How do I turn effects off?

  • I was an early Kemper user and sold it a few Firmware versions ago, I just got another one again. Something is different when a Rig has effects either in the stomp side or effects side I use to able to just give the button a quick press and they would turn off, But Now when I press the button I get the effect display but it does not turn off.

    So How do I turn off the effects?

    Any answers

  • You probably have quick edit enabled. Turn it off in the system menu somewhere, and you will be all right again.

    An old thread I know, but damn i'm happy it's here!...

    I got motivated Sunday afternoon and decided to do a well needed KPA cleanup. Loaded the new 2.0.1 firmware, did a total reset, loaded just the amps I like (now 184 profiles total was 890!) and tidied up and re-assigned all my midi groups etc... all good and looking spiffy.
    I then spent the rest of Sunday night (a further 6+ hrs!) trying to figure out why I couldnt turn off the damn effects with a single press. Oh crap - what have I done??? Frankly, it annoyed the crap out of me that I couldnt find the answer on my own. I suspected it must be something obvious and simple but I'd be damned if I could figure it out.. I briefly searched the forums for an answer but nothing was instantly apparent and I wasnt brave enough to start a new thread and risk looking stupid :huh: .. needless to say - I went to bed royally angry X(

    Got home from work today, spent 10mins searching the forum, and BAM! It's the damn stinkn "quick edit" option.. 8o haha.. Must have scrolled passed that sucker 50 times on Sunday.. :rolleyes:

    I'm glad BlackSquirrel wasnt as stubborn as me... !!

    In the future, I vow to admit defeat before midnight and embrace the power of the "Enter search word" forum box..


  • If you want to send a single MIDI command to switch both fx sections on/off, I guess your MIDI unit has to be able to send multiple commands.
    As an alternative option, you might want to create a second version of the rig with fx off, and switch between the two.


  • There is no single MIDI control change number switching the whole STOMPS nor EFFECTS group on/off. However control change #16 inverts the status of STOMP A-X plus MOD. DELAY and REVERB stay untouched. Depending on what you are trying to achieve, this might help.