• Hello! I have a question about the noise gate, it seems like every time I reboot the kemper the gate setting resets to 0. I can't see a lock on there so I assume you can't lock it. My question is, do noise gate settings save with the Rig? If so it seems mine isn't holding those settings, as I am always reminded of the noise gate then check it to find it's at 0.

    Thanks! Any more info about then noise gate and how you use it would be great!

  • Here is how to store the Noise Gate -

    From the manual:

    Like Clean Sens, the NOISE GATE setting is part of the Input Stage, and is stored with the rig as well as with an input preset. When the Input Stage is locked, the NOISE GATE is locked as well.

    Turn the NOISE GATE knob to the right, until noise and hum have disappeared; do not turn it beyond that point, as this might alter the sound of your guitar. When set to the appropriate position, you will notice that the noise gate is capable of eliminating noise and hum, even when the strings still sound.

  • There are also two gates for the stomp sections. I usually use the 2:1 soft gate if needed so I can remove the front control gate so I make sure it is off in case I don't need a gate engaged. There are a few choices so play with them and see what works best for you.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • I can confirm that my noise gate isn't saving unless I lock the input section. I had it unlocked (the clean sens) since I'm using Mauricio's huge rig pack and I thought he had mentioned to turn off clean sense lock as all his rigs were tweaked volume wise.

    Its a a real pain having to turn up the noise gate every time I switch rigs. Is there something I'm missing here? Thanks in advance for any help here.

  • Here is how to store the Noise Gate -

    From the manual:

    Like Clean Sens, the NOISE GATE setting is part of the Input Stage, and is stored with the rig as well as with an input preset. When the Input Stage is locked, the NOISE GATE is locked as well. ...

    This is untrue, and to my knowledge has not worked for any firmware version over the last year that I have owned my KPA. I think I even posted a thread about it somewhere on this forum. The Noise Gate does not appear to be saved with the rig.

    I suggest Locking the input settings, with the noise gate and clean sense set your your guitar.

    In my case I do not want to lock the input settings. I use different guitars and each of my performance banks is tailored for a specific guitar; part of that tailoring is the Noise Gate, Clean Sense, and Distortion Sense settings. Locking the Input Stage is not a "solution" for this problem.

    I hope that this problem will be addressed soon; it's been around for a long time...

    Edited 3 times, last by VCuomo (October 22, 2014 at 9:17 PM).

  • Try a gate in the stomp section and leave the other off. See if it works for you.

    I'm sure that would work, but that takes up a stomp slot (and in my case I don't have any free slots). And I would still have to remember to manually turn off the Noise Gate in the Input Section (having both gates on wouldn't be a good thing) since it can't be saved to an "off" setting.

  • Fair enough. I have the same issue with slots available. You wouldn't have both on though that's why I mentioned the stomp area so it accomplished what you originally wanted..staying with the rig. I believe the main gate is set and stays at that setting across the board. Could be wrong but when I checked it that was what happened.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Fair enough. I have the same issue with slots available. You wouldn't have both on though that's why I mentioned the stomp area so it accomplished what you originally wanted..staying with the rig. I believe the main gate is set and stays at that setting across the board. Could be wrong but when I checked it that was what happened.

    That's how it seems to work on my KPA. It should work the way the manual claims it works... :)

  • I do not want to lock the input settings. I use different guitars and each of my performance banks is tailored for a specific guitar; part of that tailoring is the Noise Gate, Clean Sense, and Distortion Sense settings. Locking the Input Stage is not a "solution" for this problem.

    Hey Vince, wouldn't saving (and recalling) a different Input setting for each guitar be a solution?

  • Hey Vince, wouldn't saving (and recalling) a different Input setting for each guitar be a solution?

    This is how I thought it worked with a different input setting for each guitar (with input off) but it doesn't seem to recall any noise gate info on mine; even if locked the noise gate sometimes defaults to 0 so I'm stumped and confused at this point.

  • Hey Vince, wouldn't saving (and recalling) a different Input setting for each guitar be a solution?

    It would be if the Noise Gate was saved along with the rest of the Input Section (as the manual says it should). :)

    In fact, that is really part of what I do when I tailor each slot in a performance bank for a particular guitar. But, unfortunately, the Noise Gate setting isn't being saved; or, perhaps, it really is being saved, but it's not being recalled correctly.

    Edited once, last by VCuomo (October 23, 2014 at 2:24 AM).

  • @VCuomo - Just tried the save/restore of the noise gate on my KPA and it works as noted in the manual. I should mention I tried this in browser mode. Try this:

    1. Hold your lock button down and make sure the "Input" light is not on. (didn't work for me until I noticed that the input light was on (locked))
    2. Pick a rig (load). Adjust noise gate to your liking.
    3. Save rig.
    4. Move noise gate setting to a different set point.
    5. Reload your saved rig and it should go back to what value you saved as.

    Update: Also tried this in performance mode and it worked as advertised.

    If this doesn't work, you may want to contact support. I am on OS 2.6 beta.

  • Yes! This latest post is the solution.
    1 noise gate in the input section is different rig x rig unless you lock the input... I used it for years ...
    2 it is not true that Noise Gate in the input is the same of Gate 2:1 4:1, the first works dinamically as a noise reduction plugin and interact with the frequency domain of the sound, the Gates works only on the volume of the sound cutting it down when it go under a threshold

    Conlusion is that to reduce noise a perfect combination of the 2 is a perfect solution, but if you need slot free for some rig you can use only the one in the input, and, by the way, I never found a better implementation of noise reduction-gate like this one !
    I'm able to have completely quiet rig without significantly impacting the sound almost in every situation!