Overdrive Suggestions

  • I need some suggestions for things to try. I am trying to get the Mad Professor Sweet Honey overdrive sound in an effect. It is a very transparent overdrive but add some chime and sustain without really changing the tone so much. I've been playing with the Green Scream and while it doesn't sound bad it isn't what I'm trying to get. I can just put my pedal in front of the KPA, but if anyone has some ideas on approaching it with another internal effect let me know. I've tried a few other but they seem to be more distortion or fuzz. Rather than continue I thought I might ask and reduce my curve a little.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • I've read of a few people using an OD in front of the KPA, and saying the built in ones aren't as good -- I've just ordered the Seymour Duncan 805 overdrive for exactly this purpose... but it isn't here yet, so I can't give you anything better than that!

  • Yes. Actually that is the one I have I just referenced the Honey since more people may be familiar. I too think the sweet baby is a very good pedal....it really just adds to the amp/profile without changing much. If I can't reproduce I will just carry it as it works well with every profile.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Have you thought about using the gain pedal option with an expression pedal? It adds gain without changing the overall profile structure. I use the pure boosters alot but when it came to one of my Mesa profiles it just didn't react the way I wanted it no matter what I tried. I tried the gain pedal on it and it blew me away.

  • I just bought the Mad Professor Simble Pedal,
    with this added, in my opinion, many Rigs sounds much more natural
    Its great Pedal for all purposes.

    I saw that one and it was definitely interesting. What you described is what I'm looking to accomplish within the KPA if possible.

    the AC booster. (Xotic Effects) - is the bee all and end all of OD pedals. (IMO).

    Have you made any attempts to replicate it within the KPA? It seems all of the OD/Dist options are going to be more distortion based. I will try some of the other ideas presented, but it may just be a matter of leaving the pedal in front of the KPA and I would then gain an open slot...(nice bee reference.)

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • Bshaw92,

    I'm up to a couple dozen OD pedals so far, and the Sweet Honey was the one that made me a Bjorn Juhl believer. I liked the BJF Honey Beest a bit more (better active EQ section, more body) and the Sparkling Yellow OD1/3 even more (I have both. The 'American Mode' has a slightly brighter, more transient character that helps rhythm guitars jump out of the mix.)

    Those are for rhythm. For lead, it's the creamy Mad Professor Amber Overdrive. I have all of these running at extremely low drive levels into relatively gainy (JCM-800ish) amp models. I know it sounds like I have some kind of crush on Mad Professor/Bearfoot FX, but I'm cutting to the chase here or this could be a very long winded post!

  • Two "master of the obvious" overdrive suggestions:

    Turning up the profile Gain up a little bit pushes the front end up the amp like a transparent pedal does.

    Find a dynamic sounding profile that has entirely too much gain to be useful for you. Turn the Gain down just enough for it to be a boosted sound for you - it will be just as, if not more, dynamic than it was before.

  • Never been a fan of boost pedals, I get my tone and I'm happy with it, why mess with it? I might add some treble or cut bottom and add mids but only with the amps EQ and only if I wasn't in a 3 piece band and don't really have much competition in my frequency range. I use a clean boost post amp and/or Pure Boost in the pre section and I kill any mod effects for solos. Nothing dramatic just boosting what I already like.

  • Try the Dual Terror profile I uploaded with and without the SB and you will have a point of reference. The gain is much more than I typically use but you can see the slight change and addition of dynamics the pedal added without really changing the amp base tone. FCV2G9 with and without SB.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup: