Powerhead with no output.

  • Which Outputs are Linked to your Master Volume in the Output Menu?

    If you turned the Master down after adjusting another Linked Output in the Output Menu, it is possible for some of the Linked Outputs to reach "0" before other Outputs.

    Hi Paul. Thanks. How do I check this? Either way, it would not have turned the Monitor Output completely off like I found it, would it?

  • Yes - it could have turned the Output down to "0".

    There is a Checkbox in the Output Menu for each Output, to Link or Unlink the Output to the Master Volume.

    For Example:

    I have my Monitor Output Linked to the Master Volume - I use it to control the level of my onstage Monitor cabinet.

    I have my Main Outputs (this signal is sent to FOH) Unlinked from the Master. Since it is not Linked to the Master Volume, I can change the volume of my Monitor, withough changing the FOH volume.

  • Yes - it could have turned the Output down to "0".

    There is a Checkbox in the Output Menu for each Output, to Link or Unlink the Output to the Master Volume.

    For Example:

    I have my Monitor Output Linked to the Master Volume - I use it to control the level of my onstage Monitor cabinet.

    I have my Main Outputs (this signal is sent to FOH) Unlinked from the Master. Since it is not Linked to the Master Volume, I can change the volume of my Monitor, withough changing the FOH volume.

    Embarrassed I can't talk about this effectively. Here are some pics.

    Page one of output. How it sits today after I corrected per the above.

    [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/t0jaPcf.jpg]

    Page 2 of output - I think this is what you were talking about. All the volumes are apparently linked to the master.

    [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/rN4SRqY.jpg]

    This was how I found the unit when it wasn't putting any sound out through the powered speaker jack

    [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/BqIq1a0.jpg]

  • Looks like if you want to run into a cab you click monitor cab off to make sure cab emulation is not going through your speaker. You would also uncheck master volume to main out link so when you turn the volume it only changes the monitor output/power amp output. Under output make sure the power amp is on and turn up the volume. Make sure your speaker cable is plugged in the speaker port and not the monitor out port.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Looks like if you want to run into a cab you click monitor cab off to make sure cab emulation is not going through your speaker. You would also uncheck master volume to main out link so when you turn the volume it only changes the monitor output/power amp output. Under output make sure the power amp is on and turn up the volume. Make sure your speaker cable is plugged in the speaker port and not the monitor out port.

    1. I use FRFR for my monitoring on stage and rehearsals. I always want cab emulation.

    2. When I rehearse I don’t use a board so there’s no reason to unlink my Main Out from Master volume control. When I play a gig with a sound system, I have done this.

    3. When I practice at home I go through powered reference speakers using Main Out and I use the Master volume to control monitoring level.

    I know the difference between the powered speaker and output and the mains as I use them both regularly.

    Does anybody know how the unit could have, on its own, turned the monitor out to “off”, and not just a volume at zero situation, because that’s what I found.

  • Did you check the OUTPUT setting ? (post 21)
    its the only way it would get turned off
    ,different output settings for different applications.

    yes, if you read back I solved it by finding that somehow the OUTPUT setting for MONITOR had somehow been set to OFF without my changing it. Was wondering if there was some way that could have happened without user intervention?

    Is possible that somehow I accidentally turned it off...but doubtful since I never even saw that menu before having the issue.

  • @Losper

    Your pictures are showing two scenarios of the Output Settings page 1 "Output Sources". Generally, it is essential that the internal power amp is fed by the same line level signal, which is available on the Monitor Out. So all settings of the Monitor Out also apply to the internal power amp. If you set the Source of the Monitor Out to "Off" - as shown on one of your pictures - the power amp has no input signal. The default setting is "Master Mono". If you turn down Monitor Output Volume to - eternal there is again no input signal for the internal power amp. In the System Settings you find CC73, which is a pedal controller for Monitor Output Volume. That should be at maximum 127. If that would be set to 0, again no input signal for the internal power amp.

    Other than that there is the on/off switch for the internal power amp on the last page of Output Section.

    If you press "Init Globals" in the System Settings all such global controllers will be reset to their default and the power amp should produce an output signal.

  • 1.buenas.hoy he enchufado mi powehead actualizado a 5.4 y no sale sonido por la salida amplificada . Ya he probado todo.restaurar a un firmware anterior,restaurar,he mirado en settings y esta todo correcto.me temo lo peor y solamente tiene dos meses y unas 20 horas de uso.perdonad que no escriba en ingles.gracias

  • Have plugged my powehead updated to 5.4 and sound is not output by the amplified output. I have already tried everything. Restore to a previous firmware, restore, I have looked at settings and it is all correct. I fear the worst and only have two months and 20 hours of use. Please do not write in English. Thanks
    ¿Estás usando un cable de altavoz o un cable de guitarra? Un cable de guitarra se rompería por la alta corriente del amplificador de potencia.

  • Hola. Lo envié a mi distribuidor. El problema es que lo he conectado y la salida amplificada no funciona. El modelo es powerhead. Él está leyendo en sus foros y revisó las configuraciones y, en principio, todo es correcto. Incluso lo actualicé y lo reseteé, pero aún no funciona. Lo conecto con un cable de carga comprado en la tienda en una pantalla de guitarra a bajo volumen. Parece que la etapa de potencia se ha roto. No me equivoco en la vida. Se puso el tiempo de uso total y marcaba 19 por 44 minutos. Gracias