Latency and current firmware

  • I've been through 3 KPA's in the last couple of years. First one was DOA. The second toaster developed LED failures. The third was a rack unit and some of its LEDs failed. Also, I was noticing that, compared to my other modelers, there was a perceptible amount of latency. It wasn't much, but it was enough that I could feel it and it kind of annoyed me.

    Has anyone else noticed this latency and does anyone know if there has been an attempt to address it in recent firmwares? Also, what about LED failures? Is that still a thing? I'm thinking about picking up a toaster just to keep at home and as an Axe-Fx backup but I remember the latency problem and that's a deal breaker if it's still there.

  • I can't perceive any latency, but never could TBH so I might be completely dumb LOL

    As for the LEDs, the issue was related to a faulty (and limited in time and space) batch of components delivered in 2012; it has been acknowledge by Mothership and all the affected units have been repaired under warranty if requested by the owners.


  • Measuring latency is a real PITA, I did it once but won't do it again as I've come to the conclusion that it's only an issue if I can notice it. That said, I might be going bonkers because some times I notice latency and some times I don't. It depends on the profile. I don't spend much time on profiles that I perceive as having latency, I usually just delete them from my KPA and never look back.

    Now there are other things that can make the responsiveness of a profile feel "wrong", like lack of low end in the right frequency range (IMHO centered around 160Hz) or too much high end. I usually tweak those before I dismiss a profile.

  • All LEDs are still fine here.

    No latency problems - there was a problem with reamping - because of variable latency - but this was fixed (it's now switchable).
    Fix latency for reamping or variable (shorter) latency for live play.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • As someone said above, detecting it is really hard to do. I might be bonkers myself, but I also - sometimes - feel a tad bit of latency, but most days I feel nothing. Even when I feel it, it's hardly a deal fact, you might add more perceived latency by just playing a few meters further away from the speaker! So when you feel latency...try getting closer to the amp :P

  • Like any digital audio device the Profiler will introduce a certain amount of latency to the signal.
    The average latency in the profiler is between 2 and 3 ms which puts it in the ballpark of most digital mixers.
    LED issues only affected a certain production run and are fixed under warranty.

  • Talking about latency a bit more...

    Some time ago I took the Profiler and an active CLR to a good friend of mine, guitar player in the most important Italian jazz-fusion band, Lingomania (you can look for them if you like the genre, it is certainly worth a listen).
    He's a very skilled player and a teacher, and interestingly enough he did not perceive any latency with the Profiler connected to his Fender amp. But, when we used it with the CLR, he immediately after the first note said "well, there's a clear delay, here", which is the Italian way to talk about latency.
    Needless to say, I could hear nothing at all LOL

    I'm reporting this story because my friend had no bias whatsoever and was really curious about trying the Profiler. Furthermore, he had no idea the CLR had a DSP so he was expecting nothing under this respect, so it's kind of meaningful IMO.

  • Very interesting responses regarding latency. Some of you feel it but can live with it. Others might be de-sensitized to it because you've become accustomed to latency from playing software based guitar sims. Others claim it isn't there at all.

    I'm probably just overly sensitive to it but that was one of my reasons for moving away from the KPA. Actually, the LED thing was the last straw but I'm glad to hear that's fixed now. I'm probably going to steer clear for now and watch what happens with regards to reports of latency over the next software or even hardware revisions.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond!

  • Talking about latency a bit more...

    Some time ago I took the Profiler and an active CLR to a good friend of mine, guitar player in the most important Italian jazz-fusion band, Lingomania (you can look for them if you like the genre, it is certainly worth a listen).
    He's a very skilled player and a teacher, and interestingly enough he did not perceive any latency with the Profiler connected to his Fender amp. But, when we used it with the CLR, he immediately after the first note said "well, there's a clear delay, here", which is the Italian way to talk about latency.
    Needless to say, I could hear nothing at all LOL

    I'm reporting this story because my friend had no bias whatsoever and was really curious about trying the Profiler. Furthermore, he had no idea the CLR had a DSP so he was expecting nothing under this respect, so it's kind of meaningful IMO.

