Can we please get some kind of Kemper Editor Software for your computer

  • People we have to be patient, the request has been made by the majority of Kemper users, company knows it and i don't think it has (ok, it know how i mean it) another choice than to create an editor. I would like an announcement for this matter too but if they did it then we all would be like "when it will be released?" etc. So more frustration after the existing one. Announcements doesn't do good to companies because people cannot be patient about feature requests.

  • People we have to be patient, the request has been made by the majority of Kemper users, company knows it and i don't think it has (ok, it know how i mean it) another choice than to create an editor. I would like an announcement for this matter too but if they did it then we all would be like "when it will be released?" etc. So more frustration after the existing one. Announcements doesn't do good to companies because people cannot be patient about feature requests.

    Indeed, though at this point the thread is relatively dormant until usually a new user who just discovers there's no editor chimes in. Most of the nuanced discussions now are about who needs the editor and for what purposes, or the occasional user who tries to convince us that we don't really have use for it.

  • The last big enhancements for me were the foot controller (which cleaned up my stage footprint while providing additional features), and pure cab which brought genuine improvement to tone on distorted rigs.

    If there were never a foot controller, I would have been actively seeking Kemper out to fix this for me just as some here are clamoring for an editor.

    For those that have a work flow that need an editor, this is obviously a very important feature. I don't begrudge their wishes.

    However, I would say that "the majority" of KPA users are possibly fine with not having an editor. The KPA wasn't designed like the AxeIIFx to NEED an editor. In fact, some people may well have purchased the KPA simply because they didn't want to "need an editor".

    Having said that, for those whose work flow would be greatly enhanced by a decent graphical editor, this is a reasonable request and would improve the attractiveness of the platform.

    Now .... back to my great jam on my KPA .... which is sounding incredible .... as always!

  • What's the foot controller and power amp like on those?

    Hi. If you are asking what I use with Th3? I am using a Behringer FCB 1010 floor pedal which works wonderfully and is super easy to setup with any stomp box or effect and I go through an Alessis RA 150 power amp into a 4X12 Laney cab. I hope thats what you asked :) Its a personal thing but makes good sense to me.

  • Hi. If you are asking what I use with Th3? I am using a Behringer FCB 1010 floor pedal which works wonderfully and is super easy to setup with any stomp box or effect and I go through an Alessis RA 150 power amp into a 4X12 Laney cab. I hope thats what you asked :) Its a personal thing but makes good sense to me.

    Where does the actual processing happen? Do you use this live with a band?

  • Hi. Its Computer based software so there is no hardware other than FCB1010 foot pedal. I dont use it live but could if needed. I would just use a laptop in that instance. Im getting old so this does it for me now. Never knocking the Kemper or anyones ideas . This works well for me and I find that processing and arranging and the final outcome is perfect for what I do. Seems to fit in well with my tinnitus and frequency hearing loss :D Take care.

  • with 98,372 views on this subject,, do we need to continue to ask?
    Just enjoy the great tone and millions of options we now have,,
    sooner or later,, all things will come,,we got the delays,,I believe,,,it will come,,,,,

    at this point the thread is relatively dormant until usually a new user who just discovers there's no editor chimes in.

    or the occasional user who tries to convince us that we don't really have use for it.

  • For what it's worth, I just got a KPA about 3 weeks ago (absolutely loving it!! :thumbup: ) and would like to see an editor. The reasons: 1) My eyesight is not the best so having it on my computer screen would help 2) Having all the effects/amps in front of me on screen just makes it easier for me personally (have a BOSS GT-100 with an editor and find it easier to use than using the the editor on the machine).

    Don't get me wrong, Kemper has done a pretty good job with the mechanical editing and I'm sure I'll figure it out and become proficient with it but a software editor would be my preference. Just my 2 cents worth.

  • For what it's worth, I just got a KPA about 3 weeks ago (absolutely loving it!! :thumbup: ) and would like to see an editor. The reasons: 1) My eyesight is not the best so having it on my computer screen would help 2) Having all the effects/amps in front of me on screen just makes it easier for me personally (have a BOSS GT-100 with an editor and find it easier to use than using the the editor on the machine).

    Don't get me wrong, Kemper has done a pretty good job with the mechanical editing and I'm sure I'll figure it out and become proficient with it but a software editor would be my preference. Just my 2 cents worth.

    Yep, age is not friendly to eyesight. And welcome!!

  • For what it's worth, I just got a KPA about 3 weeks ago (absolutely loving it!! :thumbup: ) and would like to see an editor. The reasons: 1) My eyesight is not the best so having it on my computer screen would help 2) Having all the effects/amps in front of me on screen just makes it easier for me personally (have a BOSS GT-100 with an editor and find it easier to use than using the the editor on the machine).

    Yep. I used my Kemper on my desk. Yesterday I upgraded it. Using a shoebox so the screen is closer to my eyes when I'm sitting because it's much more easy to see it this way. I really don't like it's screen, I was thinking about getting a Helix instead, just because it's more easy to tweak for me, it's screen is much better.

  • An editor is needed, one reason is for the slightly handicapped like me i.e. my eyesight sucks, my Kemper is on a rack, as it stands I have to sit on the floor to tweak because I can't see the interface well enough. Sure if you have the kemper sitting up on your desk or perhaps on a stack and amp head , it will be at a decent level to see, but that wasn't the case for me.

    The second reason is that in this modern age of the digital home studio , it just makes sense to have that convenience i.e. if the Kemper was also built to be an asset in studio production that capability lines up with this new ecosystem.

    so +++ , pls do create a midi editor capable of tweaking and saving.

  • Just to add my tiny voice to the thousands of others asking for this... I have my KPA for a year now and use it live (amazing) and now that my studio is built im using it more and more there; its not always on the desk in front of me so I'd love to connect to it remotely and edit the profiles on a proper screen - im also slightly concerned about the longevity of the Browse knob which gets used so much... its not the easiest operating system to always find things in on the small screen, nor completely intuitive so it'd be great to have an editor which of course people can take or leave if they dont want to use it. Im sure the folks at Kemper are working on it given the clamour of demand...with the likes of the Guitar Rigs/Bias FX/Ampliube etc all having pretty nice easy to use editors it will be a great benefit to Kemper users, (and prospective customers who see many editors now out there) to offer something along these lines.


  • An editor is needed, one reason is for the slightly handicapped like me i.e. my eyesight sucks, my Kemper is on a rack, as it stands I have to sit on the floor to tweak because I can't see the interface well enough. Sure if you have the kemper sitting up on your desk or perhaps on a stack and amp head , it will be at a decent level to see, but that wasn't the case for me.

    The second reason is that in this modern age of the digital home studio , it just makes sense to have that convenience i.e. if the Kemper was also built to be an asset in studio production that capability lines up with this new ecosystem.

    so +++ , pls do create a midi editor capable of tweaking and saving.

    +1 for this. I am blind as a bat and wandering through that screen is not ideal. Please kemper, make the editor real for us the short sighted!!!!