Sounding muffled????

  • Is there a global setting that I'm unaware of?? No matter what profile I run it sounds muffled, through headphones or through sound desk. I purchased Michael Britts latest rig pack, they sound phonominal on his page... Not so much on my Kemper...

  • I have thought many profiles (including quite a few of MBritt's) sounded muffled and blanketed when played solo, but when played in a mix, the same profiles tend to fit their space pretty well (with some minor tweaking obviously)

    It may not be your issue, but jam along to some simple youtube searched "guitar backing tracks" in your preferred genre and let us know if the muffled sound persists.

    If you can, please post an audio sample of the muffled sound you're describing (a well known profile would be best.. ie: one of the MBritt ones) and I have no doubt one of the many helpful experienced users here will help you out.

  • It's just a thing of figuring it out. You cant load a rig and think it sounds good from the first start. It takes me some month to check every thing out. First i have the same thougts ans you. After a while i sold my atomic reactor 50 Watt Amp, because the sound was not so good. I have heard different kpa players with nearfield montor boxes ( active). Some of them sound great, some bad. At the end i use a HK lucas nano 600 system. It sounds very nice to me. My procedure to clear up muffeld rigs: First i check the amp parameters. If a distorted sound is to muffeld, check the definition parameter and turn it up. Next i try to use the compressor in the amp sektion. Next i check the clarity parameter on the next site of the amp sektion. Sometimes it make sence to set it 0 ( for me the most time). Next step is, i check treble and presence. If the sound is to muffeld, set them higher. A small cut of the mids will also help.
    one of the biggest thinks for me is to choose the right cab. Some cabs are really bad. Check out tills cab from till schleicher. They are for free. And last check the EQ of your main out in the output sektion.

  • Yup I'm guessing it's in your settings somewhere, I'd suggest starting from scratch, set your clean sense, make sure your Main and Monitor Outputs are flat and then work on the things Eltzejupp stated. As a rule I never audition profiles with any headphones, studio quality or not. Don't get frustrated or expect it to sound perfect out of the box with your setup, if I'm looking for a certain amp I sometimes audition alot of profiles before I find one that sounds right to me. It's the same with real amps, some just sound better than others to me.

  • I don't know what the issue is but can give an opinion on the MBritts.

    I've got packs 1 through 3 and, through studio monitors or headphones, none are at all muffled. I use a range of guitars with pickups ranging from vintage PAF style through P90's to Teles and Strats. All sound as they should. The only thing I can't comment on is hot pickups - all of my guitars currently are lower output pickups.

  • Ditto on the upload, let us hear what you're describing.

    A finished mix, even with a quick master isn't that great a thing to judge your raw, soloed guitar tone against, not without taking into context the rest of the mix/song/post (not that I've listened to MBritts demos, just in general I mean). Exception being of course, if you know what you're listening for with all that taken into account! :D

  • I don't get it. Why not just tweak it til it sounds good to you? An easy way to do it (if all rigs sounds muffled) is to adjust the EQ in the Output section. Talk about throwing the baby out with the bath water! When was the last time you brought an amp home from the store and expected it to sound stellar without turning any knobs? Sorry if that sounds harsh, but the KPA is just another amp, if a chameleon-superhero type of amp...


  • All better now!! I blew the dust off my classic Tele (my other has a dimarzio chopper in the bridge and cruiser in the neck) and badda bing the tone was incredible. My other guitar has classic output buckers (EJ customs) but still too hot. Live and learn.

  • All better now!! I blew the dust off my classic Tele (my other has a dimarzio chopper in the bridge and cruiser in the neck) and badda bing the tone was incredible. My other guitar has classic output buckers (EJ customs) but still too hot. Live and learn.

    I have guitars with very different outputs... since I learn to use correctly clean and distortion sense I saved those input preset, locked input, and I can happily use different guitars with the same profiles.

    BTW, I find there is a kind of "loudness war" with profiles... Thee are some profiles (commercial and free) that sound louder and they apparently sounds better, but then I find that the factory profiles are more usable and balanced. Most of my favorite rigs are based on standard factory profiles :)