Kemper Versus Axe FX II - My opinion

  • ... the 80's hard rock high gain Marshallish tones Are umbeatable in the Kemper ...

    No offense, SteelEdge. Your above statement is just the trigger for my post, hehe.

    I wonder how long it takes for the last Kemper or AxeFX user to accept that the Kemper Profiler has no tones. :)
    That's the main difference to modelers which provide a selection of tones where you add your tweaks on top to get where you want to go. With the Profiler it's totally up to the profile creator to make a "tone". :)

  • No offense, SteelEdge. Your above statement is just the trigger for my post, hehe.

    I wonder how long it takes for the last Kemper or AxeFX user to accept that the Kemper Profiler has no tones. :)
    That's the main difference to modelers which provide a selection of tones where you add your tweaks on top to get where you want to go. With the Profiler it's totally up to the profile creator to make a "tone". :)

    When I plug the guitar and hit an E chord, I can assure you that I hear TONE.

    Nevermind where did that tone come from, modeler, profiler or whatever.

    What is tone anyway??? Sound??? Frequencies??? Waves???

    What do clouds smell like???? :D :D

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.

  • Well tone can be measured, and the clouds' smell felt! :)

    What lightbox was saying is that you can't probably get "any" possible sound from an Axe-Fx, while you can profile "any" sound.
    My experience is not very deep, but in the hears I've heard many people (users included) talking about the Axe's sound. I mean that they recognized a sonic signature in it.
    This is not the case with the Profiler: if you blindly listen to 50 profiles mixed with 50 (other) real amps you won't be able to tell the Profiler.

    Just voicing lightbox' idea, not trying to bash the Axe. CC is already doing it very well by himself :D

  • Well tone can be measured, and the clouds' smell felt! :)

    What lightbox was saying is that you can't probably get "any" possible sound from an Axe-Fx, while you can profile "any" sound.
    My experience is not very deep, but in the hears I've heard many people (users included) talking about the Axe's sound. I mean that they recognized a sonic signature in it.
    This is not the case with the Profiler: if you blindly listen to 50 profiles mixed with 50 (other) real amps you won't be able to tell the Profiler.

    Just voicing lightbox' idea, not trying to bash the Axe. CC is already doing it very well by himself :D

    I was just kidding ;)

    And agree 90% about what you said in last post.

    Years ago I said "Con el Axe, puedes sonar a lo que quieras...pero con el Kemper, sinarás como siempre quisiste". English traduction would approximately be:

    With the Axe, you can achieve any tone you want to....but, with the Kemper, you achieve the tone you always wanted"

    Proud Kemper+Axe FX II user.....yes, you can hook'em together, they WON'T explode.

  • The KPA SHOULD be compared with what it is advertised as. Does it replicate amps with accuracy or not?

    Comparisons with competition have more to do with personal needs after that criteria is met.

    And being totally frank, owning a KPA or FXII as an amateur musician is overkill and lavish to say the least.
    You can compare all day long each unit's merits, but it's personal skill in playing guitar and/or your engineering ears that are the limiting factors.

    We SHOULD spend more time talking about how to become better players and listeners than differences in these units or what they might lack.

    For professionals, both units get the job done. Even for many professionals, they each might rightly be considered "lavish".

  • The KPA SHOULD be compared with what it is advertised as. Does it replicate amps with accuracy or not?

    Comparisons with competition have more to do with personal needs after that criteria is met.

    And being totally frank, owning a KPA or FXII as an amateur musician is overkill and lavish to say the least.
    You can compare all day long each unit's merits, but it's personal skill in playing guitar and/or your engineering ears that are the limiting factors.

    We SHOULD spend more time talking about how to become better players and listeners than differences in these units or what they might lack.

    For professionals, both units get the job done. Even for many professionals, they each might rightly be considered "lavish".

    I think you resume it well. The KPA do very well what it is suppose to do and I'm happy with it. I'm so satisfy that I don't feel the need to own other devices to compare, including AFX firmware xx. And yes, owning both is overkill for the vast majority of musicians. My backup is a Zoom G3 and I never had to use it in a gig! :D

  • dude, i appreciated your balanced opinion, but this thread was doomed from the beginning... it's like jumping in a bathtub filled with piranhas and asking them "if you don't bite me, i'll tell you a secret..." apologies though, i can see my contribution in further derailing... just tried to throw them another bait :) peace.

  • No mate, I don't really like playing through monitors. I like the trouser-flapping-head-thumping wallop that you get from a 4x12 cab. I always ask the soundman at gigs to kill my guitar in the monitors completely, and to just give me some kick drum.

    ...and to still offer you something usefull: maybe this could be of interest for you - you can leave the cab-sim on and still have someone to take care of your trousers. since you have the passive version: they do offer poweramps as well.

  • if you guys are still wondering how to spend your time (or how to actually make use of your gear) this might serve as an example. exquisite kemper fun. nice tune

    Great playing and great video. :thumbup:

    And not to forget: special greetz to Oswin. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • :D:D:D:D:D WOHN WOHN WOHN WOOOOHN ;(;(:thumbdown: Drunk girls don't hear tones silly rabbit..... :rolleyes:
    Did I really read this whole thread???? ?(?(:whistling::whistling: I really should have kept on playing instead, I needs the practice :thumbup: I love keyboard tough guys and over knowledgeable condo owners as much as the next guy... But reeeeally...really?? Great try at saying what you thought but SURELY YOU KNEW.

    Now remember.....Dodge, Chevy, Ford, Harley, Honda, Kawasaki...Its inevitable :sleeping::sleeping:
    The Internet and cell phones the best and the worst things we ever got.... :thumbup::thumbdown::pinch:

    Wake me when Gilmour rings in....Wait..... :sleeping:8o I don't care what he likes either...
    :love: I likes what I likes :thumbup:

    Sorry, but I had to since I sat and endured this. Lets keep it classy Kempers, we've done well so far ;):thumbup:
    Chase your own tone that shakes your own bone. :D:D Thanks CK!!