Further more if it turns out that you need a buffer, you already have one in the Profiler. If you are ok with loosing one effects slot, you can put an effects loop right to the first slot, and hook your pedals in there.
Thanks so much. cheers.
Further more if it turns out that you need a buffer, you already have one in the Profiler. If you are ok with loosing one effects slot, you can put an effects loop right to the first slot, and hook your pedals in there.
Thanks so much. cheers.
My answer is basically the same as Wheresthedug. A buffer before or after outboard pedals is about the pedals and not the amp (Profiler or otherwise).
Are the pedals pulling the signal down? Does it sound darker with the pedals in line? If so - use a buffer no matter what you're plugging in to.
Thank you very much.
Although there are a lot of boutique pedal that are Truebypass, most pedals have a buffer built it. if you have a tuner at the front pf the board it probably already includes a buffer. Therefore, whether you need a buffer or not depends on what pedals you are running, their order and how long your cable run is between the last pedal and Kemper. Basically, if the Kemper sounds the same plugging straight into the front as it does through the pedals then you don’t need buffers. If there is noticeable high end loss then you do.
Thank you so much Alan. cheers.
Hi all, would you recommend using an input buffer in front of the other pedals, if you are using other pedals and an output buffer before you go direct into kemper ? is that a good idea ? no ? thanks so much. cheers. Ed
if the tremolo stops when you disconnect the cable from the pedal input the problem was either caused by a faulty or open cable or if the pedal was connected to the cable there might be an issue with the expression pedal.
Hi there, got it fixed, the problem was that the two cables from the monitor speakers going into the back of the Line 6 PODHD500X because not only I use that for the Midi control of the Kemper but also I use it by itself sometimes to make demos and play and stuff, when in fact those two cables must be going into the back of the DAW Interface , then the Kemper works beautifully as always. I am sure you already knew this as you seem to be quite an expert in this, but I am just happy it worked out and learned something new so I thought I reported it in full detail. thanks so much for your help. you're support reflects your awesome product. cheers from Vancouver, Canada. Ed
is an open cable connected to a pedal input that is configured to work as a volume pedal? If there is no pedal connected to the other end of the cable the Profiler will modulate the volume in a cyclic fashion.
Hey thank you so much for your reply, yeah a mission engineering pedal , should I just disconnect it ? what is the solution please ? thanks so much.
I just updated everything and when I turn the Kemper on there is some kind of a tremolo delay sound that I can't shut off, no matter what profile I use. this is Kemper rack. is there something I need to shut off ? I can post a video of the problem too. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance. cheers. Ed
you can set the clock to any rate you like but anything other than 44.1 adds some latency to the SPDIF signal compared to the analog signal which can be an issue for some people.
Alan, did not know that, thank you so much. cheers.
You are using an IR cab pack with the Kemper? Why?
On page 6 of the Output option menu is where you set your SPDIF clock. I'm pretty sure you can re-amp with any clock frequency you want, so long as it matches what recorded freq was.
Hey man, thanks so much for the reply, just to try out different cabs and sound , you know us gear junkies. , cheers.
Hi all, hope all is well. excuse me for a novice question. but I just gotta CAB pack that has 44.1 48 and 96 hrz in there, I am just wondering because Kemper as awesome unit as is, can be finicky at times, I know for reamping you need to be in 44.1 on your interface in order for it to work and all, If I use a 48 cab or 96 for that matter, I am hoping that's not gonna affect anything is it ? I am getting a new interface with SPDIF , so I can't try anything right now, that's why I am asking. thanks in advance. cheers. Ed
Hi all, hope everyone is safe and sound. Just gotta new Mbox 3rd generation interface and it has word clock Midi, Spdif connector that you need a breakout cable, I can get the breakout cable just wanna make sure that it works just as a regular spdif cable for reamping, anybody tried ? thanks in advance. stay safe. cheers.
Thanks guys. cheers.
Hi all, just wondering before the release of the editor , there was a rig pack with all the delay effects on there, now it's gone, I have the latest rig exchange and editor installed and no where to be found. even under the stuff with Bill Rupert and all. I only ask because there was an old profile called Boo Hotel with the most beautiful clean and delay profile, now no where to be found. just thought I put this up, maybe someone knows. thanks in advance. cheers.
Hi all. the two windows at the top where the vertical shows the folders and the rigs and the horizontal next to it where all the profiles are are so small. is there a way to make them bigger ? no view option in rig manager and usually in cases like this you can put the mouse at the bottom of any window to become a two pointed arrow and make things bigger, you can't do it in the rig manager ? is there an option ? thank so much cheers.
You need the latest Beta version of the Kemper OS for RM 3.0. It is 7.1.7 already at the moment.
Ok found it. thanks so much maarten1945 cheers.
You need the latest Beta version of the Kemper OS for RM 3.0. It is 7.1.7 already at the moment.
maarten1945 thanks so much. where do I get that ? in the download section ? cheers. thanks again..
Hi all. hope all is well. I updated my rack Kemper to 7.1.5 which is the latest version, than downloaded and installed the latest rig manager which is 3. and now when I start rig manager it says your profiler needs a newer update , 7.1.6 , this might take a few minutes to arrive. that version does not even exist. what am I doing wrong ? Paults ? Ingolf ? thanks so much in advance. cheers.
Thanks Paul. cheers.
Hi all. everything works when I go into rig exchange I can test all profiles within everything, but when I go to All Presets and Preset Pack > Kemper Factory, I cannot double click and have kemper switch to that profile like it does with every other profile. it only happens in All Presets and Preset Pack, funny enough it was working 2 nights ago now all of a sudden... any ideas ? greatly appreciate your time. cheers. Ed
Hi all. now I have done reamping with my Kemper and it was pretty good, and I did it with SPDIF too but I am just curious as to what result I get if I go with an active DI box and a Re amp box. like the ones that Radial have. than you would just treat the Kemper as a regular amp, and I wouldn't have to mess with the reamp sense and all the other inputs and outputs that you have to setup. I wonder if you can still click on different rigs in the rig exchange to change sound on the fly. sorry if I sound like a noob, but I am . any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. cheers. Ed