• Picked up the CSR pack the other day. I have to say, I've only had a quick blast through about a fifth of the pack and it's already my favourite MBritt pack. Really really great. Diverse and useful, the whole lot. To be honest, this is what I was hoping the Colonial pack would be, but for some reason, I never clicked with that one. Well done Michael and Jamie. This will be getting lots of use.

  • https://www.kemper-amps.com/forum/www.mbritt.com is back up and running with much more bandwidth at our disposal. Thanks for the patience and I apologize for the inconvenience.

    Let me know if you guys have any product questions or comments. I've been digging out of emails and fixing site problems all morning. Thanks for the support! \m/

    No apology required. I think we all know how much of your time this takes!
    Anyway, first time buyer here. I just bought the 3rd Power pack and am awaiting the download link. Forgot about the Black Friday code but whatever.
    Can't wait to try these out! :thumbup:

  • I just bought the Britt Heavy, 800, Rack, and Tweedy packs.... looking forward to using these! Also just bought the Everything Pack from Tone Junkie so I'm gonna be busy for awhile now! Buying Profiles is so much better than downloading any software update crap I ever did when I had my Fractal Axe Fx 2 XL+. So glad the Kemper exists!

  • Picked up the CSR and had just a quick rig rundown (kpa style, not premier guitar ;) and now anxiously waiting to try some of these out with a band.

    For those that already been trying out the CSR pack, any particular new favorites for live application that made it to the 'A'-list?

    @lonestargtr I recall you mentioned somewhere that the gain channel cabinets are same to the ones in the Kemper Cab Pack. Is there some logical mapping from the CSR gain channel cab number to e.g. Kemper Cab Pack that one could decode the actual cabinet blend for a given profile?

  • Picked up the CSR and had just a quick rig rundown (kpa style, not premier guitar ;) and now anxiously waiting to try some of these out with a band.

    For those that already been trying out the CSR pack, any particular new favorites for live application that made it to the 'A'-list?

    @lonestargtr I recall you mentioned somewhere that the gain channel cabinets are same to the ones in the Kemper Cab Pack. Is there some logical mapping from the CSR gain channel cab number to e.g. Kemper Cab Pack that one could decode the actual cabinet blend for a given profile?

    The gain profiles were done with some of the cabs from the Kemper Cab Pack but there were probably some additional tweaks/blends that are unique to the CSR pack. I wish I could be more specific but I've probably shot over 100 different IRs and after slight tweaks to those and fine tuning tweaks, I ended up with a ton of IRs. That's the reason the naming on the cabs is so bizarre. I just kept trying to come up with abbreviations and codes that I could use to keep them all straight. A lot of trial and error to figure out which ones I liked for the cab flavors on the CSR pack. Most all of them use the 3P 212 along with a Marshall 412 w/ greenbacks or the 3P w/V30 blended in. Between the level blending between the cabs and slight eq applied when mixing cabs there is quite a bit of variation but they may not be the exact cabs in the Kemper Cab Pack, but slight variations.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Picked up the CSR and had just a quick rig rundown (kpa style, not premier guitar ;) and now anxiously waiting to try some of these out with a band.

    For those that already been trying out the CSR pack, any particular new favorites for live application that made it to the 'A'-list?

    @lonestargtr I recall you mentioned somewhere that the gain channel cabinets are same to the ones in the Kemper Cab Pack. Is there some logical mapping from the CSR gain channel cab number to e.g. Kemper Cab Pack that one could decode the actual cabinet blend for a given profile?

    For me...the profiles that are created with @lonestargtr 's 3P 212 used as the cab are perfect for live use with my band. They sit perfectly when used live.The CSR profiles have replaced the Colonial profiles for live use with my band. Not that I won't use the Colonials again but I love the way the 3rd Power profiles turned out. So great to have so many options at our disposal. Thanks to Michael!!

  • Picked up the CSR and had just a quick rig rundown (kpa style, not premier guitar ;) and now anxiously waiting to try some of these out with a band.

    For those that already been trying out the CSR pack, any particular new favorites for live application that made it to the 'A'-list?

    @lonestargtr I recall you mentioned somewhere that the gain channel cabinets are same to the ones in the Kemper Cab Pack. Is there some logical mapping from the CSR gain channel cab number to e.g. Kemper Cab Pack that one could decode the actual cabinet blend for a given profile?

    And I forgot to mention, I'm using the gain 2 4 1 rig for many of my solos in our live show. I'm partial to the G 5 clean tone when playing around the house.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Depends, I could have stayed on C6 or C7 all night for my country gig this past weekend, and in fact I did for the most part. I also like a lot of Jamie's tweaked profiles, or the ones deemed to be "his" with the J next to them on the gain side of the profiles. They literally are all amazing in my opinion, every single one is usable and great, not one "ok" profile in the pack in my opinion. I'm willing to bet the ones I gravitated towards more were the greenback and V30 cabs blended in if I had to guess.

  • Got the CSR pack as well - it's just freakin fantastic. The profiles with the Celestion Gold speaker are just magic in a mix and the high gain stuff is all really usable too. As usual, the problem is picking just a few to use.

    Time to start saving up pennies up for a real 3P ;) I wonder if Jamie will see a spike in orders now?

  • Got the CSR pack as well - it's just freakin fantastic. The profiles with the Celestion Gold speaker are just magic in a mix and the high gain stuff is all really usable too. As usual, the problem is picking just a few to use.

    Time to start saving up pennies up for a real 3P ;) I wonder if Jamie will see a spike in orders now?

    Welll...I plan on grabbing the combo version of this very amp so I certainly hope so.

  • We seem to be at an inflection point regarding the Kemper and other platforms cannibalizing "real" amp sales. It will be interesting to see if embracing "official" Kemper profiles (in the case of MBritt 3P, Dr. Z, Celestion, etc...) will actually drive amp sales and innovation. In this case, I would have never "played" a 3rd Power amp so that seems like a win-win situation since now I am jonesing hard to buy one. I personally prefer real amps when its an option, so don't want to indirectly contribute to the act of driving anyone out of business by buying a profile.

    OK, enough babbling - back to playing the 3P CSR G 5!

    Great job as usual Mike.

    Edited once, last by eskimoke (December 1, 2017 at 9:53 PM).

  • Not sure if you guys noticed, but he used the Fathead II mic again for this one. On the Sweet 16 pack, it think it was mostly a R101 ribbon (not the R121) that was used for the blend. I definitely like the FH II profiles the best and the 3P CSR is fabulous.

    I'm going to try the cab pack on the Top Jimi merged profiles