losing volume on the main-outs during gig...again

  • tonight it happened again three times at rehearsal. all of my bandmates noticed it and we stopped playing and listened to my guitar. it sounded ok but the volume was quite a bit lower. I rebooted and the level was back up again for a few songs and then it happened again. different rigs, checked the master levels and riglevel and everything was where it should be only at a much lower level. after the third reboot I unplugged my pod hd500 that I use as a midicontroller and then we only played 2 more songs. (nothing happened during those 2 songs)
    My question is, could the pod or a bad midicable cause this?? is that possible at all?? It happened at 2 different gigs as I reported in the beginning of this thread but I haven't noticed anything when playing at home where I don't use the controller. it's not the rigs, (it's been different rigs every time) or is my kemper faulty?? rebooting helped every time. I don't like this :(

    Edit: I switched outputs while the volume was low but that didn't help, only reboot seem to fix this problem. also, I didn't touch the pedalboard when the volume dropped,

    Edited once, last by luntho (January 14, 2015 at 10:24 PM).

  • tonight it happened again three times at rehearsal. all of my bandmates noticed it and we stopped playing and listened to my guitar. it sounded ok but the volume was quite a bit lower. I rebooted and the level was back up again for a few songs and then it happened again. different rigs, checked the master levels and riglevel and everything was where it should be only at a much lower level. after the third reboot I unplugged my pod hd500 that I use as a midicontroller and then we only played 2 more songs. (nothing happened during those 2 songs)
    My question is, could the pod or a bad midicable cause this?? is that possible at all?? It happened at 2 different gigs as I reported in the beginning of this thread but I haven't noticed anything when playing at home where I don't use the controller. it's not the rigs, (it's been different rigs every time) or is my kemper faulty?? rebooting helped every time. I don't like this :(

    Edit: I switched outputs while the volume was low but that didn't help, only reboot seem to fix this problem. also, I didn't touch the pedalboard when the volume dropped,

    What version of software are you using on the KPA? I experienced something very similar to what you described, while at home - just guitar, KPA, and mixer/monitor speakers. I switched patches and the volume level did not change. I am trying to reproduce the issue, after performing a system reset. My unit is just 5 days old and I updated it to 2.7.4 just before I noticed a volume drop. Could be cable/mixer/monitors, however I haven't experienced this issue before and the KPA is the only new item in the equation. :(

  • Your POD may be transmitting MIDI CC messages from its Volume Pedal. Vibrations from the drums and the PA may be moving the pedal.

    This could defo be what might be happening I remember having a line 6 vetta and at the first gig I used it it kept getting louder and quieter and I couldn't work out why but it was the volume and other knobs vibrating due to the volume so it's worth checking out what Pault has suggested

  • except for the midicable and the pod.

    And, when you disconnected the POD, the problem may have gone away. Admittedly, two songs is not long enough to know.

    When wah is not active, does the POD's pedal transmit MIDI CC7?
    Try moving the pedal to see if it affect the volume.

    Or, does the POD Volume knob (not the pedal) transmit MIDI CC7 by default?
    Try the knob, too.

    Also, try tapping the side of the POD, and jump on the floor, next to it several times. Something in it may be turning down the Kemper.

  • first of all thanx for your suggestions..I have a wah locked on all my rigs, always active (as soon as I move the pedal) the pedal doesn't affect the volume. I don't think the pod's volumeknob sends anything but I'll check that. I'll try giving it a couple of bumps too and see if there's any reaction. but IF the pod lowers the volume, wouldn't that show on the master out level or rig level or something? or maybe it doesn't? those levels were exactly the same after the soundlevel dropped.

  • I just started having this problem this morning.
    Ive recently been having trouble with clipping on my Kemper on clean profiles. I went into imput mode to see if I could address the problem. Both my clean and distortion sense are at 0. I tried turning the clean sense down a bit but it did not resolve the problem. About 30 minutes after that (clean sense at 0) the volume started dropping. I tried changing patches and the volume was still very low. I rebooted the system and it was back to normal for a short time then started dropping again.

    ill be very interested to hear how this gets resolved.

  • sounds like my problem...I've been fine since it happened the last time but I don't feel like it's solved by any means. I'm still waitng for it to happen again and I' don't like the feeling. I'll be reporting backas soon as it happens again,

  • I just started having this problem this morning.
    Ive recently been having trouble with clipping on my Kemper on clean profiles. I went into imput mode to see if I could address the problem. Both my clean and distortion sense are at 0. I tried turning the clean sense down a bit but it did not resolve the problem. About 30 minutes after that (clean sense at 0) the volume started dropping. I tried changing patches and the volume was still very low. I rebooted the system and it was back to normal for a short time then started dropping again.

    ill be very interested to hear how this gets resolved.

    I'm curious, did you recently upgrade to software version 2.7.4? I had the same issue - it occurred right after I upgraded to 2.7.4. I performed a system reset and haven't witnessed it since. You may decide to reset your system, but if you do, you may eliminate the problem... which from Kemper's point of view may be good, but not so good to get this issue isolated and fixed.