MW RokPak - Profiles for Kemper Profiling Amplifiers

  • Quote

    sonopibe can you tell us a bit more info on the sound/flavour of the bass profiles this will be something I'm very interested in

    Several great all around full sounding bass profiles. Very controled, very ballsy, great sounding all around type of thing..
    Having such a great sound, made me think a bit more about my bass line in a production I was working on a couple of days ago ... Brilliant !

  • Surely the hardcore tube guys over at Gearslutz don't have as open mind as you and us here. There's definitely some hopeless luddites out there, who's default dogmatic view on "digital" is that it sucks, "there's no way a modeler can match a tube amp". One particularly evangelical tube guy over there even picked the Kemper profile as the "real" amp in a blind AB test. It was hilarious, but sadly did nothing to curb his anti-Kemper crusading despite admitting he has never tried one. That's why it's so refreshing to see an old school highly experienced and heralded guy like yourself always staying abreast of modern technology, never discounting things based on learned biases. Rock on.

    Agreed. I grew up listening to Michael's guitar sounds, and to this day they are many of my all time favorites. Keeping an open mind and utilizing the best tools available to make the best records possible is supposed to be the de facto mantra of a good producer. Somewhere along the way, many people seem to have lost sight of that. I suppose that's what separates the best from the rest. Absolutely loving these profiles. :thumbup:

  • I found that the "RETURN LEVEL" on the KPA is very important for the sound of the profile, it will automatically adjust to something it thinks is right, but we moved it back to 0.0dB most of the time. On the other hand we had the "cleaner" profiles set to a lower level/gain, that's why they are a little quieter. Easily adjusted by the output volume or even the gain knob.

    Thanks a lot for this info -- very enlightening. During profiling, did you find that the KPA is setting the return level at a negative dB, and you increase it back to 0.0 dB? And if you do this, does the output clip? I found that when I setup a signal chain for profiling which includes my DAW and set the peaks for -18 dbFS, this is too hot for the KPA, and I have to dial back the KPA return level to -10dB or so to avoid clipping. Not really sure why this is the case -- maybe something going on in my signal chain or cabling.

    I can create the gain staging by

    1. Setting the DAW so that peaks are at -18 dbFS and readjust the KPA return level so that it doesn't clip
    2. Set the KPA return level to 0.0 dB and adjust the gain level somewhere else in my signal chain (mic pre, DAW, etc.)

    I have heard that either way shouldn't matter for profiling, and indeed for some things I have profiled, this has been the case. Just curious what others do in this regard.

  • Several great all around full sounding bass profiles. Very controled, very ballsy, great sounding all around type of thing..
    Having such a great sound, made me think a bit more about my bass line in a production I was working on a couple of days ago ... Brilliant !

    :) +1

    I absolutely agree: All of them are very useful and. I tried them live (rehearsal) and as alternative recording tracks in existing multitrack recordings.

    Since good bass profiles are bit hard to get I am especially thankful for the efforts of M. Wagener.


  • I liked quite a lot of the clean profiles.
    Of the ones with (high) gain, only the ENGL Screamer overdrive and lead channel profiles sounded right to me.
    All the others were too bright and trebly i.m.o.
    I do believe the gain profiles have been made the right way and have potential to sound well.
    So, does Mr Wagener or anyone that got the profiles have tips to eq those (settings that they apply for specific profiles)?
    Is complicated for me, cause the possibilities are so overwhelming,
    Very much apreciated!

    Edited once, last by snakefuture (September 21, 2014 at 3:00 PM).

  • As you can see everybody has a different taste, guitars, playing-technique ect., therefore the best thing is to sort the profiles out. I kept 70 profiles from the 204 and these profiles 1) I really like and 2) I don't have to tweak them, they're already perfect, especially for my main purpose (recording/studio-sessions).

    I also like the high-gain-profiles and the low gain/med gain ones, I didn't find many clean profiles I like. My favourites are still Armin's '57 Fender Deluxe and Andy's '59 Bassman (and the AC20 from RE). Nevertheless there are some really great clean profiles in the pak f.e. "MW-MTS FRI TB 2".

    Anyway, my main guitars (vintage strats and teles) seem to like the MW-pak very much. ;)

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • only the ENGL Screamer overdrive and lead channel profiles sounded right to me. All the others were too bright and trebly i.m.o.

    Yeah, the Man Himself has written some posts above that the profiles are bright to better fit "a generic" mix. Of course the PU used makes a difference as well. For general hints about SCs/HBs, visit :)

    You'll find that when playing with others these highs will make you sound much better.
    My advise would be: don't let them overwhelm you! Play with Clarity, Definition and just Treble and Presence as a start. No-one will be able to tell you how you like your sound be tweaked.


  • You'll find that when playing with others these highs will make you sound much better.

    Exactly! A good guitar tone in the mix can be very unpleasing played alone. It was what I expected from MW pack, some usefull profiles ready to play in a band situation. Taking the time to try them in this situation will be very rewarded IMHO.

  • Exactly! A good guitar tone in the mix can be very unpleasing played alone. It was what I expected from MW pack, some usefull profiles ready to play in a band situation. Taking the time to try them in this situation will be very rewarded IMHO.

    This is what I think as well.
    And there's definitely something to learn from it, too!

  • Several great all around full sounding bass profiles. Very controled, very ballsy, great sounding all around type of thing..
    Having such a great sound, made me think a bit more about my bass line in a production I was working on a couple of days ago ... Brilliant !

    Thanks Sonopibe I've just found out a friend has the uber pack which I will be trying at his house this week if I like them I'll defo be buying the pack :)

  • So I had a little time today (40 min) on my lunch break to dial through about 20-30 of these and all I can say is WOW !!! So well balanced and alive sounding. Every new profile I pulled up immediately inspired a tone specific riff...if that makes any sense. Excellent , Excellent, Excellent !!! Thank you Michael Wagener for a most awesome contribution to the KPA community.

    You and Andy have essentially eliminated any and all G.A.S. I'll ever have for buying any more amps. My bank account thanks you! : ))

  • i bought the studio pack and i am impressed,very classy profiles which will fit straight into a mix no problem. no idea how they sound live. probably not for the metallers (stick with Sinmix) , funnily enough i think that quite a few of the other profilers out there should be reassured in their profiling abilities because MWs while being excellent dont suddenly raise the bar to unreachable heights.

  • I found that the "RETURN LEVEL" on the KPA is very important for the sound of the profile, it will automatically adjust to something it thinks is right, but we moved it back to 0.0dB most of the time. On the other hand we had the "cleaner" profiles set to a lower level/gain, that's why they are a little quieter. Easily adjusted by the output volume or even the gain knob.

    How about the refining process, Michael? Do you have a system? My pardon if you've answered this one before.
