds good. What sold me about the Kemper is the quality of the pure amp sounds. Thats what matters to me.

    And welcome! ;)

  • I actually think a great future for the Kemper would be to team up with some or one of the quality FX houses like Eventide or Strymon and then offer the option of buying algorithms If the technology can house it. Just throwing that one out there....

  • I've been on the fence for years, tried the axe and the Kemper before without getting the GAS. I finally bought the Kemper Toaster with the new remote on Friday. I can honestly say I'm blown away by the sound of this thing. I did a test of the profiler function yesterday profiling my Friedman Dirty Shirley amp and cab. I was not able to hear any difference, to me thats amazing.
    To me this is a superior product to the Axe FX, sounds much better and easier to use. the fx section of the Kemper isn't as deep and flexible as the Axe but sounds good. What sold me about the Kemper is the quality of the pure amp sounds. Thats what matters to me.

    It really doesn't get much better than that!!! Fact it's a great product at the core and can only really be made better with some tweaks from requests......

  • Please folks, listen to what I have to say,

    I'm a troll, mouldy roll,
    I'm a troll, mouldy roll,
    I'm a troll, mouldy roll,

    and I'll have a KEMPER fan for my supper...

    1 lesson to be learnt from this thread. Don't be drawn into endless loop arguments. If the troll starts up, the only way to stop it is to ignore it.

  • Hard to argue with that, Jim.

    Sorry about all those edits guys..ha, computer is acting up something fierce..there was letters and # and symbols between almost every word..weird..i just couldn't get 'em out of there..anyways.....

    God Bless..Barry...

    Hang in there, Baz. Glad you're still hangin' around, brother.

  • Made in Germany..need I say more..They've always made the best product in the world....from way back to now..Germany is very good at what they it be Cars, Guns, Knives, Musical equipment..the list goes on and on..if it says Made in Germany, you don't even have to look just get it.cause you know it's good..real good..and No, I don't own a Kemper yet, but what I just said stands true..and we know this..I cant wait to own one I cant wait..

    Not meaning to be contentious, but as my day job for decades has been as a development/manufacturing engineer for a company that makes devices with hardware somewhat like the Kemper, and also worked for a decade for a US arm of a German company, I'll have to disagree a bit. Not that German engineering is bad (it is generally excellent), and their build quality is poor (often it is excellent as well), but IME they are not any better or worse than the UK or US or Taiwan. I have seen as much crap delivered from German companies than from any other country; one time we received a batch of very expensive test equipment from a German firm (everyone would recognize its name) that had unsoldered connectors on the entire batch, and not a single one would even power up. I've never seen that from a US company. And my first Kemper was a factory refurb, and it had issues out of the box and had to be returned for exchange. I've never had that happen before in over 30 years of playing.

    My point is the country of origin of a product has nothing to do with how well it is designed or made. Perhaps Germany has a good reputation as they in general make expensive products that should be perfect, while say China gets a rep for poor quality as they make the cheap stuff. Keep in mind all of your excellent quality Apple products are all made in China.

    The Kemper is a very well designed piece of gear, as it should be for its price. I regularly work directly in areas such as chassis design and graphics, and to my eye the Kemper is unsurpassed in its design, from an aesthetic as well as functional standpoint. But this is totally due to the care and drive of the Kemper company, and has nothing to do with them being in Germany or the US or anywhere else in the world.

  • my first Kemper was a factory refurb, and it had issues out of the box and had to be returned for exchange.

    My first NEW Kemper didn't work out of the box, needed motherboard replacement. There's no distributor in my country, so I had to pay for double international shipping. This is for $2k+ device!
    Another great purchase from Germany - mike Gefell M990 (3k euro) - didn't work out of the factory. They mixed up the connectors while soldering... So.. Sht happens.