GUI Rig Editor Software

  • I think nothing would beat how easy to tweak things on the Kemper front panel is. What I think they need to do is incorporate better real time capabilities with Rig Manager where you can load directly up from Rig Manager and save live back to Rig Manager with options to save new versions etc. And then make a simple recall vst plugin.


  • For some of us with physical limitations, a mac based editor for the Kemper would help alot. I agree that the front panel control is great and pretty easy, but for some of us a software based editor makes things easier, especially for manipulation and saving different options.

    thanks for a great product, Mr Kemper. You guys have built a terrific product! 8)

  • Reviving this old thread, as it would be a HUGE plus for me and my setup, as well as reduce my concern of constantly pressing buttons to access, edit and exit features, whereby becoming potential break (no function) points over period of use. I've already noticed I have to press the EXIT button a couple times (sometimes) to get it to actually exit and I have a brand new unit.

    In my small space, with my KPA head sitting on a rack shelf in a tall rack stand, I have to turn to get to it and it's currently a little lower than I'd prefer, however, it's in the space I have available. A GUI which replicates the unit could remain open (as does Rig Manager) behind my DAW and I'd be golden.

    Honestly, in today's software age, I'm quite stumped this is an actual request.

    My 2¢ side note from having used the following quite extensively; the Eleven Rack editor seemed quite superior to the Line 6 editor and Two Notes' Torpedo Remote software was even better. I've used Fractal's at one time, however, recall it's depth being quite numbing on first use, but am certain it's a tremendous GUI and invaluable to the unit and it's users.

  • Yes we need Kemper Rig Editor software, both VST and standalone. To control any parameter of the rig. To pick different amp, different cab, play with FX, to play with "Pure Cabinet" option.

    Why we need Kemper Rig Editor software?

    1) I have Kemper out of my reach, I am lazy to move to play with parameters.
    2) This is not an amp. Amp has only few knobs. This thing has many buttons, system options. By the way, cheap Fender Mustang amp has software to control it. This is 100% digital toy except for the inputs and outputs so it's 100% controllable by software. It is ARM7 based unit.
    3) Today it's year 2015 :D

  • You can sync the KPAs BPM already over midi clock.
    Restore of rig settings from DAW is a cool idea but only possible with one instance.
    What if you have more than one guitar track ?
    I wonder if this could work....
    I am dreaming of an extended rig manager/editor

  • Yes we need Kemper Rig Editor software, both VST and standalone. To control any parameter of the rig. To pick different amp, different cab, play with FX, to play with "Pure Cabinet" option.

    Why we need Kemper Rig Editor software?

    1) I have Kemper out of my reach, I am lazy to move to play with parameters.
    2) This is not an amp. Amp has only few knobs. This thing has many buttons, system options. By the way, cheap Fender Mustang amp has software to control it. This is 100% digital toy except for the inputs and outputs so it's 100% controllable by software. It is ARM7 based unit.
    3) Today it's year 2015 :D

    So so my thoughts would be if Christoph and company could chime in and give us their feelings about this

    and just to know they are looking into the possibility would make me feel a little better

    Off topic but and on a side not, does anyone know why when typing on my iPad as I am now, I can't see any of the words until I hit "return" ????????????? ;(

  • You can sync the KPAs BPM already over midi clock.
    Restore of rig settings from DAW is a cool idea but only possible with one instance.
    What if you have more than one guitar track ?
    I wonder if this could work....
    I am dreaming of an extended rig manager/editor

    The solution is to manually hit some kind of trigger to start and stop editor on desired vst on track with only one KPA.
    But this is not elegant solution.

  • maybe you should stay on topic or open a new thread???

    I take full responsibility for going off topic. Gianfranco was just being considerate to my question and now that we know it's an issue since the new forum software, (Thank you Ingolf )
    we can now get back to our regularly scheduled program .......

    So , yeah, when are we seeing the new editor ;)

  • I take full responsibility for going off topic. Gianfranco was just being considerate to my question and now that we know it's an issue since the new forum software, (Thank you Ingolf )
    we can now get back to our regularly scheduled program .......

    So , yeah, when are we seeing the new editor ;)

    Have you seen old one already? :love:

  • +1 For a PC/Mac based GUI

    It would be so much easier and faster to tweak the multiple parameters of a rig or try something new rather than having to scroll through multiple menus with physical knobs and buttons while squinting at a small monochrome window. Bit like trying to paint the hallway of your house through your letterbox from outside* **

    My rack connects to the PC via USB and talks fine to the Rig Manager so I assume it's possible?

    *old 18+ joke adapted to this situation... ;)
    **joke only works for those in countries where the letterbox is physically in the door :D