KPA footswitch vs other footswitches

  • Hell folks, I am probably gonna get murdered for this post seeing how everyone (including myself) can't wait till the new footswitch comes out, but my question is does it really have anymore functionality than any other footswitch ? compared to FCB1010 and PODHD500X (which I use myself) does it do more that can't be done with any of these other footswitches ? I will probably drop the cash on it but I have to admit it is a bit pricey, after all is said and done, here in Canada the price will come close to $800 Canadian, it's not cheap. just wanna know the advantages of owning this unit. thanks so much.

  • I must admit, I'd rather pay the money for the Remote and know I'm always going to have total integration, to me that's worth the cash up front.
    I'm not a midi programmer either so with some other pedals you have to programme the pedal to work certain features of the KPA. (Quick and easy to set up)
    The remote can turn more than 1 stomp on with just the press of 1 button. (Very handy)
    Rig switching is suppose to be quicker. (Looking forward to this)
    The remote has a screen so you can see what's active and not active etc (My FCB doesn't do that)
    As we know at the moment the remote will enable the looper
    The remote only needs 1 lead for power and connectivity (this is a plus for me)

    so here is a few advantages of the remote compared to other foot switches

  • Raoul23, pretty convincing reply ma man. thank you very much.

  • If the parts, especially the switches are of high quality, then that alone is worth the price. Not to mention that the footswitch will be updateable in the future to continue to work with any changes to the Kemper. Plus, I will finally be able to use performance mode correctly.

    Personally, I could have lived without the looper function, lol

  • Don'T Know Why you guys are so enthusiastic With this Kontroller
    With the fcb you get one kontroller for all
    2 long midi cable 1 powercable low cost €150 = 3 cables

    With the kemper kontroller €500
    1 cable for kpa 1 cable volumepedal 1 cable expressionpedal = 3 CABLES
    and you ll have to buy a volume and a expressionpedal = €300
    Only to remote the kpa = 800€

    Don't know if i am wrong in thinking but for me the fcb uno4kpa is all you need

    Don't cruzified me

    Cry Baby Slash Classic Wah -> KPA -> main to FOH ->KRK6 -> Monitor out DXR10 -> EXP DVP3 -> Remote: Guitars: Slash Gibson Les Paul Custom Shop - James Tyler Variax JTV59 - Epiphone Les Paul with EMG 81 - Furch GN2 Nylon -> Maybach Lester 60 -> Kemper Powered Cab -/ Focusrite Scarlett

  • I'm running a Voodoo Labs Ground Control. I can access more performance slot rigs than I could ever use, and program the additional switches for any of the Kemper effects. I have one switch for a dedicated tap tempo.
    I can program whatever name I want to call the rig, and have it show up on the controller screen.
    I can run 2 expression pedals. Street price is $399 USA.
    With that said, it would be wonderful to be able to plug in and go, with the KPA footswich, and avoid the midi programming.
    Is that worth the extra $200?... probably...

    Ooops... add in a TC looper pedal pedal for $100... .we're getting closer!

    Bringing music to the people.... one dirty little club at a time! :thumbup:

  • Rig switching is suppose to be quicker. (Looking forward to this)

    I don't understand why should rig switching be faster than MIDI switching. Only reason I can imagine is, that Kemper wants to motivate people to buy the remote. The same what I feel from Lopper being exclusive to remote users. Even if all the processing is done in KPA.

  • I don't understand why should rig switching be faster than MIDI switching. Only reason I can imagine is, that Kemper wants to motivate people to buy the remote. The same what I feel from Lopper being exclusive to remote users. Even if all the processing is done in KPA.

    Im not a tech savvy person but maybe it's the way the information is transferred
    and processed by the Kemper with the ethernet cable that connects the remote and KPA.

  • I don't understand why should rig switching be faster than MIDI switching. Only reason I can imagine is, that Kemper wants to motivate people to buy the remote. The same what I feel from Lopper being exclusive to remote users. Even if all the processing is done in KPA.

    Have you considered just how old (ancient) the midi specification is. There is latency in generating the specific CC and latency again in decoding and applying it. The KFC (I still like that name ;) ) likely does it all as an extension of the Kemper operating system....using NO midi whatsoever. As such, the switching would be necessarily much faster.

