Performance Mode woes

  • I'm trying out PM here without luck...

    Filled all slots in Performance 1 (midi PC# 1-5) with rigs. Set up my foot controller with switches to send PC# 1-5. As I push a button, the correct slot in the performance is selected for a split second....then the Kemper goes back to browse mode...? Or, it selects the rig last used in browse mode and from there sending different PC# from the foot controller makes no difference.


    Any ideas?

  • I believe you need bank commands from your midi controller for performance mode. So the first message will say what bank, then the second message will dictate which slot is selected in that bank.

    The normal PC assignments are to get to the rigs in browse mode.

    Check if your midi controller supports sending these type of midi messages.


  • Doesn't quite make sense....shouldn't it just chose from whatever bank it's in until told otherwise? The button on the Kemper is set to Perform...why would it exit PM? I also tried adding bank selection to the presets, per an online instruction, but it didn't make any difference.

    The controller is an All Access, and bank change instructions were found here:…-heres-how.html Could be it has to be done different for the Kemper, but I'd think midi bank change is a defined standard?

  • I should be able to select all preformances within a bank by just sending PC#:

    Quote from Kemper Manual

    The second method is to send MIDI program changes from your foot controller. There are 128 program changes available in MIDI and these are assigned to each slot as they occur within the performances, in linear fashion:

    Rig in performance 1, slot 1 loaded by program change 0
    Rig in performance 1, slot 2 loaded by program change 1
    Rig in performance 2, slot 5 loaded by program change 9
    Rig in performance 26, slot 3 loaded by program change 127

    You could also use the following formula: (#performance x 5) - 5 + (#slot - 1)
    Due to the limit of 128 different program change values you can only address about 25 performances. If you need more, you must use the MIDI bank select controllers which allow you to address multiple pages of 128 program changes each.

    Did anybody do this with success?

    Edited once, last by Trazan (June 13, 2013 at 2:31 PM).

  • I should be able to select all preformances within a bank by just sending PC#:

    Did anybody do this with success?

    I was able to be successful with an older DMC Ground Control V1. I went into the programming of the DMC and assigned Bank1/Switch1 to PC#1 and it correctly selects Performance 1, slot 1. I did this for 11,12,13,14,15, 21, 22 . . . . . 91, 92, 93, 94, 95 etc. I am only using switches 1 -5 on the DMC and I use the Bank Switches to change from 11 to 33 etc.

    It should be working fine, as it is for me. I'm not sure what your issue is, hopefully not a bug.

  • Do you have the switch pointing to "Performance" ?

    I have to do that??? Yes, of course it is 8)

    I monitored the output of the All Access with Snoize Midi Monitor for Mac:

    The AA sends one PC# and 9 CC# on channel 1. Nothing else. The 9 CC# are for on/off efx status: 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31 and "General Purpose" 2, 3 and 4 (for some reason CC# 17/18/19 are defined as General Purpose 2/3/4 by Midi Monitor).

  • Ok, found the reason! One CC# sends tuner status off. The Kemper didn't tolerate that for some reason. Since the Kemper now goes into tuner mode on midi volume 0 I don't really need that switch anyway.

    That said, I really wish you could delay going into tuner mode by a second or so more! When doing swells it goes in and out of tuner mode like crazy. I'm not sure whether it's due to tuner mode, but the start of the volume curve is very abrupt (I've turned off "Mute Signal" for tuner mode).

  • I should be able to select all preformances within a bank by just sending PC#:

    Did anybody do this with success?

    Not me. I'm just sending PC#'s and the KPA jumps to the last browse mode rig no matter what. I'm using an Axess MFC5 midi controller.

    EDIT: I've realized that I was sending CC#'s along with PC#'s. Now I got rid of the CC#'s and the midi control of KPA Performance mode works as expected.

  • Thanks for your input, Ingolf. I'm relieved to know that the switching should be seamless both in Browse and Performance modes.

    However, yes, in my case the gap is way too long. In Performance mode, whenever I switch between rigs with my Axess MFC5 midi controller (either using PC#s or CC#s), I get a bump in the sound and then a sound cut prior to getting the right sound from the selected rig. Anyone experiencing the same behaviour?

  • Certainly I don't get the gap when switching rigs using the buttons on the KPA. Nonetheless, I don't get any gap either when switching rigs using my Axess MFC5 midi controller in Browse mode.
    I only get the gap using my midi controller in Performance mode. I get the gap either using PC#s (sending only PC#s) or CC#s (sending only CC#s, from #50 to #54).