Michael Wagener Rig Pack

  • No offense to Franz , but he ain't no MW, I never even heard of Franz until his pack showed up for the Kemper. and to be honest there are only 2 or 3 amps out of that pack that sounded useable , the bassman and another ( forget) Very edgy overly bright sounds that I didn't really like !!! His credits, I don't know and don't really care, he could of produced the Black Album but the sounds from that pack itself aren't that great IMO. I've found better sounds from "nobody's" on the rig exchange. No offense to these "nobody's " 8|

    to be fair it also depends a lot on your guitar. Guitarwise I'm covered up with a les paul, a strat, a tele, a 335 ... and the differences with every profile are huge. some rigs work with different guitars and some don't.

  • Well, most studio-made rigs (included the factory ones) are meant for the mix, playing them alone makes no-to-few sense. If you add the variables introduced by guitars and PUs you get the reason why many people don't like the factory rigs :rolleyes:

  • Personally have never found anything worth using in rig forum for free......

    Personally I can’t stand Hendrix never could

    Hi !! I really hope you're joking ??? ?(

  • Hi !! I really hope you're joking ??? ?(

    Waraba, I have a feeling they mean it.
    And there are certain people who think that the guitar sound made by Sneap/Richardson is the center of the guitar universe.
    Well, it isn't, although their achievement certainly has its merits.
    But there are gazillion MORE cool sounds and approaches to be had and explored.

    When they'll be older they will certainly appreciate history more.

  • Waraba, I have a feeling they mean it.
    And there are certain people who think that the guitar sound made by Sneap/Richardson is the center of the guitar universe.
    Well, it isn't, although their achievement certainly has its merits.
    But there are gazillion MORE cool sounds and approaches to be had and explored.

    When they'll be older they will certainly appreciate history more.

    Good god dude, " you guys" take shit entirely too seriously on this forum, and " we" are the uptight elitists here????


  • But if you can't, not that I'm throwing names around. Dr. Phil is a very close friend and I could ask him for advice on how to help. I'm sure there are some psychiatrists on the free forum, but they will not be able to offer the level of advice that an expert like Dr. Phil can. :P

  • But if you can't, not that I'm throwing names around. Dr. Phil is a very close friend and I could ask him for advice on how to help. I'm sure there are some psychiatrists on the free forum, but they will not be able to offer the level of advice that an expert like Dr. Phil can. :P

    Well, enjoy your free nonprofessional psychiatrist from the brain exchange, I'll continue to use my professional psychiatrist networking... How about that? I'm sure your free psychiatrists services are just as good though, I'd probably tell myself That as well :) in the mean time, maybe if your networking is as good as your stand-up, you too could probably make some new friends, and have access to all the professional psychiatrist services as well...

    Edited once, last by VESmedic1 (November 11, 2013 at 6:38 AM).

  • Exactly what are you looking to hear to the question " who am I"? As if I have to for some reason give out such info? That I'm some rock star? I'm not... Do I have a couple of extremely close personal friends in the biz? Absolutely. Did you just search through another thread to find someone else who wants Info about me like a weirdo? Yea, you kinda did... :)

    I asked the question. You're not in the biz, but you have extremely close personal friends in the biz. So you're perhaps expecting the Guns & Roses welcome? :whistling:

    ... Couldn't care in the LEAST if that pack ever comes out, much less actually hearing you play a note with it :)

    Oh wow, man. We get it, you have profiles we don't have. Who are you again? The guy that won't listen to our tracks, afaik. :thumbup:

  • ... and now to something completely different (or how Ken puts it: Get A Life)

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  • please spare us your little internet-feud and use the pm-function. This thread is about the MW Rig Pack.

    What MW Rig Pack?...at the moment there is no MW Rig Pack, what's there to discuss.
    The feud is more interesting. :D

    When Michael Elsner and Michael Wagener both have the time (at least a full day) to get together again in the studio and make Profiles, then maybe we'll get some kind of MW rig pack...until that happens we can discuss and speculate till the cows come home, it won't make the rig pack mystically appear.