    Further, the release notes talk about a smooth transition (cross-fade) between the selected rigs to further eliminate latency.

  • There is latency in generating the specific CC and latency again in decoding and applying it.

    I don't think MIDI is not good enough. If MIDI was the main cause of switching latency, we would not get latency when switching rigs with KPA buttons. IIRC transferring MIDI PC takes 2bytes@31250 = 512us. Decoding two bytes with CPU running at ~50MHZ takes no time. But we will see with new fw, if switching latency will get better.
    The crossfade should have nothing to do with the remote, I think.

  • I'm running a Voodoo Labs Ground Control. I can access more performance slot rigs than I could ever use, and program the additional switches for any of the Kemper effects. I have one switch for a dedicated tap tempo.
    I can program whatever name I want to call the rig, and have it show up on the controller screen.
    I can run 2 expression pedals. Street price is $399 USA.
    With that said, it would be wonderful to be able to plug in and go, with the KPA footswich, and avoid the midi programming.
    Is that worth the extra $200?... probably...

    Ooops... add in a TC looper pedal pedal for $100... .we're getting closer!

    My Kemper is supposed to be here Wednesday. I will be using my GCP as well. I am totally a midi rookie. Was the GCP easy to set up and set instant access with the Kemper? I got it figured out for my Eleven rack so I assume the process is similar.

  • For me, the deal maker is the 4 jacks for continuous foot controllers. I like the quality of the fx in the KPA very much, but have always wanted more ways of "getting at" them. FCB1010 allows 2 such foot pedals, POD500 also 2 (if you add one via the exp2 jack).

    I like to have reverb and delay readily "blend-able" on individual pedals, but the 3rd element I really look forward to is the ability to inversely control/blend amp gain & volume (i.e. Gain up / Vol down, and the other way around) as you roll the pedal... Should allow you to really explore all the possibilities of a given profile.

  • For me, the deal maker is the 4 jacks for continuous foot controllers. I like the quality of the fx in the KPA very much, but have always wanted more ways of "getting at" them. FCB1010 allows 2 such foot pedals, POD500 also 2 (if you add one via the exp2 jack).

    I like to have reverb and delay readily "blend-able" on individual pedals, but the 3rd element I really look forward to is the ability to inversely control/blend amp gain & volume (i.e. Gain up / Vol down, and the other way around) as you roll the pedal... Should allow you to really explore all the possibilities of a given profile.

    +1. This is indeed an advantage. It will be 6 independent controllers in summary (4 on the Rmote and 2 on the profiler).
    And I have high hopes that with NRPN we get new possibilities of interacting and getting at the FX.

  • I'm running a Voodoo Labs Ground Control. I can access more performance slot rigs than I could ever use, and program the additional switches for any of the Kemper effects. I have one switch for a dedicated tap tempo.
    I can program whatever name I want to call the rig, and have it show up on the controller screen.
    I can run 2 expression pedals. Street price is $399 USA.
    With that said, it would be wonderful to be able to plug in and go, with the KPA footswich, and avoid the midi programming.
    Is that worth the extra $200?... probably...

    Ooops... add in a TC looper pedal pedal for $100... .we're getting closer!

    Decide how much your time is worth to you per hour, and how much time the Remote can save you by avoiding future MIDI programming ;)

  • Has Kemper confirmed that you need the KFC to access the looper functionality?

    no options via midi/NRPN approach?

    On the webpage of the Remote, they explicitly state that it is exclusively for Remote users.

    I really got to rail at the idea of switching with midi board being slower than switching through the Kemper floorboard. That's a bit like snake oil, don't you guys think, given that there are plenty of people with refrigerator size rack cases full of midi gear that switches in an instant? And there are plenty of lower end floorboard devices that switch in ultra-fast times as low as 7 milliseconds. Even a simple Zoom.

    That said, I don't experience much latency when switching with my existing midi controller, so perhaps this is marketing hype, I would love to see some A/B tests or videos demonstrating switching times.

    It remains to be seen if NRPN functions will be immediately accessible with the Remote. There are a few other controllers on the market that use this protocol, so I'm wondering whether these will also be able to access the higher functions of the Kemper, or whether they will be blocked like the looper. Finding it difficult to find a justification for the looper being unavailable to non-this at the moment, it will perhaps all become clear when there is more information and demonstrations of the Remote available.