• Since I realized that CK himself reactivated the Big 1.6 Flame-thread after almost 2 months of peaceful sleep I do think somehow the company deserves threads like this one here.

    Please, Fretboardminer, after posting this don't forget to click on "remove from favourites" again or else your inbox will be floaded daily with useless Kemper mails.

    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • I,m so sorry guys, but I do care if something is not right.... ;(

    here ....... it seems that I'm the fool ... :(
    The books misinformations are normal for all of You, only because they are exists from the beginnings.

    I think that it,s a very nice thing that thousands of guitarists like me have trust in Mr. Kempers genius enough to purchase a semi-finished product, because they believes in its further development...... :P
    I know that the further development is difficult even for Mr. Kempers genius, but at least someone from the team would have a little deception to cut the wrong informations in the manuals and don,t missinform the customers, who are fanatical fans too.....

    I,m only want for all of us: customers, users, KPA fans a little respect and a kind of honesty from the development team.
    This is a big thing in today's world?
    Everybody think I am stupid?

  • Guitamania62 is okay, truth is he's echoing many of our thoughts and championing the cause for everyone with a KPA.

    He's passionate and a response from CK and crew given the amount of promotion and effort Guitarmania62 has done wouldn't hurt anyone.

    It's the Kemper forum after all so it's the right place to ask and expect answers from the Kemper crew. Where else should he ask.

    If he pisses you off ignore him instead of chastising him. Pretty simple wouldn't you agree.

  • There's a difference between criticising and demanding things and spamming.

    CK has stated clearly that the reason why performance mode is delayed and not yet finished is because the dev team has changed priorities due to users' requests and ideas.
    And the consequence? Destroy all existing hard printed manuals to eliminate information that's not (yet) accurate?
    That's pretty pathetic.

  • From some time, like I read here, somewhere, there is not exist new editions of hard printed manuals.

    The new manuals exists only in downloadable format ....
    ....,so at least in the online manuals can be some warnings...
    ......something like: under development. :)

    I,m just wondering:
    if my "spam" caused so big pain, why are so many Kemper users neutral regarding the KPAs future? :?:

  • Oh, in a bad mood today? Sorry for that.
    I don't work security for Kemper and you have no reason to attack me like this.
    All I expect from the forum is to get Information and not disinformation.
    All I expect is to not get spammed with the same thing over several subforums and threads.
    THAT is the thing that makes it so hard to ignore him.
    Have a nice day.

  • From some time, like I read here, somewhere, there is not exist new editions of hard printed manuals.

    The new manuals exists only in downloadable format ....
    ....,so at least in the online manuals can be some warnings...
    ......something like: under development. :)

    Again, you got this wrong.
    AFAIK the KPA is delivered with a hard printed short manual called 'The Basics & Profiling Guide'. It has always contained a chapter about performance mode and this has not changed.
    The big 'Reference Manual' has always been only downloadable. It doesn't contain any information about performance mode. Why then should the online reference manual have a warning in reference to another manual that's not 100% accurate?
    Especially when the non- existance of performance mode has been discussed at length here in the forums?

    I,m just wondering:
    if my "spam" caused so big pain, why are so many Kemper users neutral regarding the KPAs future? :?:

    I'm sure we have a language bareer problem here. I don't have the impression at all that the KPA users are neutral regarding the KPA's future.

  • Again, you got this wrong.
    AFAIK the KPA is delivered with a hard printed short manual called 'The Basics & Profiling Guide'. It has always contained a chapter about performance mode and this has not changed.
    The big 'Reference Manual' has always been only downloadable. It doesn't contain any information about performance mode. Why then should the online reference manual have a warning in reference to another manual that's not 100% accurate?
    Especially when the non- existance of performance mode has been discussed at length here in the forums?

    I'm sure we have a language bareer problem here. I don't have the impression at all that the KPA users are neutral regarding the KPA's future.

    Like allways: I,m wrong, because I,m only a stupid customer.

    It seems that there is no positive approach to clarify misrepresentations, only some attacks regarding the spams....
    I,m sorry, but all this seems like a kind of philosophical and political equivocation, instead of some constructive cooperation to disperse the gloom.....
    Finally I,m understeand that this forums spamless status is much more important than the truth regarding the KPAs actual features, like the missing tuner calibration and so on.....

    Despite this You know shure that, for some of us, Kemper users, the facts are somewhat different and You know that there are a lot of possibilities to clarify for all of the customers in a clear and tranparent way something which is in the manuals, but it,s not true (yet)...

  • Again, you got this wrong.

    The only one who got something real wrong is you, sir.
    And it won't help if you try to reinterpret your misbehaviour in this case. You thought there was new information but you were wrong, shit happens. Don't try to make your actions a Kemper-political masterplan with months of in-depth thought, planning, fine-tuning and don't try to look like the victim of a witch hunt. This is what makes the situation even worse. ;)
    Just don't spam anymore (I'm confident you know the word's meaning in this context).

  • like the missing tuner calibration and so on.....

    Here you're again spreading misinformation. The Tuner calibration was there and has been temporarily removed (some FW ago) due to some malfunction and user's request for a more fine tuning capacity (if you search the forum you'll find the threads). It will be back as soon as finish.

    You're here since 9 Months, if you've missed some discussion or even some content of the manual is nothing bad. Pretending to be right after that everybody is telling you you're wrong is what makes people upset, not your opinion that manual should be corrected 'till the functions are actually available, on this one we can discuss.


    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I know only, that the fact is that from monts ago the tuner calibration is inexistent, and it is not a consolation for me at this moment, that in the past there was calibration and I have used it very long time ago......
    Now it,s missing. I can not using it against the actual manuals description. Facts.
    Would I lie again? :)

  • For God's sake, let this obamination of a thread DIE. I am a big boy and can take the profanity and blasphemy in the title.....for a while.....buy this thread KEEPS COMING BACK....and with essentially worthless chatter to boot.

    It started out vile and hasn't gotten any better.

    LET IT GO....in fact, moderators , I'm fine if you lock or delete it! It won't be missed by me. I don't care to debate censorship or religion either. Leave it, lock it, delete it...that's fine but it is tiresome. I've seen enough and thought I'd throw in my request.

    Ugh! PEACE...please?

  • There's a difference between criticising and demanding things and spamming.

    CK has stated clearly that the reason why performance mode is delayed and not yet finished is because the dev team has changed priorities due to users' requests and ideas.
    And the consequence? Destroy all existing hard printed manuals to eliminate information that's not (yet) accurate?
    That's pretty pathetic.

    semi true, he did say 2 or 3 months ago he had bowed to pressure and was working on it. seems to me i could prob do all i wanted out of performance mode with a midi pedal, but a simple a/b footswitch with 2 patches for clean an distorsion would be nice. can someone explain to all of us once and for all EXACTLY what mr kempers official plans for performance mode are/were? since it was never even defined i dont think?