• The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    Need to get the Kemper to compete with the other brands out there. We're missing;

    - Diezel variants

    - Bogner variants

    - Engl variants

    - Mesa variants

    - Peavey variants

    - Victory variants

    - PRS variants

    Understand it's probably not reasonable to have every amp under the sun modelled, but an incremental update of the models available would be greatly appreciated.

  • If you’re taking about Liquid Profiling….No one has that. Not for profiles, anyway. You’d be surprised at how many amps use the same tone stack as the amps they’re based on.

    Fender/Marshall/Vox covers a *ton*.

    As for variants….people have profiled numerous versions of everything you listed.

  • With Liquid Profiling I don't see this as necessary. I would prefer something like Liquid Cab and Mic-ing so we can shape our own cab sound.

    You probably know about this already, but altering the Character and Pure Cabinet settings in the Cab module provides a large degree of variation in the cab sound. Of course it’s all down to manual adjustment, rather than being able to select a specific cab sound, which I guess would be the advantage of what you’re suggesting.

  • first, the profiler isn´t modelling any amp ;)

    i´m sure you know about rig exchange. https://www.kemper-amps.com/rig/exchange

    i just checked and found hundreds of Diezel, Bogner... PRS profiles.

    What are you missing?

    I suspect there’s a misunderstanding here. When the original poster said they’d like to see more amps modelled, I don’t think they meant modelled = profiled. I think they meant can we have more amp models for liquid profiling.

    For years there was only the Kemper Generic Amp Model, then with Liquid Profiling they introduced a number of new amp models, based on the way the tone stack and gain of the original amp would behave. So, for example, if you were creating a profile of a Marshall JTM45 bright channel, instead of just creating a snapshot of one setting, you’d set the tones to noon, volume to max, select the JTM45 Amp Model in the Kemper, and your profile would behave like the real amp if you changed the tones or volume. Whereas without the JTM45 Amp Model, you could change the eq and gain on the Kemper, and you might get a result you like, but it wouldn’t be responding like the real amp.

    So I think they want more amp models, so they can create liquid profiles of those amps.

    Sorry to labour the point! OP, correct me if I’m wrong.

    EDIT: “Marshall JTM45 clean channel” to “Marshall JTM45 bright channel”

  • I guess he is requesting more Amp Models for Liquid Profiles.

    It's been almost 1 year since the liquid profiles release... but many amplifiers are still missing, for example the Bogner family.
    even the Namm news (the new tremolos) have not yet come out.
    I think that the updates time are a bit too long: am I too picky? :)

  • It's been almost 1 year since the liquid profiles release... but many amplifiers are still missing, for example the Bogner family.
    even the Namm news (the new tremolos) have not yet come out.
    I think that the updates time are a bit too long: am I too picky? :)

    a bit off topic ;)

    in my opinion and experience, it is best to work with 'what is there' instead of wondering when the next update might drop and which feature it might include. Doing so is a pretty fail-safe way for disappointment.

    Consider instead the times where an update exceeded expectations, like the delay/reverb upgrade and the introduction of Liquid Profiling etc. :)

    a much healthier mindset

    aaand back to topic please :)