Firmware 2.5.0 Public Beta now available

  • Come on! You must have noticed before that there's a support section on .... that's where you download your firmware updates. In the dropdown menu you go to "Rig Packs" - select Bass Pack - download it, unzip, install and you're good to go.

    The complete factory content that comes with 2.5 beta comprises 269 rigs.

    Of course i know this section, but as i posted my answer, the bass pack had not been uploaded ;)
    Thank you.

  • Whats this part about "Ambiance Spring"?

    is that a new type of effect or a tweaked existing effect?

    I haven't installed this yet.

    If you turn the TYPE knob while REVERB is in focus, you will get a list and can chose one of the currently five REVERB types: Hall, Large Room, Small Room, Ambience, Matchbox. These are embedded in the firmware. Users are not able to import nor delete effect types. In firmware 2.5.0 we have not added any effect types. These are the same types as in earlier revisions.

    If your turn the BROWSE knob, while REVERB is in focus, you will get a list and can chose one of your REVERB Presets. Presets can be created and deleted by the user. Presets contain the effect type plus settings. So you could have multiple presets for the same effect type (different settings) or no preset at all. We have included presets for any effect type in our factory content. But these are treated like factory rigs. There is no forced import. Consequently you might miss some effect types if you use the BROWSE knob.

    Rule: In order to find all effect types included in the current firmware, you need to turn the TYPE knob.

  • Great with a "just bass" sorting setting.

    But really, where's the "just guitar" one?

    Also, I tagged all my bass rigs with the "bass" tag before updating. The firmware wiped these tags so I have to do it again. Where do I report this potential bug?

    EDIT: No, the bass tag is still there on the rigs - but they don't show up when "just bass rigs" is active....

  • Does anyone have any idea where this folder "Those rigs embedded in this firmware, which had never been published before as part of any rig pack, can be found in the folder ‘Incremental Rigs 2.5’ included in this upgrade package." is?

    The only folder with new rigs in the zip is the "Vintage Sound Project Rigs 2.5"...

    Or maybe was just missed to be put in the zip with the rest?...

    There are two kinds of brand new rigs:

    a. The 26 bass rigs, which are available as a normal rig pack on our download page.

    b. Those 5 Vintage Sound Project rigs, which have not been published in any rig pack e. g. the Vintage Sound Project Rig Pack published in December 2013. These reside in the folder "Vintage Sound Project Rigs 2.5" included in the firmware package.

  • Could you please open a support ticket, explain how you changed the Instrument to "Bass" (via Profiler User Interface or Rig Manager), and attach a complete backup.

    No, wait!!! This was a case of "Fault 40" (i.e., the fault was found 40 cm from the screen.... Operator error).

    Stupid me had forgotten to save the tags rather than just entering them.... I don't see an embarrased smiley, so here's the closest thing (if you ignore the hearts): :love:

  • When I delete a bunch of rigs using the Rig Manager, it seems to do it quickly. The Kemper shows the updating screen for a short time and then returns to the regular screen fairly quickly. When I exit Rig Manager, wait a few minutes and then restart it, the Kemper goes to the syncing screen and takes nearly 10 minutes to complete (only 61 rigs after the deletion). If I exit Rig Manager, wait a few minutes and then restart it, it goes into the long syncing process again. All 61 rigs were marked as favorites, so I deleted all rigs except favorite using the Kemper. In theory, nothing should have been changed since all were favorites, but it worked on it for 15-20 seconds. Now when I exit Rig Manager, wait a few minutes and then restart, it syncs immediately. So...deleting rigs from Rig Manager must be leaving some artifacts behind in the Kemper that causes a syncing issue. Without knowing the interface between the Kemper and the Rig Manager software, it's hard to tell if this is a RM or Kemper issue.

  • DrB - thanks for pointing that out.

    I don't have a midi controller, but it now seems instantaneous using the front panel buttons. It even feels much, much faster with autoload engaged. There's been an obvious reduction in time to load a rig.

    It would be good to hear from the folks that had a good timing setup and were getting 400ms before. Gotta be a significant reduction.

    This sounds like the best news I've heard in a long time. Well done, Kemper team! :thumbup:

    jbis, what about using the controls on the front of the Kemper... Notice anything?

    Interested in hearing back from the original complainant regarding his aliasing issue.