NAMM 2015 Video: Kemper Booth

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  • Not sure how to take the choice of letting new Kemper owners the opportunity to get it cheaper than existing owners. I have mixed feelings about that.

    How do you guys feel?

    I am not saying it is right or wrong but.......

    I don't know if this statement byAnderton's is true.
    Thomann lists the powerhead for 2100.- Euro and the powergead plus remote set for 2599.- which is exactly what the Remote costs alone.

  • Looks like a great product, but the only thing I can make out different at the moment from other floorboards is:

    1) Integrated looper: This is a big one for me, not so big for some.
    2) Easier programming: Pressing a button to programme and holding down a stomp is really easy.
    3) Tuner bubble graphic: I think it would be a great tool to have on a dark stage.
    4) Single cable for power and communication

    Some things I've noticed:
    1) Stepping on a button A-D does not seem to deactivate other active buttons. This could make it necessary to tap dance in some situations. On my current board, I can step on a switch, it will send a CC command to activate the desired FX, while the other active stomps will be sent a 0 message to deactivate.
    2) There does not appear to be any interaction between the beat scanner and looper, or at least nothing that was explained. This would be a huge feature for loopers and I hope it will be implemented, along with my feature request for midi clock out.
    3) Those buttons aren't very silent, I could hear them despite all the noise at NAMM! They're the same as the buttons on my floorboard though and I know for a fact that activating stomps and switching profiles will be smooth.
    4) I didn't notice a marked improvement in profile switching speeds vis-a-vis my own floorboard. Perhaps that will come once firmware 3.0 is ready. I can switch about as fast on my current setup, i.e. I do not notice much latency.

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    "We're not selling that DI box right now" - Mr Christophe Kemper

    Looks like they might do so in future, judging by the way he said it. Cool ^^

    "We think it (Version 3.0) will be out in early February." - Also The Man

    Keeping my fingers crossed.

  • I still don't get the big innovation concerning D.I.-Profiling.
    Up to FW 2.7.4 it is possible to do a studio-profiling (preamp+poweramp+cab) of my amplifier and use it live by giving this signal to the FOH via main-outs and simultanously using this profile with activated cab-off-switch (i.e.: preamp+poweramp) via the monitor-out going to my real cab on stage (I use a powered KPA for this reason).

    Under OS 3.0 we will use merged profiles (D.I.-profile with merged studio-profile)
    Then again the usual studio profiles can be used for FOH in the same way as before. The new D.I.-profiles are dedicated to the real cab on stage and are to be used by switching cab-off also via the monitor out. This might be a bit more authentic than before (the cab-simulation was switched of, now the real D.I-profile is used) but methodically it is the same procedure.

    Did I get this correctly? :wacko: .

  • I still don't get the big innovation concerning D.I.-Profiling.
    Up to FW 2.7.4 it is possible to do a studio-profiling (preamp+poweramp+cab) of my amplifier and use it live by giving this signal to the FOH via main-outs and simultanously using this profile with activated cab-off-switch (i.e.: preamp+poweramp) via the monitor-out going to my real cab on stage (I use a powered KPA for this reason).

    Under OS 3.0 we will use merged profiles (D.I.-profile with merged studio-profile)
    Then again the usual studio profiles can be used for FOH in the same way as before. The new D.I.-profiles are dedicated to the real cab on stage and are to be used by switching cab-off also via the monitor out. This might be a bit more authentic than before (the cab-simulation was switched of, now the real D.I-profile is used) but methodically it is the same procedure.

    Did I get this correctly? :wacko: .

    You got it. The improvement is in better separation of the amplifier and cabinet that go into a profile. So you will have better results when playing through a real amp. Naturally, you can continue to feed the FOH with the sound of the amp + cabinet.

    The "problem" with the earlier profiling method was that a bit of the cabinet sound was blended with the amplifier and vice versa. As a result, when you played a profile through a cabinet, even with cab off, there would still be the characteristics of the original cabinet in the amp section. This "altered" profile would then go through further tonal changes through the real cabinet being used on stage, resulting in less than authentic, but still useable results.

  • If you keep the Tap button pressed, beat scanning will be listening :)

    That even applies now. What I'm wondering, and hoping that Kemper Amplifiers thinks is not a feature necessary to advertise, is that the loops we create our synced to the beat scanner or the tempo we have tapped in. This way, loops would stay in time, something that not a lot of the existing loopers on the market are very good at. It would be a feature similar to the midi clock-synced loopers that are available on the market and a huge plus when using a tool like this.

  • Some things I've noticed:
    1) Stepping on a button A-D does not seem to deactivate other active buttons. This could make it necessary to tap dance in some situations. On my current board, I can step on a switch, it will send a CC command to activate the desired FX, while the other active stomps will be sent a 0 message to deactivate.

    The Remote can do this easily. Simply assign one stomp in its bypassed state and the other one in its active state to the same switch-instant toggling!