Is a Player Remote planned ?

  • yes indeed. There is a specific tuner rig that mute the signal - put the letter of the string played unlike the KPP that only has the LEDs

    And yes it displays the rig names. I power it through a classical 9v like all pedal but think it can be done via USB as well

  • Guys, we don’t need every other reply to be “just buy a Stage”. I make my living playing guitar. I own a toaster, a Stage and a Player. For fly gigs, the KPP with a MIDI controller is a significantly smaller and more lightweight rig than a Stage, which is quite heavy. I’ll use whichever Kemper suits the current gig best. Sometimes getting through the airports with just a guitar case and a suitcase is important.

  • It looks cool and I’m sure a few people would buy one but I can’t see a mass market for it.

    It would be a Kemper Product made in Germany so would be significantly more expensive that the current midi controller options.

    The cost of a Player and Remote would likely be pretty close to a Stage but with greatly reduced functionality. Even if the Player software was updated to allow all the functionality of the Stage, the lack of physical inputs and outputs means the Player can never be a true rival for the Stage.

    The footprint of the Player and the Remote would be much the same as a Stage with the big disadvantage of an external wall wart power supply for both units.

    Basically you would need to a true Kemper fan boy to buy into this model.

    I agree with you, this device would not be as cheap as a chocolate but, except this 4 switches midi product, i see prices increase quickly if you want more switches. I consider the Paint audio familly the best compromise for this and the price is between 90€ (hard to find the six switches) and 180€. Other devices are even more expensive.... So the gap is not so important if you consider Kemper remote possibility VS competitors. I notice that the sales of FCB1010 seem to have collapsed when the remote came even if it's half price....

    I based myself on Kemper remote. And with this hypothetical remote, i assume the price could be 350/400€. I join you that the price would reach the Stage's one. But it could be the goal. Kemper don't scam us with Stage price.... So if you want to build a Stage like from a Player it's logical to reach approximately the same price point.

    When i think about it, antoher solution, if they want to sell more remotes, could be to update the existing one and add a USB port to command the Player, it could be a solution to command Head/Rack too via their USB port or as today via RJ45 port....

  • Agree just buy a Stage

    Many Player owners already have a Head/Rack or Stage.

    I own a Stage, i could have bought a used one but the Player offers me other possibilities (and i really wait for the unlock features to have my Kemper familly homogeneous)...

    Beyond that, The Player can be/is a back-up and even if it'll represent 10/20% of this need, it would be very convenient to recover the exact same ergonomic with a Kemper remote.

  • Unfortunately….aluminum would be quite a bit less durable. It’s also more expensive

    But it is way lighter, it is what Quad Cortex uses and they don’t seem to have any issue

    I made a aluminum case for my Roland GR55 guitar synth and saved over 3 lbs. made a big difference

    On my board with the Stage. Not all of us are young whippersnappers .