Not happy

  • Hey markyboy,

    just visit a good audio store in your quarter and ask to connect your Profiler to the best PA they have: it's the same concept of a flat cab, and you'll have a garsp about how (good) it sounds.

    Also, become confident with the parameters in the Amp section: for example, try and lower Definition down, it's a good thing to give the sound a mellower tone.
    Also, chances are you're using too much distortion: it's not needed with the Profiler as with many modellers. I'd try and clean it a bit.

    Don't give up, the tone is there, like the Pietà in a block of marble: you just have to reach it :D

  • ok ill give the Bose a try on Paults advise, have to say I have used it with one speaker before but ill try again with the suggested settings. Thank you for that.

    Yamaha DXR 10 I think our local music shop has those, ill give it a try thanks ingolf

  • Viabcroce, Thank you for your words of wisdom, I shall keep digging deep to gain gratification. The unfortunate thing is I have developed my style for shed loads of overdrive, probably too much, I find it flows much nicer ill have to adjust my style.
    Thank you for your input, its appreciated

    Ill just repeat a question and ask do I need a powered monitor for my Kemper as its already powered or will I get away with a passive? and if I do need a powered can I use a second passive for stereo?
    When using a powered or passive monitor do I go monitor out or main out as I would still like to use my cab

  • I'm confused! when you use a FRFR cab i.e the Yamaha DX doesn't the Kemper make it sound full range, or is it flat?

    What passive monitors would someone recommend?

    If passive monitors are the NL 2x12 any good or the 1x12 NL12s would these do the same job as i.e. Yamaha, Matrix NQa ?? Help!!

  • Flat Response = Full Range The Yamaha DX series are Flat Response Full Range cabinets. Non-powered monitor and PA cabinets are also designed to be FRFR.

    I don't have specific passive cabinets to recommend, but, Yamaha is a safe bet - look at their UNpowered cabinets that sell for similar prices to the DXR10 - they would have speaker components similar to their higher product lines.

  • I think the Bose-cabs are the problem, honestly I hate Bose-systems, especially for electric guitar...

    I would try good FRFR-cabs (CLR, Matrix, KPA-solutions), do you have active studio-monitors available? Try to play your KPA via the studio-monitors and you'll hear what the KPA is capable to do. Without an excellent FRFR-solution it will be hard to achieve the same sound and feel.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • You sound a bit confused, so at the risk of being slightly patronising, I'll explain the term.

    FRFR = Full Range, Flat Response
    Basically, this is a speaker that intends to reproduce the signal that's driving it as accurately as possible between 20Hz-20KHz (the maximum range of human hearing). In reality, loudspeaker systems are a series of compromises, so you'll never find one that can reproduce the whole full range of frequencies with a totally even and flat response, so generally the better models have a deviancy of +-3dB before they drop off at either end of the spectrum.

    Your guitar cab will have a range somewhere around 100Hz - 4-5KHz and won't have anywhere near a flat frequency response between those points, hence the cab having a great impact on your guitar sound. This is why generally playing through a cab is best with cab sims in the KPA switched off, so you're not colouring the sound twice. However, some rigs sound just great doing that, too.

    As you can probably see, the KPA is a tweaker's paradise and you could lose weeks messing about , polishing your sound. On the other hand, if you're not entirely sure what you're trying to do, you could end up chasing your tail and not finding any sound you like (although statistically that must be impossible, what with the 6000+ free rigs out there, not to mention the commercial profiles!).


    Edit : well, I guess it took me so long to post, Paults beat me to it haha!

  • You're welcome markyboy :)

    I'd suggest one or two passive Atomic Amps' CLR: the best you money could buy, top notch in power and linearity and with a number of other advantages for either home, rehearsals or stage.

    And yes, a linear cab is meant to return all the nuances of the rigs you use. But if you use one along with a guitar cab the sound will change nevertheless: not sure it would be worth it (in terms of pure fidelity to the rig's sound). I'd use them in alternative, when you want to really hear the profile's sound.
    Anyway, when used together I'd use the power amp's out for the guitar cab, and the passive monitor out (or one of the main outs [or both if you end up with a couple of CLRs and/or want a W/D/W system]) for the active cab.


  • for real cabs, i use the "monitor output eq" and boost 1db treble + presence. That way you dont have to change the profile eq that also goes to FOH straight. Sounds awesome..i still dont get why people use frfr ^^ in rehearsal room i dont want a "monitorsound"...and live on stage there is a monitor anyway but i still like to have a roaring cab behind me

    In the same light, and believe me, I get what you are saying because I had a hard time with it initially....after 30+ years of playing with a cab behind me, I don't understand why I even need one anymore with monitors in front of me. I'd rather hear what the audience is hearing. For rehearsals, yes, I can see how one would prefer a real cab in a smaller setting but I have grown to really like the mic'd tone I am getting through an FRFR, even in rehearsals. I find that I get better depth of each profile and much more differentiation instead of taking on the sound of the regular cab that I am using. I just found that the profiles in the higher gain settings all sounded similar with the cabs off feature. Compensating with the output EQ just made it more of a mess, not a bad thing just not what I was hoping for.

