You are still allowed to talk about the KPA? I have strict "no KPA discussion" order
I´m sure that will come sooner or later
You are still allowed to talk about the KPA? I have strict "no KPA discussion" order
I´m sure that will come sooner or later
MMMMMMH, i think i got it worse. My wife loves the toaster for seeing me happy as a child on Christmas every time i plug my axe into the profiler. But my drummer wants me and my bandmate guitarist to pay a euro every time we say "profile" "Profiler" "Kemper" "awesome" or any other imaginable word to express our affiction. I'm about to get ruined ;(.
MMMMMMH, i think i got it worse. My wife loves the toaster for seeing me happy as a child on Christmas every time i plug my axe into the profiler. But my drummer wants me and my bandmate guitarist to pay a euro every time we say "profile" "Profiler" "Kemper" "awesome" or any other imaginable word to express our affiction. I'm about to get ruined ;(.
Hmm the solution would be 'Shut up 'n' enjoy' then...
Hmm the solution would be 'Shut up 'n' enjoy' then...
I would say that this is often a good advice with women too!...
I would say that this is often a good advice with women too!...
True dat.
my drummer wants me and my bandmate guitarist to pay a euro every time we say "profile" "Profiler" "Kemper" "awesome" or any other imaginable word to express our affiction. I'm about to get ruined
You Sir have just been wiKPA'ed
You Sir have just been wiKPA'ed
The funny thing is the guy is going to record the next album of his other band with the mighty Profiler. I hope that when he has worked with the Profiler himself he will no longer suffer from my logorrhoea kemperiensis.
... you mean... the drummer?
Most probably he will be fining his guitar player there as well
I bet he will.
Has the wiKPA a section for Profiler induced deseases and malfunctions of the body and mind yet?
Has the wiKPA a section for Profiler induced deseases and malfunctions of the body and mind yet?
These are all related to womens iterations, not to music gear....
No, but it has got a number of nice stories like yours