Profiler Does Not Start with Previous Selected Rig

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    Hi all, I'm experiencing this scenario:

    1. Start profiler and a Rig A comes up.
    2. I review several rigs in Rig Manager, under the "My Profiler" tree in the navigation pane, ending up with Rig M.
    3. Close down both Rig Manager and the Profiler.
    4. Next day, I come back and start the profiler, but Rig A is selected

    I expect that the last rig played (Rig M) would be selected. Even if Rig Manager doesn't remember the last Rig, the Profiler should.

    Thinking it might be a temp buffer thing, I tried this.

    1. While Rig M is still selected (having been set through Rig Manager), I change to Rig K using the front panel buttons on the Profiler (not Rig Manager), a few presses of Left button of the RIG Navigation Cross on the right side.
    2. Turn off the Profiler and turn it back on.

    Rig K is indeed still selected.

    So what am I not getting in respect to the Rig selection when using Rig Manager?

    Thanks, Chris

    Nothin' too good for my dog.

  • Go to Best Answer
  • I cannot reproduce such an issue with current software and nobody reported it.

    If the Rig resides in the PROFILER memory (MyProfiler) and if its really loaded (headphones icon in Rig Manager and on the PROFILER display) it's in the PROFILER's edit buffer, which sustains the restart. Perhaps you havn't double clicked the Rig in Rig Manager and have just focussed on it via signle clíck, but not loaded it.

  • Burkhard August 15, 2024 at 10:48 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Profiler Does Not Start with Previous Selected Rrg” to “Profiler Does Not Start with Previous Selected Rig”.
  • I too had unexpected behaviour with which rig shows on startup. Though usually I switch Kemper off by cutting power. I didn't think it was such a big deal but it was confusing. I couldn't 100% tell though what is happening as I'm still very new to Kemper (Stage) and still trying to get my head around how it's all organised.

  • The profile player does not have a switch to power on and off on the device itself so I cut the power to it. Each day I open to the bank and amp or rig that's assigned to it.

    That was the last time I used a bank but I generally do not as I play amp stored in my profiler.

    Not a showstopper but for some reason that particular rig has a lot of gain and that night last used I was into that but often I play things with a little less gain. I have to be ready for it and I generally turn the guitar volume down.

  • Sometimes I will turn mine on and the Performance name and rig name will not be accurate or mixed up. Changing performances realigns it. Even though RM is not on I believe having the Kemper hooked up to USB and exiting RM or turning off the profiler with RM on is the reason. It's not a big issue though and I never notice any problems like this when not connected to USB so I'm pretty sure that is a factor.

  • Hi all, sorry it's take so long to update this—I'm in the process of moving, so I've had little time to carve out.

    It is indeed an issue with the way I powered it down. Lately, I've been just switching off the whole rack at the power distribution, and so the Profiler was not getting the full power down sequence that happens when it's turned off via the rotary switch (as one or two of you mentioned).

    I did a few tests tonight (which is painful with the long Profiler start up time) and everything is hunky dory when doing the proper rotary knob power off before turning off the rest of the rack.


    Nothin' too good for my dog.