Level II upgrade

  • No display and lack of extra footswitch buttons would put this at 50% of the Stage in my opinion. Having said that, it either fits your needs or doesn't.

    You can't compare hardware features because hardware-wise Player is fixed and even if Level went all the way up to 11 it will never change. Upgrades are purely software-based (maybe except for True Impedance circuit, which I believe is hardware based), and it is only software that you can compare here. So despite I pulled this 80% out straight from my bottom I still think it is +/- 5% accurate.

    If you need display and extra switches you need Stage or Head/Rack + Remote and you need to spend at least $1600.

  • To be honest I’m going to use my Rack for the next gig. I’ll take the Player to rehearsals and put through its paces. There have been a few little bugs I have found , nothing critical but it needs refined a bit. Typical for Beta software.
    My Rack is still on the last release and I won’t upgrade it until a final release of this current Beta.

    Thank you.

  • Not saying used gear is a bad choice for purchase. But comparing cost of new vs cost of something else used makes no sense. I can get a used X for the price of a new Y doesnt mean the Y is overpriced or not worth the cost.

  • I’m not so sure. At $1000 I’d rather pay a bit more for a lightly used Stage with a screen and more buttons, or less for a lightly used Toaster with a screen and more buttons.

    As one who has owned a head/remote for years - moving it around sucks. I’ve got it down to one SKB hard case for head/remote/expression pedal.

    I run a couple of dirt pedals in the loop as well with a MIDI loop switcher.

    Shrinking all that down to a total footprint less than a Stage?

    Yes, please.

  • So what does happen when you want to sell and quit Kemper ? You've got a licence for level 2&3 with no Player and a potential buyer that has a restart level 1 unit, he has to pay for LVL 2&3....

    Example from the pro audio world:

    You can sell your UAD DSP cards with all of your plugin licenses or with just the basic package if you want to keep your purchased plugins. It has been done successfully for years.

  • I'm not sure the price point fits exactly. The physical Player unit lacks a lot of the features of the Stage (actual display, several knobs and soft buttons, footswitches for tuner, tap tempo, looper, two effects loops for send and return, separate footswitches for pedal on/off, stereo XLR outs, etc.).

    Also....none of these paid upgrades allow you to profile amps which is what Kemper is known for in the first place. You don't get models of amps; you have to profile yours or buy profiles online (yes, I know - rig exchange. but a lot of them are not great).

    So...a "full feature" player is $1,000. A stage is $1,600. Is it only a $600 feature difference between the two? I'm not so sure.

    I agree. I’ve gigged extensively with both my Player and my Stage. The main differences are the lack of switches (necessitating the use of either extra analog switches, making you lose the option to use an expression pedal, or a MIDI pedal), the lack of visual feedback (making it hard to see which rig you’re on, which bank you’re on and which rigs are in that bank) and that stupid tuner that is hard to read and doesn’t even tell you if your string is the correct note. I don’t think I’ve seen a single picture of a Player on a pedalboard without a dedicated tuner pedal.

    For what it’s worth, I still really like that stupid little thing, as it allows me to travel with «light versions» of my normal rigs. I can make it work (and I do). But a mini Stage it is not.

  • I'm confused as to how to use morphing using the switches?

    If you press the switch a second time doesn't it go to the previous preset?

    You need to change what the button press functions as from the currently assigned Up/Down rig change. Change it to select a Rig in slot 1 for example and then add Morph to it.