  • Quoted from "RadioactiveRecordings"

    Personally I can’t stand Hendrix never could

    Hi !! I really hope you're joking ??? ?(

    Waraba, I have a feeling they mean it.
    And there are certain people who think that the guitar sound made by Sneap/Richardson is the center of the guitar universe.
    Well, it isn't, although their achievement certainly has its merits.
    But there are gazillion MORE cool sounds and approaches to be had and explored.

    When they'll be older they will certainly appreciate history more.

    Good god dude, " you guys" take shit entirely too seriously on this forum, and " we" are the uptight elitists here????


    Well i think i am ecletic on my musical tastes, i knew people from every kind in their musical tastes from punk , rock , jazz to death metal , but seriouslly i think there are some people that need to leave their MUSICAL GHETTO ! they think only the Metal kind profiles are good, and that only Andy Sneap guitar sounds are good , Its so laughable . There are Better Producers outhere!! with more iconic guitar sounds ! and who speaks bad about Hendrix, needs to rethink about their musical taste :) I avoid to comment but couldnt resist today , as i read so much non sense from particular dudes , this is becoming so OFF TOPIC , but well , ... MUSICAL GHETTOS are boring . . .wake up! :thumbup:

  • Well i think i am ecletic on my musical tastes, i knew people from every kind in their musical tastes from punk , rock , jazz to death metal , but seriouslly i think there are some people that need to leave their MUSICAL GHETTO ! they think only the Metal kind profiles are good, and that only Andy Sneap guitar sounds are good , Its so laughable . There are Better Producers outhere!! with more iconic guitar sounds ! and who speaks bad about Hendrix, needs to rethink about their musical taste :) I avoid to comment but couldnt resist today , as i read so much non sense from particular dudes , this is becoming so OFF TOPIC , but well , ... MUSICAL GHETTOS are boring . . .wake up! :thumbup:

    Really didn´t want to comment anymore but well:
    1. Why should anyone leave (as you called it so nicely) their "musical ghetto"? If someone is just intrested in playing one certain style then it´s not your place to tell him to leave that "ghetto" - ( if thats not what you meant - sorry)

    2. Someone who only plays metal has no use for other profiles, personally for me 99% of the time ONLY METAL PROFILES ARE GOOD - simply because I can´t judge anything else because I play only metal 99% of the time, so these profiles are the good ones for me. I don´t consider a profile that is of no use to me "good" but simply useless.

    3. No one ever said here that only sneap profiles are good. I think it´s universally understood that there are brilliant profiles out there from lots and lots of people - for free, commercial, as rig pack or not available for commercial use by other great producers or people. However - thanks to VES - we had the chance to listen to profiles from Sneap/lews etc. and as you might have read - these are stellar and surpass pretty much every other profile a bunch of people (including me) in this forum have heard or played! I´m sure there are a bunch of other awesome producers out there that deliver killer sounds with the kemper, I have yet to hear them as single guitar track though. Again - no one ever said only sneap delivers quality. It´s just fact that the quality he delivers is stellar.

    4. I don´t like hendrix. That doesn´t mean I have to rethink my taste. If you think so, then maybe you should re-think your whole attitude towards "taste" and the word "subjective".


  • What MW Rig Pack?...at the moment there is no MW Rig Pack, what's there to discuss.
    The feud is more interesting. :D

    When Michael Elsner and Michael Wagener both have the time (at least a full day) to get together again in the studio and make Profiles, then maybe we'll get some kind of MW rig pack...until that happens we can discuss and speculate till the cows come home, it won't make the rig pack mystically appear.

    I admit you've got a point here. But still I prefer to talk abou non existing things like the MW Rig Pack, healthy cigarettes or god instead of forum trolling. If anyone needs a portion of that then head over to tgp and start akpavs axe fx thread, grab a beer and some popcorn and there you go :D

    yeah I see, this thread is pretty much dead ;)