Posts by Torbiz

    Currently there is nothing better for PLAYER than Midi Captain, which has the best price/performance ratio and is open-ended, customizable, and constantly evolving!

    I agree I've got the Mini 6 and the KPP firmware is right on the money. I get the need for scribble strips, but the Mini 6 is really close to the control of the remote without taking up too much space. The Midi Captain looks even more intuitive. I'm really looking forward to seeing what PaintAudio does with the new Kemper OS.

    I've had bigger MIDI controlled rigs in the past and I really like that I don't have to program everything with the PaintAudio Devices. Of course you can if you want to with GeekMode. Two-way sync seems to need SysEx and I'm glad I don't need to go down that route.

    ... and I cannot understand how a manufacturer brings its not necessarily
    inexpensive update to market in conjunction with beta software.

    Agreed. But things will get better soon! Patience is usually the key. My studio Mac is always at least one version of MacOS behind the latest. I must say the official Kemper releases have usually been very stable. But the timing of selling the levels before the software was out of beta wasn't the best.

    At this point, I am regretting upgrading. If they don't get the iOS stuff fixed within a week or so, I am going to ditch both of my upgraded to Level 3 Kemper Players and go with a different brand. This really is insane.

    I understand the frustration. However, you are using a beta version of the software. I can't understand why people who use the Kemper professionally for their living would install a beta software and then complain when there are bugs. That's what betas are for.

    The slightly ticklish issue is that Kemper have sold the upgrades requiring the beta version. I guess it would be better to offer the beta with level III unlocked and then withdraw the extra levels on the official release. Then you would be awarded for being a beta tester and you could decide if the extra levels were worth it for you. I'm guessing people would update to the official releases anyway, at least when the tremolos drop.

    Saying you need to add the price of phones and tablets isn't fair. Most people already own those so it's no added cost for them.

    I agree. It was an extrapolation to show how ridiculous the comparison was getting. And I am not trying to be negative here. I am a fan, that’s why I own three Kempers. I am also going to gig the hell out of my KPP and I love that it exists. I just think the comparisons both to the Stage and other units are getting out of hand. The Player is no stage. That can be a bad thing (lack of switches, screens and I/O) or a good thing (SIZE!). I am definitely going to use it when size matters. I’m looking forward to see if the combo switches might make it even more portable if I don’t need a midi controller.

    All downsides: 2 more A/D, D/A conversion stages, an extra power supply, almost the double of the footprint and the weight. And if you need a screen (from far better quality then the line 6, with touch ability) just connect your phone/tablet to it. You're right, this isn't a fair comparison....for line6

    Yeah, but then you need to factor in the price of the tablet or phone as well… And that will make it twice as expensive. There hasn’t really been any directly comparable situation since the L6 model packs. But when Helix Native came out, there was a loyalty offer for owners of the hardware.

    I am coming to terms with the way Kemper are doing things. The ONLY things I am dissatisfied with are actually the price and the lack of a loyalty upgrade offer.

    Yeah, it's new

    That's brilliant! If Tuner mode also could use the Rig LEDs to at least show which string is tuned, the tuner will actually be very useful! I haven't seen this mentioned in the change log, but this is a big one for me! Thanks!

    BTW, my suggestion for showing string/note: Rig LEDs. 1 =e/E, 2=b, 3=g, 4=d, 5=a. Maybe the great minds at Kemper can cook up something even better, but this would help a whole lot.

    So after all the debacle the last couple of days I've been digging a little deeper with my KPP. I'm still on the latest official release and the most current iOS app. I just learned that I can switch between Access Point Mode and Home Network Mode by holding the Bank button while pressing the Connectivity button. Neat! However, I can't for the life of me get the KPP to connect to my home network. In RM on my iPad I get the option to setup Home network Mode. SSID and Passwords are correct, then RM says it lost the connection and tries to connect (probably in Home network mode), but it doesn't reconnect. I've tried both my phone and my iPad. The Connectivity button blinks green.

    I had my home network stored on the KPP from an earlier attempt, but I'm not sure whether I've ever got the Home network mode to work. Also, is there a proper reference for the Connectivity button? Half of the time I have no idea what the colour or blinking means. I'd love for there to be a proper chapter on this in the manual. Thanks!

    Ok yeah. There really should be an unlink button on all the mods like they have on the delays. Weird. I don't use tap much at all but now that I see this missing it bugs me as a human.

    Yeah, I use tap on my delays. Every rig. Doesn’t mean I necessarily want to time my modulations.

    This has been up on feature requests before. It seems you either sync everything or nothing. I would love to be able to have the delays sync but not the modulations. Line 6 have had this solution perfected for years.

    I agree. A used Stage at 1K would be a better way to go. In fact, a used Kemper Stage is about as great a value as can be had today. Nothing else even comes close IMO.

    I agree. The Stage is awesome and about as great a buy as they come these days. I bought the Player for the fly gigs I’d usually use my HX Stomp for. It allows me the same great base tone and an ok set of effects. I just watched the Tone Junkie Namm video and Christoph said the tremolos (at least the harmonic trem) were coming as a free update for the Player as well as the rest of the line. I suspect the Player, even at Level I, will continue to grow in usability and value. I’m still a bit miffed about the price of the levels and lack of loyalty discounts, but I still love both my Toaster, Stage and Player. Different tools for different gigs.

    If you were only getting one controller, which of the 2 would you suggest? Really torn between these exact 2 models.

    Morningstar is obviously the superior option, but it's big. On the other hand, it may be more versatile if I ever expand to another setup than the Kemper player.

    The main benefit of the Ampero is it's size.

    Really unsure which of these two is the best option tbh.

    I just got the Paint Audio Mini 6. It has really good features for the last official release and the creator just posted in the public forum that he is planning on getting Level III, so I’m excited to see what his updated KPP firmware will bring.

    Hi Wilson and kemper!

    I've just ordered the midi captain to use with my KPP upgraded to level 3. I hope kemper adressed the error soon...

    Are you planning to implement some usability for the 4+4 FX in level 3 in the captain?


    I was also wondering if morphing would be possible with a second press on the rig buttons. Using the Mini 6. Great product!