Rig Manager = Disappointed ?

  • I've got some old time philosophy for this. A better RM won't cure. A change in thinking will:

    1) Tao says "Expectations lead to Disappointments" <--- true dat
    2) Buddha says "Human Desire is Infinite" <--- we call it GAS, but double true dat

    1) If people can just go with the flow, they'd enjoy what unfolds as a nice surprise, not a personal letdown.
    2) If people can tame their desires, they will find happiness in moderation, and not unhappiness, in an ideal unfulfilled. Because it CAN NEVER BE fulfilled. That's the human condition of endless desire we are all born with, but a few learn to tame.

    I love how you managed to translate a philosophical statement of buddha into "GAS". Made my day, thank you :D

  • Sambrox,
    What versions of windows are you using on parallels 7? Please let me know how this works for you? Does preview work?


    It. Is. Awesome!!!

    I'm using Windows 7 on OSX 10.6.8
    Preview on Rig Exchange works a treat. I've encountered 1 bug so far; previewing with All Rigs checked suddenly jumped about 20 rigs back when I hit a rig that was already on my Profiler and kept looping back when I got back to that same rig. Easily fixed, I just selected Rig Exchange to browse those rigs exclusively.


    Ps it really is worth the admission alone, so to speak. I don't care if nothing else works, it's FANTASTIC!!!

    Edit: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit!

  • It's a BETA. I don't understand how anyone can expect a beta to
    A. Have all promised features
    B. Work perfectly

    It's a free, new piece of software. Be patient. As far as I'm concerned, it's awesome now and will be even more awesome with time.

  • It's a BETA. I don't understand how anyone can expect a beta to
    A. Have all promised features
    B. Work perfectly

    It's a free, new piece of software. Be patient. As far as I'm concerned, it's awesome now and will be even more awesome with time.

    well said!

  • Boy oh boy! Wish I could use this handy preview! Nothing happens when I double click a rig! When I right click the preview is greyed out! Bootcamp windows 7 ultimate 64 bit!

    did you report that to the KPA team with all setting and details on your setup? After all this is just a beta :)

  • I think it is great, yse being able to control with your computer would be awesome but for what this is I love it. Looking forward to the next version , hope it smooths out some of the bugs.

  • Raoul, i don't want to come over as an ass :) But you sure go out of your way to convince everyone that this is better then sliced bread.

    One thing of making something amazing is to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses. And the rigmanager sure has both. But could improve allot!

    Sliced bread is not good for you. This is THE BETTER! ( now that I got it working) :D

  • Boy oh boy! Wish I could use this handy preview! Nothing happens when I double click a rig! When I right click the preview is greyed out! Bootcamp windows 7 ultimate 64 bit!

    Boy oh boy! Wish I could use this handy preview! Nothing happens when I double click a rig! When I right click the preview is greyed out! Bootcamp windows 7 ultimate 64 bit!

    Try pressing the space bar instead of double clicking. It didn't work for me either until I pressed space.


  • Did you manage to fix the problem with only one preview in Rig Manager. Have the same problem with a Windows 8.0 PC and seek guidance.

  • Tonight I finally hooked up the KPA to Rig Manager. Finding and auditioning tones is much, much easier.

    And the virtual folders are kind of a godsend for shoot-outs and such. I made 2 folders for Free and Commercial profiles, and put a favorites subfolder under each. I also made a Tone Match folder with a subfolder for each artist. I made a Cab Shootout folder, with Mesa Stiletto, Mesa Rectifier, Bogner Uberkab, Orange, ENGL V Pro, and Marshall 1960 subfolders. Got an Amp Shootout folder, which so far has all of the Mesa Mark series amps and will quickly grow out of control. See the amp list thread I started:
    Metal Amp Checklist

    I only hit one problem. I tried to use Rig Manager to delete a bunch of profiles off my KPA. At first I tried just a few at a time. That worked fine. Then I tried to delete a lot at a time. Never seemed to go through even after about 20 min of watching the "Deleting Rigs" progress bar stay stagnant (it was ok because I was rocking out).

    I must say, I'm no longer disappointed. My complaints still stand, but my expectations have certainly changed. I feel like what I'm using it for now is it's primary use case, not trying to edit the tags of lots and lots of rigs. I'm sure an advanced search is coming and all of the bugs will get worked out. So I take back that I said this shouldn't have left alpha. A lot of things are quirks, not outright bugs, and do not prevent you from doing what you set out to do.

    And who needs an editor?! I just pop my laptop on top the KPA!!

    So if I offended the Kemper team, I'm sorry. Please don't discontinue development due to my whining ;)

    Edit - I also mounted several of my backups and copied out all the rigs I've modified to a "Mods" folder in RM. I always append "mab" to rigs I modded, so I put that in the search bar and there they all are! Ctrl+A and drag drop. Done! woo hoo.

  • Manly 2nd impression! Bravo! :thumbup:

  • :S "So you "finally hooked up the KPA to the Rig Manager" and so your previous statements/complaints were based upon what? "

    Importing Rigs from my local machine. Making virtual "folders" and copying rigs into them. Attempting to rename lots of tags. Searching rigs on Rig Exchange and my local library folders.

    Basically trying to get organized. That's why I said the software might be better termed "Rig Loader" instead of "Rig Manager", but I'll kindly retract that statement. The virtual folders alone greatly help management, and while the search is limited, it is fast and helpful.

    "Manly 2nd impression! Bravo!"

    It takes a man to admit when he's wrong. I'M THE MANLIEST!!!!! :S