• Hey @lonestargtr,

    Bought your Diaz mini pack earlier today & have to say - NICE ... excellent profiling job man!

    ... fat, warm cleans, smooth break-up tones & beefy distortion ... just what you'd expect from a Diaz ^^

    I do have a question:
    Are you considering getting your hands on some more Dumble clones in the future (i.e. Bludotone, Van Weelden Twinkleland or even another ODS ...)


  • Gotta agree the Diaz and the Boc pack look great man, will add to the already collection. New packs are great.
    well done my friend, keep up the good work please

    I found this especially useful
    I find the Definition control extremely useful in dialing in profiles as it can sweep the focus of the overall eq with out having to grab the eq knobs. I often start there.
    If you find the profile “dull”, start by turning up the Definition. If you find it harsh, try turning the Definition down til it smooths out.

    New kemper users should check out this mans tips on using the Kemper (his videos) Before you can judge the kemper and compare it to say the Axe or what ever.. LEARN THE FULL POWER/FUNCTION OF THIS THING THEN COMPARE IT, Our own MBritt is helping that task along quiet well.

    And for that i support him and grab his stuff.
    And its sounds killer too

    He is even turning to heavy metal, read that on the heavy pack, so what can i say , how can you not love this man :D


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 2 times, last by ashtweth (March 3, 2016 at 4:12 AM).

  • I have to agree. It's taken me almost 3 years to fully understand the power and versatility the Definition parameter gives you. Now I want to go back through all the profiles I discarded and try tweaking with that control only. It really is that great, especially for adapting profiles that work well with one guitar but not another.

    Edited once, last by sambrox (March 3, 2016 at 10:10 AM).

  • I do not think that I am competent enough to make a serious review. So just my impressions.
    I tested without any effects at the moment with my Tele. I need to love the basic sound before I go further with treatment..
    I can understand when people says, MBritt profiles are outstanding and there would no need for other profiles. I have the same feeling , similar when I tested Andy (TAF), guidorist , Bert Meulendijk and some other.

    The MBritts Profiles needs almost no tweaking for a good sound. But even with some modification they do not loose their identity.
    The 69 Marshall Pack serves excelent a wide range of music style from clean to hard rock. I can imagine also for heavy stuff, but this I don't test and play.
    The tweedy pack fills my heart with nostalgic feelings - so I almost can not be objective. I love them up to a low middle gain amount. For higher gain I prefer Marshall.

    Guytron-Pack and Jim Kelley pack seems for me some special for that I am not familiar. Sounds very interesting. I think they deserve a thorough investigation to check, if I can incorporate them for me.

    thank you, every advise is worthy

  • I just bought the 69 Marshall and D packs and both are great. I have a Ceriatone OTS with vintage tubes in it and love this pack.

    While going through the Marshall profiles I was playing my strat and was on the profile 8T 2 which is with a Timmy pedal in it. I enabled the slots that came preloaded with EQ and the drive pedal (I'm going from memory but I think it was the tube screamer) and had that grinn moment. I wailed away for a while on that one and was hearing Gary Moore's tone from playing Red House at the Fender 50th Anniversary Concert. Add a little slap back delay with a couple repeats and a touch of reverb and you're there. This is a great MEAN strat tone!

    Thank you Michael Britt for

    Gary Moore link

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • I thought the Diaz might just work for me and hmm ... they certainly do. Very sweet warm cleans - beautiful with neck humbuckers and single coils. The more driven profiles come up very well too. One of your best sets I think Michael. Kudos.

  • Downloaded the BoC set last night. Haven't had a chance to dive in all the way yet, but that K4 EQ really sounds really great with my Taylor 415. Looking forward to cranking up the Traynors and the Goldfingers. Another great set, Michael!!

    One question @lonestargtr: Do you happen to take pics of all the amps you profile? The gear nerd in me would like to see the actual amps that I'm playing through...

    Thanks man!

  • Downloaded the BoC set last night. Haven't had a chance to dive in all the way yet, but that K4 EQ really sounds really great with my Taylor 415. Looking forward to cranking up the Traynors and the Goldfingers. Another great set, Michael!!

    One question @lonestargtr: Do you happen to take pics of all the amps you profile? The gear nerd in me would like to see the actual amps that I'm playing through...

    Thanks man!

    I try to take pics of all the amps I profile. There have been a few cases where I just forgot but I have most of them. I have to figure out a way to show them off that won't violate any copyright laws. I can't be using them on the website for legal reasons without a lot of editing or cropping. Maybe I can just put them in a photobucket library or something? I'll work on that. Thanks!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • How are the Jube profiles anyone?

    The Jubilee profiles are pretty darn nice, fast becoming my go to Marshall sound, I got caught up playing the Jubilee profiles for a couple hours alone last night to be honest. This set of heavy profiles seem to have a brighter edge to them vs some of the previous Mbritt packs with "heavier type profiles". I am really liking what I am hearing and feeling. I was getting some great sustain out of these.

  • The Jubilee profiles are pretty darn nice, fast becoming my go to Marshall sound, I got caught up playing the Jubilee profiles for a couple hours alone last night to be honest. This set of heavy profiles seem to have a brighter edge to them vs some of the previous Mbritt packs with "heavier type profiles". I am really liking what I am hearing and feeling. I was getting some great sustain out of these.

    Exactly what I thought when listening to the demos of all the new packs last night.

    I find all Michael's stuff impossible to resist...

  • I did tweak all the heavy pack with humbucker a instead of my usual Andersons so that may be one reason they're brighter I also did some custom profiling with Wolf and tried to learn a bit about heavier, edgier tones. Hope they work!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I enlisted some professional help dialing tones on some of these since it's not my usual style of music, but who knows? The more I play them the more I feel empowered! Ha. -Mbritt



    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • I really like the Heavy Pack. It's got that high gain legato feel. And also works well for Joe Satriani stuff and beyond. As for the edgier sound, it's a nice edge from all of the extra harmonics added with extra gain. Which by the way have a great punch. None of that shrill , thin and tinny. Just fat goodness. The merged profiles work well too with a real cab. But I am leaning towards the studio profile going through the cab. It gives me more roundness as best as I can describe. Please consider to continue merged profiles . They are a nice addition to the packs. Yes I really dig all the amp profiles in this pack. Thanks for making them Michael.