KPAEditor Community Project(vst, standalone, win, mac , linux ) - based on .

  • This thread is exciting, and far too complex for me. - in fact I feel so insignificant even posting here..

    Just wanted to stop by and give my kudos to you all hard at work on this, and wow, what a community can do.. power to the people!

    If you understood C++ Audio code I'd hire you all in a heartbeat!

  • This thread is exciting, and far too complex for me. - in fact I feel so insignificant even posting here..

    Just wanted to stop by and give my kudos to you all hard at work on this, and wow, what a community can do.. power to the people!

    If you understood C++ Audio code I'd hire you all in a heartbeat!

    Thanks Andy - its a big fun for me to work with KPA with software:)
    this is inspirin me - a community playing:

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    Hi guys, check this:…37#post-7413297

    Someone put just an Ethernet cable in the kemper and got a remote in the browser..…-33-png.420095/

    Yeap - its working:) I have some problems connecting wth with my router - but with direct connection it's working.

    So with direct connection to the PC just type in your browser:)

    Or if you don't know what is KPA IP - you must go to the system debug mode and scroll to the IP address)

  • Hi Damian,

    I won't be able to spend a lot of time about this activity.
    As a consequence i wanted to design a very simple panel
    It is not finished yet (it should be in a few weeks) but anyway i thought i could share it with the community.

    Not finished : retrieving params from MOD stomp,AMP , Input & output.

    For those who ar einterested, It is available here :

    [Blocked Image:]


  • Just for curiosity - do you need an off line rig (kpir) editing ?I think it is possible to open kpir file - edit its parameters and save to the kpir file again for import to the KPA. It will be useful or not?

    you should not invest much time into reading and modifying rig preset files. there will be changes and those will break your effort. take this hint as a friendly gesture to save your some time, please.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Interesting side note.

    An enthusiastic user of Axe Fx decided to develop software to allow the editing of parameters and display for for the MFC controller. Other users applauded and supported his efforts.
    Such a great job was done Fractal ended up endorsing, purchasing and selling the software.

    An interesting contrast to the Kemper approach to a similar situation.

    Edited 4 times, last by lasvideo (April 15, 2015 at 10:23 PM).

  • you should not invest much time into reading and modifying rig preset files. there will be changes and those will break your effort. take this hint as a friendly gesture to save your some time, please.

    It's ok with me - thank you for the info. Just better know what is not worth the time .I only want to give some editing possibilities of the amp parameters and fx parameters in off line mode - not meta data (copy set up of fx'ses, amps params and cab params and so on). So your want to add hash code the kpir files?


    Interesting side note. An enthusiastic user of Axe Fx decided to develop software to allow the editing of parameters and display for for the MFC controller. Other users applauded and supported his efforts.
    Such a great job was done Fractal ended up endorsing, purchasing and selling the software.

    An interesting contrast to the Kemper approach to a similar situation.

    my post wasn't about a software editor by a third party.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Thank you Laurent - just I have no time for now for the panel since im getsome info about gathering the parammeters in live mode from KPA.
    When i will be ready i will update panel. Thank you again for your work.

  • My Stomp Panel are near to be ready for an alfa release. Now I need to test . 2-3 days are needed cause the lack of free time and the over 130 sysex commands, expressions and variables used (so there are many combinations to test).

    90% effects are implemented due some troubles to manage values for some parameters (issue with CTRLR like bugs and missing documentation) that sometime make annoying working on it (but overall it is a good framework).

    In parallel I'm working to show values like on KPA -5.0/+5.0, -12d/+12db and so on and not in the 0-16383 form.

  • my post wasn't about a software editor by a third party.

    Neither was his - it was a pretty obviously pointed jab at you guys.

    I have to say, as someone who adopted the KPA early and has been really gung-ho about it for 3-4 years at this point, I've been really disappointed in how the company has handled these types of efforts and recent feature requests. Here we begged and pleaded for an editor and were given the Rig Manager - great, but not quite what we needed. We found another way and are being expressly shutdown, but it's being framed in a kind of businesspeak to dance around the actual issue. Remember the looper via MIDI debacle? The only reason that got turned around is because this forum threw a fit. The million and a half requests for free routing? I may have gotten a (yet to be implemented) feature request granted for the HPF/LPF in the EQ, but that was after literally 2 years of badgering and arguing over bad workarounds.

    At this point I'm not sure if it's pure laziness or if I actually like the KPA, but I've been really tempted to jump to the Fractal side for a while now.

    Interesting side note. An enthusiastic user of Axe Fx decided to develop software to allow the editing of parameters and display for for the MFC controller. Other users applauded and supported his efforts.
    Such a great job was done Fractal ended up endorsing, purchasing and selling the software.
    An interesting contrast to the Kemper approach to a similar situation.