  • Dudes, don't argue with someone who says their XXXXXX (e.g. Kemper) doesn't sound good or (insert any XXXXX reason) here. They are either not able to figure out how to adjust the sound and/or amplifications, trolling axe 2 users, or really can't find what they like/modelers aren't for them. So that's all you should really care about. If I was going to try to prove an OP wrong (not this case, im saying in general) about his opinion, it just wouldn't work cuz opinion is opinion and the web is the web and people can be idiots (again not this OP, general)

    We know the kemper is as good as any real tube, as long as you amp it correctly (read: as to your liking), and that its actually better for its economy and thousands of rigs available.

    BTW, is there a Kemper version 2 in the works, and if it is, when will it be estimated release? Cheers

  • Dudes, don't argue with someone who says their XXXXXX (e.g. Kemper) doesn't sound good or (insert any XXXXX reason) here. They are either not able to figure out how to adjust the sound and/or amplifications, trolling axe 2 users, or really can't find what they like/modelers aren't for them. So that's all you should really care about. If I was going to try to prove an OP wrong (not this case, im saying in general) about his opinion, it just wouldn't work cuz opinion is opinion and the web is the web and people can be idiots (again not this OP, general)

    We know the kemper is as good as any real tube, as long as you amp it correctly (read: as to your liking), and that its actually better for its economy and thousands of rigs available.
    BTW, is there a Kemper version 2 in the works, and if it is, when will it be estimated release? Cheers


    Well, we're not arguing, just finding out what the expectations of the OP are and about possible flaws in how the profiler gets amplified, because lots of users aren't used to go FRFR, and some, frankly speaking aren't ready for it. It's a paradigm shift from old guitar amplification as I like to say (again &amp; again).</p>

    As for Kemper 2: Not on the horizon.</p>




  • Marky Boy - if it's any consolation, I am having a similar problem trying to find that sound and having too many options! I am jut used to plugging into a 4x12 and switching on, treble and bass up high, bit of mid...done.

    The Kemper is a different proposition and I personally feel you can't instantly get a sound you want because:

    • On a converntional amp you have already committed to a Marshall/Blackstar/Fender etc. sound so you work with it and adjust quicker
    • I think it's bias is studio/FRFR and you ahve to work a bit harder to get the amp in the oom sound from a cab
    • Psycologically you know it's digital so it can't sound like a valve amp, right?

    I have the powerack as well and I guess we have the choice of powered or non powered FRFR so it's down to price and availability. Let me know if you find anything good as I'd be interested.

    What I have found so far ( 1 month in):
    Lke any amp ( x100) it takes time to get used to it. I've found it so much clearer than a "normal" amp and reacts slightly different
    Through a guitar cab, the overdrive sounds can sound similar and difficult to nail what you want
    Sounds change at volume ( due to ears and Cab)
    Playing with a band sounds different then on your own ( same as with any other amp) so you need to fiddle at volume
    The tone controls ( and other controls) are very responsive but you need to start with a good profile
    You get profile "blind" with so much choce that you end up not knowing what sounds good - ask others in you band etc!
    The chaps on here are VERY helpful and VERY patient

    I am sticking with it becuase I am 80% there with my sounds but I can't get over the versatility! It does everything in a compact package and that to me is worth it already, making it the most incredible peice of kit. So I am sticking with it to find "that" sound as I know it's there. I also think it's better on higher gain sounds, especially with the bass response...really thumps!

    I am in Derby so not too far away if I can be of any help ( suspect I can't yet!).

    I don't have an FRFR but just experimenting with going through a PA. Not been successful yet manly due to my incompetence but keep the updates coming!!

  • Thank you so much for that info V8 Guitar, just what I needed, I was beginning to think I was a sound moron, your so right total option nightmare. your right what you said about the guys on this forum to so helpful it's great! they a pretty persuasive too, I been out today and bought a Yamaha Dxr 10 and a 12. only had a short go but it sounds pretty dam good to me, but early days, what sounds good one day seems to change the next. I did want to try the kemper at a live gig but i'm reluctant to step away from my mesa boogie, like you I want a vast amount of sounds all in one box, im sick of stomp boxes and heavy amps so this seems a really good option. Thank you for your offer of help. I might be able to help you now by letting you know what the Yamahas are like after I've gigged them, from what I can tell so far the sound is pretty massive and the overdrives sound nice and smooth but I haven't properly cranked them up yet so watch this space as they say.

    Really appreciate your help


    Ps what's your name