Remote details and price announced!

  • I closed the eyes :sleeping: ... forgetting the price ... ;) push the Paypal button and ... done! 8o

    So, now, let's hope ... and in the meanwhile my wife will never have to know or Kemper Team have to find a place for me there to stay!!!!!!

    Early Bird ... became ... Shot Bird, you know what I mean!
    Ah, now I understood the 70 waiting days... are for us ... to find reasonable excuses/reasons before the machine enters the house ...

    I hear ya with the wife thing. I love the fact that she does all of the bill work every month............I also hate the fact that........she does the bill work every month.

    A voice comes from the other room-
    "Uh honey......what is this Kemper thing on the Visa card......oh...wait a minute...di..didnt you already spend $2200 dollars on one of these?! Yes, that green thing in your music room.......... Well ? :evil:
    "Uh ...yes dear...but this is the rest of it. :whistling:

    A couple hours later we are talking again but.........not what I want to talk about.

  • A looper does not require visual feedback...period. its hilarious how many times people say "just use your ears" in regards to eq, clean sense, etc. But when it comes to a looper, they act like its impossible to work without visuals...despite numerous products that already work as such.

    I think the sync and display between kpa and kpr looks perfect, and its probably best to use the kpr. But i still dont buy the requirement to use the looper.

  • Meh, I don't wanna be a bastard here, but truth be told, I really can't buy this fable that the looper only works with the remote for "optimal integration".
    In fact, even the rig switching delay kind of looks suspect to me now.
    The thing is: MIDI messages are simply a few bytes (2 or 3), and sending 16 to 24 bit is really nothing. To switch a rig, play/stop a looper you need only one message and that's gonna be far, far faster than any of us can perceive. MIDI message cannot possibly have an impact on the rig switching delay nor on the looper's commands response. So, if all of a sudden the Kemper Remote can switch rigs faster than other controllers can...well, I tend to think that is a sale strategy. And so it is the exclusive control of the looper with the Remote, cause you might wanna have a load of fancy interactions Remote/looper, but I can't possibly believe that you can't provide control of basic play/stop/record functions via MIDI.
    My 2 - a bit sour - cents.


  • A looper does not require visual feedback...period. its hilarious how many times people say "just use your ears" in regards to eq, clean sense, etc. But when it comes to a looper, they act like its impossible to work without visuals...despite numerous products that already work as such.

    I think the sync and display between kpa and kpr looks perfect, and its probably best to use the kpr. But i still dont buy the requirement to use the looper.

    Kind of my point. Let's wait and see what interactivity there is between the Remote and the looper, before assuming that it can be dealt with using midi switching and the KPA display. It might not be visual at all!


  • Here is a question. Forgive me if it is redundant.

    Can you assign the expression pedals plugged into the controller to any parameter? It seem you can't do that when you plug exp pedals directly into the Kemper right now. I know you can do it with midi. But that would defeat the purpose of me buying the controller.
    Thoughts? Or did I miss something in the manual? :)

  • Here is a question. Forgive me if it is redundant.

    Can you assign the expression pedals plugged into the controller to any parameter? It seem you can't do that when you plug exp pedals directly into the Kemper right now. I know you can do it with midi. But that would defeat the purpose of me buying the controller.
    Thoughts? Or did I miss something in the manual? :)

    You haven't missed anything. The Remote Quick Start manual mentions there will be additional details in a new KPA manual - we haven't seen it yet. It will hopefully be included with the official Firmware Version that supports the Remote :)

  • You haven't missed anything. The Remote Quick Start manual mentions there will be additional details in a new KPA manual - we haven't seen it yet. It will hopefully be included with the official Firmware Version that supports the Remote :)

    Yes, I'm anxious to see the new manual!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Hopefully so Paul and 'Zap', Troy has an excellent point. It wouldn't make much sense having all those EP jacks with no functionality. I'm sure Kemper had this in mind and has a solution, or will have one shortly. But just being able to plug in short cables from EP and switch to the Remote versus 20 footers to the back of the KPA will already be a small plus.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Hopefully so Paul and 'Zap', Troy has an excellent point. It wouldn't make much sense having all those EP jacks with no functionality. I'm sure Kemper had this in mind and has a solution, or will have one shortly. But just being able to plug in short cables from EP and switch to the Remote versus 20 footers to the back of the KPA will already be a small plus.

    Heck yes! Now the Yamaha with the attached cable isn't as obnoxious.

  • FYI - I was on the Early Bird list and this morning I got my Kemper invite to buy the Remote. Everything worked until I went to check out and the site gacked on both PayPal and my credit card. The only payment method that worked was the pre pay option, so I used that to get my order in motion. Kemper is saying they'll be shipping the Remotes in March.

    I did the same. Keeps my $$$ for a month in case the exchange rates get better. They send us an invoice via email and then we simply pay by transfer in the instructions. I'm more worried about their address format thing.

  • Yesterday I came across one thing that I miss from the KPR; based on the documentation one can't set the direction how the expression pedal works i.e. whether it is full on toe or heel position. Not atleast as rig or pedal type (volume/wah/pitch) specific. With midi controller like HD500 this is rather easy to do.

    As an example I'm having volume pedal for all my rigs and then as then activate either wah or pitch effect as a secondary expression pedal effect through the toe switch. Now when I activate vinyl stop' pitch effect by just pressing the expression pedal the effect activated as 'full' (=silence) and loses its meaning really, but by reversing the sweep direction for this single effect the thing works like a charm.

    With KPR I'd like to use same kind of approach together with mission engineering EP-1 KP expression pedal, but as everything is global and not freely customizeable this wouldn't be possible, but would need some different approach (dedicating the pitch effect own performance slot etc.)

  • Where from Sweetwater did you order? I was told they didn't know about it yet and it's not on their site

    I spoke with Kent Sallaz, my rep, and he said that the sales staff has been informed of a Q1 delivery and a $599.00 US price point. For me , it's a no brainer. No shipping or tax.
    The > $100.00 V.A.T. when buying from Kemper was the deal breaker for me.