Very metallic sound on some High gain profiles. especially the Ola Englund 5150 iii

  • Hey whats up guys! ,
    I'm new to the Kemper just picked it up a few days ago. For the most part i'm very pleased with the Kemper I got it to replace the Axe fx 2 which i just wasnt very happy with the tone i got from that. Anyways, there is an issue i seem to be having on some high gain settings some worse then others the worst is the Ola Englund 5150 iii profile that came stock in the unit. Im getting a very high end frequency that sounds extremely metallic and harsh. I've also downloaded a few that were very harsh with the same metallic sound. I am running the kemper through a fryette 2/90/2 into 2 orange 4x12 cabs. So maybe the power amp is causing some issues with the tones of certain profiles? not sure all Cab simulators have been turned off so that is not the issue. Really im not that concerned with the metallic sounds i get from a few profiles because there are tons that sound amazing! More so just want to make sure this isnt a problem with my particular unit. If anyone else has had similar metallic sounding issues i would love to hear about it to put my mind to rest a little bit haha. Thanks!

  • I would first check if everything is connected/set right:
    - Fryette connected to Monitor Out(s) on Kemper
    - Amp Section in Kemper (everything on: Amp-EQ-Cab)
    - Output Menu: Monitor Out (Master mono/stereo - depends if you go with one or two cables to Fryette), Monitor Cab Off

  • I faced some similar troubles till I realized my guitar was not well setup (fret buzz).
    This wasn't obvious on many profiles, but with another ones which were more in the metal ground, I faced this annoying hi-end metallic stuff on some notes of my fretboard. I saw a guitar tech and now this sound is gone...

  • In my experience with the KPA so far has been that if the profile your using was not one you created yourself, then it will be thin and lack luster. Each profile i have made myself are fuller sounds and more responsive to my guitar.

    I believe that it has to do with the guitar and pups that were used during the time of each profile, if the refining process was even used.
    Your full sound and my full sound are going to sound different.

  • ok i'll give that shot with the definition and i dont have a very good computer for recording so can't really show a sample yet. plus not sure exactly how to even set it up for a recording yet haha just got it on Wednesday. appreciate the tips guys! i'll try it out! Also ive got the mfc 101 any tips on how to set it up with the kemper?

  • Also, check you're not saturating either input and output, and that the power amp is not set too loud.
    Last but not least, is the issue present in a direct recording too? This would help troubleshooting a good amount :)

  • thanks guys the definition nob helped alot it was cranked all the way to 10 on a few profiles but it was still present even with it turned all the way down. its not on the majority of my profiles though so i just stick with those and it sounds fantastic! i really like the german grease setting i tweaked it and it sounds sick!

  • In my experience with the KPA so far has been that if the profile your using was not one you created yourself, then it will be thin and lack luster. Each profile i have made myself are fuller sounds and more responsive to my guitar.

    I believe that it has to do with the guitar and pups that were used during the time of each profile, if the refining process was even used.
    Your full sound and my full sound are going to sound different.

    Guitar used for refining has no effect on how the profile sounds. Profiled amp settings do.

  • TGAGuitarist sorry for going off topic in your thread apparently im wrong.

    So then mdeeRocks, Ingolf, I understand the micing plays a huge part. What I dont understand is that if whatever gets picked up by the mic effects how the profile will sound, why the guitar (wood strings electronics and pups, the main components to overall tonality ) would not be a factor?

  • TGAGuitarist sorry for going off topic in your thread apparently im wrong.

    So then mdeeRocks, Ingolf, I understand the micing plays a huge part. What I dont understand is that if whatever gets picked up by the mic effects how the profile will sound, why the guitar (wood strings electronics and pups, the main components to overall tonality ) would not be a factor?

    Because the guitar goes through the profiler first, which compares what you guitar sounds like BEFORE it goes on to the real amp - with what comes BACK from the real amp.And then kind of "subtracts" one from the other.

    Maybe WHAT you play and how you play it can affect it. Like, if what needs refining is the low end of chugga-chugga riffs and you play only meedly-meedly stuff up high on the neck, maybe that won't help refine the profile.

    Does that make sense?

  • I remember Mr Kemper stating that it was best to really whack out full chords during the refining process, as what the profiler is measuring is how the amp is breaking up in response to transients in the attack portion of the guitar signal. I'm guessing that includes any natural compression due to breakup, too.
