Satisfy my curiosity ;)

  • Hey gang,

    I'm one of those poor men that don't own a real tube amp and who don't have the room to profile one. But I don't have to tell you how great it is to have the Kemper Profiler.
    Now what's the reason for this post?

    I wonder how important it is to refine a profile after the space wobble of the profiling process is finished and what influence the type of guitar/PUs has when refining. So what I'm asking for: Can someone profile a well known amp, for example a Fender Deluxe in 3 or 4 specific versions and post these raw profiles so we can compare and discuss?
    These profiles should be all the same microphone, position, the very same settings (ideally a little bit of crunch), but:

    1. Profile: Without any refining, just the plain automatically generated profile
    2. Profile: Refining with a Stratocaster
    3. Profile: Refining with a Les Paul
    4. Profile: Refining with a Telecaster

    I'm very curious to experience the difference and to see how much the result depends on the guitar (pickups) used to refine.
    I would do it and provide the profiles for discussion if I had a chance to do it, but sadly I depend on your help. Hope this sounds interesting to you. :)


  • Have a JTM45 and JCM800 built by me... which one do you want?

    Wow, cool. :thumbup:
    Actually both amps are well known and nice, so I don't care which one you choose. :)

    I just wondered all the time, why folks are asking or reporting the microphones used when profiling, but they never tell which guitar they used to refine. And now I'm really curious to see if it makes a difference. :)


  • Quote:
    The Refining process is actually independent of the type of your guitar. It is about adapting the distortion characteristics, as well as polishing the attack and dynamic response. The resulting profile will act and re- spond accurately no matter what guitar or pickup you use.

    Kemper Profiler Basics 2.0, page 56

    I guess it is more an issue how the reference amp is tweaked in regard of the guitar used.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

    Edited once, last by HELL-G (September 21, 2013 at 6:58 PM).

  • Quote:
    The Refining process is actually independent of the type of your guitar. It is about adapting the distortion characteristics, as well as polishing the attack and dynamic response. The resulting profile will act and re- spond accurately no matter what guitar or pickup you use.

    Kemper Profiler Basics 2.0, page 56

    I guess it is more an issue how the reference amp is tweaked in regard of the guitar used.

    obvously, you would set the dials on an amp differently for a Tele than for a Les Paul.
    maybe even mic it differently.

    a profile made for a Tele will sound differently when used with a Les Paul - just as the tube amp would when used in that way.

    reacting so dynamically to varying input signals (changes in volume or tone pot settings, pickups, strings, tonewoods etc.) is one of the greatest strengths of the Profiler.

  • Only Dan can be the judge, because he'll be the one with his fingers on the guitar strings.
    By the time we hear the recordings all sorts of unknowns can happen...slight volume changes, slight differences in technique/attack when Dan plays and records (unless he re-amps).
    Even if he re-amps, the slightest change in volumes will make our imaginations run wild when we listen to the recordings.

    To complicate matters and give Dan more work, :thumbup: , to make the test TRUE, Dan should take a Profile refined with his Tele and record it with the Tele.
    Then take the same 'Tele refined' Profile and record it with his Les Paul.
    Then do the opposite, take his 'Les Paul refined' Profile and record it with the Les Paul, and then also record it with his Tele.

    I reckon it makes no difference if you refine with
    different guitars, and there will be no difference refining for 20
    minutes instead of 20 seconds.

    I've got my money on, and confidence in Christophe's brain when he developed the algorithm.

  • I believe the test should me more easy, no record needed. We can just take an amp, leave all the parameters untouched and do the profiles 3 times, where only the refining process is different changing the guitars.
    Then we will have 4 profiles: 1 not refined, and 3 refined with different guitars (using more or less the same procedure for refining). Then anyone of us will take this 4 profiles and do the consideration.
    It is just a joke, for the curiosity ... I expect some little differences, that will not alter the overall tone and character of the amp, but can be good to explore more in deep the capability of the Kemper.

    The aim is obiously not to debate any issue, but to better understand this great machine and utilize the test to optimize once again his capability...

  • I believe the test should me more easy, no record needed. We can just take an amp, leave all the parameters untouched and do the profiles 3 times, where only the refining process is different changing the guitars.
    Then we will have 4 profiles: 1 not refined, and 3 refined with different guitars (using more or less the same procedure for refining). Then anyone of us will take this 4 profiles and do the consideration.

    True, you're correct.

    Dan actually doesn't have to record anything, just give us 4 free Profiles and we'll decide. :D

    What will be interesting is when we all express our own personal experience with the 4 will be a miracle if any of us agree. :D

  • The aim is obiously not to debate any issue, but to better understand this great machine and utilize the test to optimize once again his capability...

    Exactly, well said. :)
    I don't expect a Les Paul to get some Telecaster twang on a Tele refined profile. :D
    But I certainly do expect some small nuances which wouldn't be necessarily bad but interesting.
    For example: The refining will most likely be done strumming with a pick. The Kemper will compare the profile to the mic'ed amp and do some internal adjustments, for example regarding the attack/transients. How will it feel when I play the profile with my fingers (no pick)? Will there be a slight difference between the refined profiles?
    It's just curiosity on my side, I don't want to prove something. :)

  • Profiles are up on the exchange - search for "british duo".
    Disclaimer: I just put a SM57 in front of the cab until it sounded good via headphones, wasn't very loud. Listening to the profile afterwards I think they need some more treble - but turned out quite good nonetheless I think.
    Spoiler: the guitar influences the resulting profile.

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Did a short test with my Mexico SSH Strat under DT770 Headphones. My thoughts: Unrefined: you get the "ffeling" of the amp, but it sounden much darker than the refined profiles. The Tele profile worked best with my SCs, the LP profile sounded best on the HB. Even with playing a Strat, I liked the Tele profile more for more high end clarity and twang...
    After comparing these profiles, I finally understand why some praised profiles sounded "not so well" on my guitar... The refining and the "refiner's guitar" do more to the sound than I thought!
