Am I missing something here?

  • Hi everyone,

    I just got a Kemper today, and have been playing through it for a few hours through my mixer and monitors. Initially I thought it was good, now I feel very disappointed. Everything just sounds muddy, muffled and crap to my ears. It just doesn't feel or sound right. I feel like giving up the guitar. I've been through so much gear and can never get a decent sound. I quit!

  • Hi Guys,

    Sorry for my online strop. I'm using a couple of KRK Rokit 5 monitors and an Allen and Heath Mixer. Maybe it's the notorious "Amp in the Room" sound that I'm missing. Maybe the monitors should be at my ear level. They're kind of at waist level. When I knelt down it kind of sounded better. It may be that I need to add a compressor and clean boost to the profiles. Don't know. I'm going to persist with it, I mean Depeche Mode and Muse use one on stage, so it must good right? Plus all the forum guys on here rave about it, and I've heard some really good stuff on Youtube. It could be that I had to play it at low volume tonight cos the kids and neighbours were nearby. Maybe a bit of buyer's regret. I'll have another go tomorrow. This thing has to work, as I need to kill my amp and effect GAS once and for all. Seriously!

  • Initially it's good to make sure it's in/out settings are correct with level settings and that you have adjusted the clean sense setting to your pickups output.
    Check if something is locked globally that you don't want.
    There are severeal threads here on the forum where users share what their favorite profiles are.
    Then you have the rig exchange with over 3000 profiles.

  • To start with ,I would say you need to raise your monitors to ear level. Check your connections and make sure your input and output LEDs are not going in the red. If you are distorting your input lower your Clean sense. If you just figure out a couple of things It will definitly cure your Amp Gas :D

  • ... It will definitly cure your Amp Gas :D

    ... and introduce you to Rig/Profile GAS :D

    Your post clearly shows that you already know the problem. It's the speakers and their position, both. You need Amp in a Room feeling? Go get something capable of moving some air. You can get used to studio monitoring feel? Then change the position of the speakers first. Try if it's better for you. Otherwise you will have to go for bigger speakers, honestly. Or try with some really good headphones like Beyer Dynamic DT 770 Pro just to make sure the actual sound of the lunchbox isn't the problem.

  • I suspect you are not used to playing a recorded amp sound. If you recorded your favorite amp with the perfect mic setup, what would it sound like through your current monitors. That is as good as it gets. The KPA is that good also. If your monitors don't rock out like you want, you may need to up size to something that can move as much air as your amp.


  • Or try with some really good headphones like Beyer Dynamic DT 770 Pro just to make sure the actual sound of the lunchbox isn't the problem.

    I have some nice studio monitors on my desk... but I just play with my DT770 or DT990 (depends on which one is in my reach :D )all the time because it sounds so good - the Space parameter (press output for some moments) kicks ass with headphones!

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Hi, Are your sure your output/master out is properly set ? I play mostly on 2 small 5" fostex and the sound is great , but I had to set some serious EQ on my output , as well as a few others tweaks : 3 good input settings for my 3 main guitars , and a collection of good cabs that fit with most of the amps I use ( Egnater Rebel 1x12 CAB by troynova is fantastic). I would say that only 1/3 of the rigs I download will really shine on my rig , with some tweaks, and 1/10 do not need any tweak at all ( like the Cream JTA 45, the JTM50121, the conford harlequin ... ).

    You should start with a clean amp like the Conford Harlequin 10:00 and setup your outputs EQ ( master output section ) until you get this real clean tube amp vibe, then begin to try with higher gain setups ( Joptunes JTM50121 try the whole gain range ). Like someone said on the forum you should be able to use only 1 profile and be happy with it, even for live use.

    The next step is doing your own profiles that you can achieve exactly the amps sounds you used before getting a KPA. With A/B tests you'll be able to match your own sound and better. Yeah, really better , like you never heard your amp since the amp settings on the KPA and the cabs will expand the sonic possibilities to unexpected results.

  • Glad to see you changed your mind. :)
    And if you still want to have the feel of someone blowing your hair while you're playing ... there's always better, bigger speakers you could try. But there won't be something better than the Kemper Profiler for many years to come. Just don't go for guitar cabs like some others do. It massivly reduces the flexibility of the Profiler's sound capabilities. FRFR is the way to go. :)


  • Hi, glad to hear that.
    Anyway don't forget that a very good phones are another important parameter to understand the KPA capabilities.
    If you put your phones in and play throught a good profile over a backing track and compare this with original sounds, you will see how good the KPA is.

    Now, going LIVE with such power and definition depends a lot on the final speaker you will use...
    Also I agree, FRFR speakers are the perfect match for the KPA.
    Welcome on board, and take your time, you will not be disappointed :thumbup:;)

  • also a lot depends on what you are actually using the Kemper for, i mean if you are using it for recording then start trying to integrate the kemper sounds into your current mixes and then you will have a much clearer idea of how it is sounding. if you are just using it for playing solo "in the room" then i think there has been some good advice already,bigger monitors would definitely give you a better sound,and also just more volume if thats possible for you and you dont have noise restrictions. hope you work things out :)