    Well, you might not know this, but before, in the Axe Ultra days, there was another user from Scandinavia
    who had developped a pretty decent editor for the AxeFx and the Ultra.
    One day this user was expelled from the FAS forums and the editor was no more after CC had apparently fallen out with that guy.
    So much for the 'contrast'.

  • Someone put just an Ethernet cable in the kemper and got a remote in the browser..

    Does this mean that the comms between the KPA and remote is over IP, not just raw ethernet? If it is ad-hoc IP, and also support DHCP as this suggest there are some interesting prospects: Both the KPA and remote could then be attached to an existing network and possibly controlled by applications running on computers and/or tablets shared with mixing-consoles and other audio-processing gear.

  • I think that there is no need to criticize the approach of Kemper staff . They are not giving support to this project but at the same they do not make any opposition. Probably they themselves are developing things that we do not know . I think their approach is not to blame. All in all I think this is a serious and professional approach . Kemper probably not have sufficient resources to provide direct support for this things. I think that if kemper could provide support without problems.

    I don't want to start a polemic but Fractal has a more unscrupulous commercial approach. For example the don't have any security certification. Also when they finished the display components and have to change them with another functional equivalent they have released the new Fracta Axel FX XL adding " plus" to the name. They said to people that this is needed for support reason. Please do not joke, a code in the back label is sufficient. This is like having to change a resistance or an op amp in to the KPA Kemper did exit a KPA v2 Plus Ultra to sell a new model to people that already ave an "old" KPA without this powerful new resistor. :)

    I think actual KPA will resist for decades with only SW evolutions and we need only to wait for SW editors and other tools.

  • I absolutely agree.
    I bought the Kemper "as it was" - and got even more with the time and each FW update.
    This is great!
    It is obvious, that Kemper has more great things in the pipeline (like editors and stuff - maybe even my really missed DAW plugin for kipr recalls) and I assume, that I will get them for free ... in some time.
    However, I understand the frustration of many people here, that these things that seems to be so "easy" to do and can be done by "non-professionals" in a week or two - that these things, that obviously already exist somewhere at Kemper are not released.
    I think the reason for this is, That Kemper is an engineer at first place - and a business man at second place. I realy love this. The only drawback of this is, that engibeers always want to make a "perfect" product, before it is released. We all know, that software NEVER is perfect... That might be the reason, why we have to wait for sveral "easy" things such a long time...

  • I'm also an engineer so I know how engineers think. :) For this reason I talk about Kemper in terms of a serious and professional approach. KPA is a serious machine used by professional and in this field there is no space for bugs. Any development on hw accessories, sw and firmware must be planned and evaluated in terms of risks and return of investments.
    Anyway I hope that in future KPA with some discalimer about support and possibility to change things (a new KPA OS for example) can undisclose some information to allow third parts to develop software or collaborate (use) with the community to experiment new ideas without implications on official products.
    IMHO tools like CTRLR can allow rapid develpment but are not so relible to make a professional use.

  • I have to blame this kind of whining as well.
    Expecting that what customers ask has to be developed and made available at the customers' pace sounds unreasonable to me. As if we were talking about a company that doesn't care at all. Have you ever tried and discuss with Line6? LOL
    It's clear to me that Kemper do have a vision, and that the development of the Profiler has been planned and is following a specific path. Every and each request outside it means a deviation from the plans, which I - as an Italian - can understand could make a German crazy :D

    Seriously, the team is very small. We almost know them one by one. They work hard, they're not spending their revenue at the casino while the poor user is left in straits. The recent history proves that plans have been changed for meeting the userbase's requests at least once, but I can imagine it's not easy for them.
    So I see no reason to blackmail: if you believe that Fractal is a better environment for your musical needs\expectations (my best wishes! :D ) I believe you can make your choice w\o much fuss.

    There's only one criticism I could make to Kemper: that their vision doesn't seem to coincide with mine at times. Isn't this the order of things?

    Peace :)

  • Interesting side note.

    An enthusiastic user of Axe Fx decided to develop software to allow the editing of parameters and display for for the MFC controller. Other users applauded and supported his efforts.
    Such a great job was done Fractal ended up endorsing, purchasing and selling the software.

    An interesting contrast to the Kemper approach to a similar situation.

    I so miss your negativity, when you hide in your shelter. Glad to have you back!.
    Now can we please stop hijacking this thread with the usual BS that is being introduced by the usual suspects?

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • I think that there is no need to criticize the approach of Kemper staff . They are not giving support to this project but at the same they do not make any opposition. Probably they themselves are developing things that we do not know . I think their approach is not to blame. All in all I think this is a serious and professional approach . Kemper probably not have sufficient resources to provide direct support for this things. I think that if kemper could provide support without problems.

    Well said.