OS 2.3 and rig manager

  • I'm using the EurekaProm and I just have to press and hold the TAP button a while until the screen turns red and the beat detection is active. Then I can release the button and play to detect the beat. When I'm done, I do a quick TAP button press to leave the beat detection. Everything working nicely.

    I'm using the uno4kemper. If I hold the tap button on the KPA, the red screen comes up, etc. If I hold my tap switch on the FCB, it goes into programming mode for that switch.

  • I'm using the uno4kemper.

    That Uno4Kemper is your problem, Skyhighrocks.

    I haven't tried 2.3 by myself, but from reading the info about the new firmware it seems you have to keep the switch pressed, which you assigned to the delay function, until the tempo is recognized by the KPA.

    And you will not achieve this with the Uno4Kemper, because it goes into programming mode when you keep a switch pressed for more than 3 (?) seconds (from my feeling it is even shorter). This is the one thing about this PROM I really dislike: I had the situation more than once, that I pressed a switch a bit too long and suddenly was in programming mode. Tapping a button again suddenly assigned a completely different function to that switch. The first time this happened I thought the FCB or even KPA had died, because my Reverb and my Delay switch on the board both switched the Delay on/off, but there was no way to switch the Reverb :huh:
    Took me some time to find the reason for this.

    So, I'm afraid that this function will not work with the Uno4Kemper unless Xavier releases a new version, where you have to press a switch for a (much) longer time to go into programming mode or where you have to press two switches simultaneously to go there.

    Also frustrating for me, I just recently (some weeks ago) ordered the latest version to replace the older one because of the better pedal support. I didn't even find the time to install it, and it seems, I would still have to buy another one again to use this new tap function.

    As I also have a EurekaProm and this seems to work according to lightbox's post, I guess I will go on with this one (which also means: get used to it after having used and being used to the Uno4Kemper).

  • I think Raoul23 is right on this - but it just isn't apparent. In other words, when you hit the FCB tap tempo it doesn't turn the screen red like it does if you use the Kemper tap button. But it seems to in fact activate beat scanner.

  • As I said...it doesn't do anything on mine. Tempo doesn't change. Example:

    I click it quick...start playing...and then click it again...it seems to think I slowed the tempo down to those 2 click when I wasn't playing that speed. I didn't do a system reset after updating (which I probably should) so maybe I'll try that and see if it changes.

  • About UnO4Kemper :

    indeed, the current firmware uses a long switch press to enter configuration mode, so this is not compatible with the new way of activating beat scanner. However, Timo was friendly enough to implement a fallback which makes it possible to use the beat scanner with current UnO4Kemper firmware (using short presses). This seems to work OK, as Ingolf reported here, I didn't have the time yet to check this myself.
    I will release a new UnO4Kemper version asap, which will activate configuration mode only when keeping a certain key combination pressed at startup. This will avoid "accidental" config mode activation, which Foresten reports above, and will also allow to activate the beat scanner in the regular way, by keeping the tempo switch pressed. I do realize the inconvenience of this old-skool eprom swapping, but I guess that's one disadvantage of a 10-year-old cost-effective hardware design, and IMHO I don't see 8 Euro as a huge cost for getting an update (see http://www.uno4kemper.com/uno4kemper_faq.php > "About future updates"). I don't expect further frequent updates of the UnO4Kemper firmware. Right now I'm waiting for some more technical info from the Kemper team before I do release UnO4Kemper v.1.3, exactly in order to be as future proof as possible.


  • I tried the Rig Manager today and I'm really pleased with the features so far.
    Only the RigExchange is not working for me. It shows (0) Rigs but I filled my email and password right into the preferences with testing the connection "OK".
    Anybody else got this behaviour?

  • I think most if not all will experience this right now, lxdiamond. Welcome, btw :)

    The connection test is something different to the actual rig synchronisation (download) process. The server is completely max'ed out by the huge ammount of requests. Although I don't know internal plans, my estimate is that we'll have to wait a while (days, weeks) to let Kemper establish a different way to transmit and receive the data. This most likely will require a new build version of Rig Manager.

    So try to enjoy it with your local rigs and the rigs on your Profiler and switch off "Use Rig Exchange" in the meantime to reduce the server load. :) I'm sure Rig Exchange connection will come and it will be great. But it will take a while. :)

  • thanks lightbox for your answer, I guessed that the servers are maxed but asked anywa to see if its only on my side or if the feature will be activate later.
    thanks for the warm welcome and a big hello to all kemper users.