MAB Advanced Reverb Release 3 + 4 - Rigs

  • I installed these last night. Sound awesome! Is it possible to use the effects on other rigs? I don't see anything when selecting reverb/delay. Just hear the shimmer etc. when using MABs rigs..

    Store the desired FX to your pool (either when reverb is highlighted, press store, then choose FX) or highlight the complete FX section and press store. ... If you don't know about this, you should have a look at the manual. One you have stored the presets, you can choose them from your preset pool.

  • Another easy way is to find the preset you want by loading the rigs i provided, then locking the whole fx section, or locking delay/reverb, then loading your rig. Then if you like how they sound on your rig, save, and now you can unlock.

  • Ill prob just update some of the ones ive already done. I wont have time anytime soon to play around. Sorry. Im sure Kemper will ship it with some good presets plus numerous community members will be seeking to emulate their strymon and eventide gear.

    But i do have some good stuff coming

  • Another easy way is to find the preset you want by loading the rigs i provided, then locking the whole fx section, or locking delay/reverb, then loading your rig. Then if you like how they sound on your rig, save, and now you can unlock.

    Be careful tho, if you do so and don't save the newly created rig with a different name you'll overwrite the original one, hence losing the original FX (or delay\reverb) section. :)

  • Just a note to say thanks for these rigs/presets.

    Actually had some time to 'really' dig into the KPA over the break and these certainly opened my mind a little..

    As if the verb/delay stuff wasn't enough when I hit the MkIIc rigs I nearly feel of my chair! DL'd these immediately and threw a few quid at djemass. I'm in Boogie heaven atm!


  • Hello everybody,

    I am new to the forum and absolutely amazed both by the product as well as the knowledge base supporting it.

    Meambobbo, thank you very much for sharing your rigs and presets. It is so much fun to delve into such new, characterising sounds.

    I have a question though.

    How can I import the effects listed here into my Kemper?

    I tried it with the Rig Manager but it says "Import has failed. The rig manager did not find any suitable files to import. This happens if the items are unknown or damaged."

    As described in the readme.txt, one can save the effects after loading the rigs, but it seems to me that there are more effects available than the ones, which come with the provided rigs.



  • Welcome, Hassan!

    These Rigs and presets are for an old firmware from before the delays and reverbs were updated, which necessitated a change in the file handling backend of the Kemper and the file format of the Rigs themselves. Not only are you not able to import them without changing the format, but the effects themselves are pretty redundant, as they were created as a kind of workaround to simulate the types of delays and reverbs that are now standard in the Kemper. If you are still curious to try them, you could try asking on the forum for an older compatible firmware and downgrade your Kemper (after backing it up first, of course!), though Rig Manager wouldn’t communicate with it, so you’d have to rely on import via usb stick.