Survey - Mac/Windows users

  • Out of 6,732 users, 153 (as of writing this) have responded to the poll. 2.2272727272727 % may not be a representative sample.

    Actually, it does reflect a confidence level of .95 or better.. better stated: with a confidence level of .95, 29 to 45% PC users: 54 to 71% Mac users (confidence interval of 8 and percentage of 33).. sure it'd be great to have more, and given time, we most likely will. and yes, there's a possibility that fewer PC users are responding but that's still an unknown... but then of the 6,732 registered users, how many "distinct" users actually have used the sight in the past six months or year? That might give us an even better idea of the confidence interval for active users. Also, how many KPA units have been sold and of those, how many are registered users; and how many of those have used the site in the past year or six months? I believe all of this would bring the 6,732 number down considerably; just my guess...

    Gettin' funky up in here..

    Edited 2 times, last by DukeOURL (April 10, 2014 at 1:43 AM).

  • I still think it's a clear indication that the share of Mac users is much higher amongst Kemper owners (meaning people doing music) than any worldwide ratio will indicate.

    You could also speculate that there will be more Windows users frequenting this particular forum, as those are the ones with RM issues and questions for the time being.

  • I believe this is what's called a convenience sample (look it up) which has no basis in probability. Therefore, it is a fallacy to calculate and quote statistics from these data. Statistics are based on samples that are consistent with the laws of probability. It is clear that of those voted, more are Mac users. Nothing more.

    Let the statisticians respond in ...3 .. 2 .. 1

  • I believe this is what's called a convenience sample (look it up)

    yep we know what it means... and it can be argued either way.. the sample is limited to people who read the thread and responded... that's it. But it was proposed that 2.2% of a given population was not a good representative of the actual population... my argument was simply... that it can be. that's what statistics is about. :)

    of course it could be far better served if the Kemper team polled the registered owners of the profiler that are active on the site, which was also part of my response. It would be quite simple for them to do, providing user data such as this, i.e. Mac user and PC user population, for decision making regarding their product offerings. They could easily collect the data during the user login sequence and store it in their database as user profiles and could go far beyond just Mac/PC usage. :D

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Kemper already collect this kind of data using Google Analytics.

    thanks lightbox. yes, but... Google Analytics doesn't tell them if its the computer that they use in their studio or main computer or preferred computer.. it just tells them that they logged in on a PC or Mac or some other computer running an OS of some type. Still interesting data but may not provide answers to the question in hand.

    I'm not championing this particular poll... I'm championing the thought that the power of Voice of the Customer data is very useful when building products that your customers will buy and use. :thumbup:

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Yeah, I agree that that's what statistics is about...
    For sure, Mac users have had more reasons to vote the poll.

    Partially off-topic, I can't understand those who answer "I don't need x, because I do y" when a user points out an issue for a group of users.
    IOW, if many Mac users write here for complaining about the lack of a Mac version, what's the use in responding things like "I don't really need a Mac version, use Windows"?

    Internez... :rolleyes:

    PS: Win XP user here :D

  • this statistic is totally off, at least at the time of writing. we have very accurate figures on what's going on in studios, don't you worry.
    best, gs

    I'm not worrying or complaining myself, I was just curious enough to start a very unscientific poll 8)

    I wouldn't know what's going on worldwide, I just know that there's a huge majority of Mac users amongst the musicians/engineers I know (Norway). Same for my Scandinavian and American acquaintances.

  • this statistic is totally off, at least at the time of writing. we have very accurate figures on what's going on in studios, don't you worry.
    best, gs

    I don't think people are worried - more just impatient to get the Mac version! But I did just use Ghostery to block the Google Analytics tracker on the site.

    Edited once, last by SwAn1 (April 13, 2014 at 8:16 PM).