• This set really is phenomenal. I have only played with single coils so far but the tone has everything - thickness and yet plenty of cut in the treble without being fizzy or over-bright. These are dynamite for SVR tones - hard to put the guitar down when you get going on these. The pedal boosted tones - and there is such a diversity - are great. I really had fun with the Rockett Chicken Soup tones.

  • I got the Grammatico SSS Pack, loaded the Performances without any audition, added an auto-wah to a couple of open slots, and dove right in with them at a friendly jam session party a friend hosted this weekend. The only thing I was lacking was adding my normal 5 dB boost as a morph, which I tried to add on the fly, mostly successfully. Looking forward to a deeper dive when I have time.

  • Hi Michael, I have a difficult question ?. Hope you can help me out. If you play only a Gibson Les Paul and have to use 5 Mbritt profiles to cover the whole spectrum of music from pop tot rock for a live gig. (Clean/Clean+/Chrunchy/Rhythm/Blues Lead/ Rock Lead/ Big solo). Which Mbritt profiles would be perfect for this? Thanks.

  • Hi Michael, I have a difficult question ?. Hope you can help me out. If you play only a Gibson Les Paul and have to use 5 Mbritt profiles to cover the whole spectrum of music from pop tot rock for a live gig. (Clean/Clean+/Chrunchy/Rhythm/Blues Lead/ Rock Lead/ Big solo). Which Mbritt profiles would be perfect for this? Thanks.

    That is so hard to say. It's all personal taste after a point. For me, I like blackface type clean tones, mid-gain tones either a klon into a blackface or a matchless, and lead tones I like marshall type tones. That being said, lately I've been using the Grammatico SSS profiles for almost everything. I like the clean tones and the mid gain tones with pedals in front (lately I've been using the CS profiles). I also use one of my older Matchless C30 rigs for mid gain and my 72 Marshall for lead tones. In the past for clean tones I've used predominantly my 3rd Power Blackface cln or Morgan RCA35. These are just my starting points and then I tailor them for the songs we do. I create performances for each song, but I do keep one generic performance for when I just need a basic bank of sounds and that's typically what it has in it. Currently, I have the SSS MB4 in slot 1, SSS T1 in slot 2, Match C30 R5 in slot 3, SSS CS2 in slot 4, and 72 Mars 1 2 in slot 5. All have probably been slightly edited but that's what I use.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Thanks Michael, much appreciated. In which packs are the 72 Mars 1 2 and Match C30 R5?

    That is indeed the question. And after scouring my packs and such I've discovered that those two aren't in any of my packs. Those amps do appear in Pack 1 but those specific ones I made at a later date and since I had already included those amps with similar profiles I just never released them as they seemed redundant. I'll see what I can do... I know the Match C30 R3 is very similar to the R5, it's just a different C30 amp I was profiling. The 72 Mars I have profiled numerous times as it is my personal amp and I keep trying to beat what I've gotten.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I don't have an extensive guitar collection, so my rare, recent addition of a used G&L S-500 Deluxe and used G&L ASAT Classic got my blood running hot. Up to this point, I have been more of a Les Paul type guitar player, but these caught my eye and even after playing about 6 strats and 5 teles, first, the G&L were like 'take me home baby, you KNOW you want me!' (I think you know what I mean...).

    I knew I had to find 'the right' profiles for these ladies, so I tried using them with a bunch of different rigs. I have to say that not surprisingly, so far, some of the Grammatico Profiles are prominently in the lead. I'm not done exploring (I have a pretty good collection to review), but I've already set up one of (at least) three Performances which will be my 'live rig' for the immediate future.

  • Yes, the long-awaited Morgan Pack is out. It took me longer than I anticipated but I finally got there. I know it's a bigger and more expensive pack but this is in cooperation with Joe Morgan as his first official Morgan Kemper Pack and I want to make sure he is getting properly taken care of for his great amps. I know the stock AC20 is a gold standard for Kemper profiles so that was a bit daunting but I hope my AC20 6* holds up against it. It's no secret that the RCA35 was my go-to profile on the road last year, and the other amps have some really neat tones and textures. I damaged a tendon in my right ring finger about 5 weeks ago so it's been in a splint and it's hard to play (or type) cleanly with it so I sought assistance from Tom Samulak to help me out with the demo video. I hope the tones work for you guys!

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    I'm a little late for the party, but now I've bought the morgan pack on Black Friday.

    Thank you for the excellent profiles and especially for creating the performances!
