Level II upgrade

  • ... and I cannot understand how a manufacturer brings its not necessarily
    inexpensive update to market in conjunction with beta software.

    Agreed. But things will get better soon! Patience is usually the key. My studio Mac is always at least one version of MacOS behind the latest. I must say the official Kemper releases have usually been very stable. But the timing of selling the levels before the software was out of beta wasn't the best.

  • At this point, I am regretting upgrading. If they don't get the iOS stuff fixed within a week or so, I am going to ditch both of my upgraded to Level 3 Kemper Players and go with a different brand. This really is insane.

    There’s a new update version, have you tried it?

  • At this point, I am regretting upgrading. If they don't get the iOS stuff fixed within a week or so, I am going to ditch both of my upgraded to Level 3 Kemper Players and go with a different brand. This really is insane.

    The way I read the release notes of yesterday’s iOS update….seems they thought they solved it.
    Cause it such an obvious/reproducable/high impact bug..and their otherwise pretty good track record….I’m guessing maybe they are dealing with a test environment that does not behave like IOS production…just a hunch offcourse. I assume all the red lights are flashing in their devteam…maybe it would be a good time for them to acknowledge the issue and confirm they handle it with priority.

    Anyway…it’s shitty, bad timing…personally..I set it up on my desktop and get by pretty good with only the controls on the hardware.

  • I am unable to replicate this with OS11.1.1 with Level II upgrade and the iOS version 1.8.2. I can see all presets.

    Can you try to uninstall the app completely and re-install it? Does this help?

    Just did, FW

    Still the effects that go with lvl 2 don’t show up in RM, and they are replaced by a green scream if the rig contained one.

  • I am unable to replicate this with OS11.1.1 with Level II upgrade and the iOS version 1.8.2. I can see all presets.

    Can you try to uninstall the app completely and re-install it? Does this help?

    Hi Timo,

    With LVL 3 upgrade and running the new IOS Rig manager. Still missing effect types and the slots are filled with “Green Scream”

    The USB MIDI is now working

  • I understand the frustration. However, you are using a beta version of the software. I can't understand why people who use the Kemper professionally for their living would install a beta software and then complain when there are bugs. That's what betas are for.

    The slightly ticklish issue is that Kemper have sold the upgrades requiring the beta version. I guess it would be better to offer the beta with level III unlocked and then withdraw the extra levels on the official release. Then you would be awarded for being a beta tester and you could decide if the extra levels were worth it for you. I'm guessing people would update to the official releases anyway, at least when the tremolos drop.

    I'm using the beta version because I upgraded TWO UNITS to LEVEL 3 and that's the only version available. They need to fix this NOW.

  • ... and I cannot understand how a manufacturer brings its not necessarily
    inexpensive update to market in conjunction with beta software.

    Have to agree with this. I don't think the upgrade price is unreasonable at all, but to require beta software to run a paid upgrade is pushing it a bit. It would have been better to not launch the upgrades until the beta got the green light. Not regretting anything since it is working fine in my situation but nonetheless...