Editor pétition.

  • I honestly don't think we're getting an editor. CK can feel free to prove me wrong but this particular issue has been handled terribly and I'm kind of PO'd as a customer. They obviously have the tools, resources, and experience to do an insanely good editor/librarian and even VST plugin counterpart, like they've done with the Access synths - it makes zero sense to not have done the same thing for the Kemper and leaving us in the dark on it is just irritating and disheartening.

  • We are working on a librarian and rig editor for an optimum admistration of rigs and text editing.
    No release date yet.

    I'm sure the kemper editor and librarian results will be great when it's ready and developed, like the Access virus series have.
    I also have full understanding not giving a deadline as we've seen what happens when companies do and some users go berzerk if something happens.

    A reminder to those who don't read this forum so much is that there are already a few kemper software renamers and a midi controller that we can use.

    This software work as a kemper midi editor and renamer.
    Then there are other kemper tag editors here in the wikpa.org

  • I know what's been posted in the past - I don't buy it. We've heard zero updates on it. And I know the whole "not smart to tell customers a release date before a product is ready" thing holds true, but some kind of "yeah we're still working on it, it will have x features, expect it roughly between Qx and Qy of 201X" would be great.

    And as far as the other methods - Everglades does not work on OS X and I cannot get any of the python-based editors to work on my system. Right now the only way I have to re-tag profiles is to upload them to the exchange, retag, and download. Pain in the ass.

  • damn, that's a bit harsh
    Yes, it is a weak point in the system- the toggling of the KPA to identify the tags is awfully tedious on the 1st profile of a "pack"
    But the actual tones and profiles of the amps are so OUTSTANDING, it makes me so grateful and I'll wait as long as it takes on the other stuff.
    It's all about tone and inspiration- KPA gets an A+++
    The librarian will come when its ready and I'm cool with that

  • I know what's been posted in the past - I don't buy it. We've heard zero updates on it. And I know the whole "not smart to tell customers a release date before a product is ready" thing holds true, but some kind of "yeah we're still working on it, it will have x features, expect it roughly between Qx and Qy of 201X" would be great

    I agree , give us a peak , a glimpse .... ask us what features we'd like!!!! The rig management projects, i'm certain is forgotten and put wayside, it's not something they are working on everyday !!! and to link us to the thread where CK talks about it, well that's been over 13months !!!! It's not like it will make sell more units for them so I guess there is no $$$ in it for them at this point to put their time in something that won't really give them $$$ !!!! But I'd even be willing to pay for one if that's what it would take as i'm sure others would too !!!!

  • I agree , give us a peak , a glimpse .... ask us what features we'd like!!!! The rig management projects, i'm certain is forgotten and put wayside, it's not something they are working on everyday !!! and to link us to the thread where CK talks about it, well that's been over 13months !!!! It's not like it will make sell more units for them so I guess there is no $$$ in it for them at this point to put their time in something that won't really give them $$$ !!!! But I'd even be willing to pay for one if that's what it would take as i'm sure others would too !!!!

    You have mentioned before that you don't read this forum so often so you might have missed information that leads to further frustration.
    They have confirmed a librarian and rig editor is coming so you have to wait just like all of us other users. As we've seen from history it's 100% logical for companies not to give deadlines. I have no problems at all with a "release when ready" approach and by looking at their Access Virus they know how to do great software.

    C.Kemper quote, Monday, May 27th 2013, 5:32pm
    Editor pétition.
    "We are working on a librarian and rig editor for an optimum admistration of rigs and text editing.
    No release date yet."

    C.Kemper quote, Sunday, June 9th 2013, 3:53am
    Eight Months And Counting. So, Where's The Rig Manager?
    "We are aware that a number of users urgently want the Performance Mode to have a complete product. By whatever reason the word librarian is not printed on the panel, This could be one reason why you will see the Performance Mode earlier than a Librarian, even if I consider a librarian to be much more important. The librarian will still take a while. We are planning an app for PC and Mac. It's a pain jn the as to create apps that have a certain standard.
    Todays operating systems make it very difficult to support easy drag and drop actions etc. There are little synergies between Mac and PC. We do not have three or five guys working on this project, as we do not address a 100.000 user base and do not charge a fee for the software. See how long competiting projects take. The suffer from identical problems.
    It's a special business. Be patient."

    There's already a few kemper software renamers and a midi controller that we can use while waitng for the official one.
    This software work as a kemper midi editor and renamer.
    Then there are other kemper tag editors here in the wikpa.org

    Edited once, last by orko (November 14, 2013 at 11:40 PM).

  • For the umpteenth time - absolutely none of the existing tag editors work for me. Kemper has the staff in place to make a great software controller; why this hasn't been a priority from the get-go is beyond me. I love my KPA to death but if I were to be building a rig for touring right now, I would go with the AxeII in a heartbeat because of the software control and integrated foot controller. It's a more complete and bulletproof setup, period.

  • For the umpteenth time - absolutely none of the existing tag editors work for me. Kemper has the staff in place to make a great software controller; why this hasn't been a priority from the get-go is beyond me. I love my KPA to death but if I were to be building a rig for touring right now, I would go with the AxeII in a heartbeat because of the software control and integrated foot controller. It's a more complete and bulletproof setup, period.

    Here's the deal:

    You can control your own destiny/happiness by:

    1.) finding someone helping you getting the 3rd party renaming tools to run on your computer.
    2.) Buying an Axe, because it is a more complete product, if that is, what you wish for/need.
    3.) stopping being so negative about this topic.

    However you cannot control:

    1.) the companies progress on the editor/librarian nor the release date. Why worry agin & again & again ...?
    2.) Other guitarists using their Kemper live/on tour without it being complete.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Out of sight is out of mind: These editor threads are just keeping customers' desires in front of Kemper.

    The squeaky wheel gets the grease: The more customers complain about this particular issue the more Kemper resources will be applied to this task.

    Taking six-plus months to develop a program seems a bit too long. And quite frankly, if no one ever brought up the "Editor" again, it's development might slip to the back burner.