    You bring up an important point, many FRFR monitors have DSP, mine included (Yamaha DXR10), which will add a good 2-3ms to the latency, resulting in a total of around 6ms in the worst case. Now for each foot away from your monitor that's another ms, and to me 8-9ft seems to be the limit for still being able to play and not feeling too disconnected, which makes up for a grand total of around 15ms - less is always better of course ;)

  • That may be so, but I know I don't have any latency problems with my CLRs and any other modeler. So either the other modelers' latencies are quite low (doubtful in at least two of the cases) or the KPA latency is higher than the norm.

    do you have the 'Constant Latency' feature enabled?
    this would result in a slighly higher latency and is meant to be used for reamping the same track through different rigs only.

  • Very interesting responses regarding latency. Some of you feel it but can live with it. Others might be de-sensitized to it because you've become accustomed to latency from playing software based guitar sims. Others claim it isn't there at all.
    I'm probably just overly sensitive to it but that was one of my reasons for moving away from the KPA. Actually, the LED thing was the last straw but I'm glad to hear that's fixed now. I'm probably going to steer clear for now and watch what happens with regards to reports of latency over the next software or even hardware revisions!

    I've always believed that many of the apparent discrepancies among users must be due to differences among units. Specially since we appear to greedily install any available beta FW.
    I clearly remember in the years users pointing out any kind of issues others could not reproduce. Quite often such issues were gone with some kind of reset.

    I have random issues with my unit at times. Some times I push Load (a rig) and it takes a couple of seconds to load (doing nothing in the meantime). Sometimes I have any sort of noises in some profiles that are not always there.

    Granted, troubleshooting complex software is not exact science, and apparently randomic symptoms can show in different units under various and not necessarily (or easily) reproducible circumstances. That's why it's important that we send as much as possible material to Kemper in order for them to investigate any issue: it's the only really working troubleshooting procedure.

    I believe that latency could fall in the same order of issues. And I'm also talking of delays in switching rigs from a pedalboard.
    I don't buy the simple "we are all different, what's annoying for some could be acceptable for others" explanation, my impression is that there can be actual differences among units. This would explain so many endlessd debates, and also a very common conclusion from Kemper: "we don't see this here".

    Profiler's user base is still relatively small if compared to any software: bugs are much harder to find and fix, for the moment.

  • I'm probably just overly sensitive to it but that was one of my reasons for moving away from the KPA.

    1) The KPA-latency is individually depending on the used profiles and effects, a latency of 2 or 3 ms is quite low and reflects the natural situation sitting next to an amp.

    2) Latency is everywhere and totally normal, if you use guitar-amps and you don't have your ears inside the speakers, you will have latency. If your distance on stage to your guitar-cab would be 3 meters (normal stage-situation), you would have a 10 ms (!) latency.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • On the other hand, if you're comparing to a studio setup, where you have a mic a couple of inches in front of a cab, then the latency would be almost non-existent. Maybe that is the reference point for many people (which would sort of make sense if they're primarily using it for recording rather than gigging').

    Never had a problem with latency myself :)

  • How "quick" a modeler feels can also be a measure of how much compression there is in the chain. If you raise the Amp compression in a Kemper it will feel like other modelers in terms of latency, if you lower it you will start to feel as if the latency is going up. In both cases the latency in fact remains the same, but it does tell you something about most amp sims accuracy (I.e. not very, and highly compressed to feel responsive and even which irons out faults in your own right hand technique I guess), and human perception. Give it a try, it's an eye opening experiment.

  • Like any digital audio device the Profiler will introduce a certain amount of latency to the signal.
    The average latency in the profiler is between 2 and 3 ms which puts it in the ballpark of most digital mixers.
    LED issues only affected a certain production run and are fixed under warranty.

    I'm wondering, is that warranty period extended beyond the usual 2 years for that particular problem for that particular production run?