Kemper player volume boost

  • I love my Kemper player, but I want an efficient volume boost so thinking of the options, so my current setup is that I only use 3/4 rigs - do I sacrifice the last block and add the pure boost? Do I just get myself a boost pedal?

    What’s your thoughts?

  • simplest way is to use one of your FX blocks as a boost.

    You could also control the output volume with an expression pedal and set the working range (ie min = rhythm volume, max = solo volume) to save consuming an FX block.

    You could get an additional pedal that offers a similar function (compressor/volume/boost/etc)

    going a step further, and a bit more technical, you could access the rig volume via midi control, as demonstrated here:

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    thread in these forums-

    March 7, 2024 at 7:11 PM
  • Hi slateboy - I use the midi option at the moment and it’s great but my midi pedal doesn’t have any kind of ‘light’ to say it’s on or off - sometimes it just stays on because I forget lol - after some form of knowing that it’s on lol

  • Hi slateboy - I use the midi option at the moment and it’s great but my midi pedal doesn’t have any kind of ‘light’ to say it’s on or off - sometimes it just stays on because I forget lol - after some form of knowing that it’s on lol

    sympathise with your situation.

    The limited visual indication of which FX blocks are on and the "yet to learn" coded "bank-numbers-by-colour" on the player does make it a little harder to use than the rack or stage. Though i appreciate what Kemper have done with a compact unit is awesome.

    Certainly some visual indication on your midi device could prove highly useful.

    Out of interest, sfa_100 what midi device are you using and how are you using it ?

  • I’m currently using an Ampero midi controller- it’s fine and does as it says, I have the kemper switches turning on various FX as and when I need, the Ampero 1 to 3 buttons/switches select the rig I want and the 4th button/switch is my boost, I use the master out for the boost, not the rig level, I have the Ampero send one set of CC (nrpn pairs) to boost and then the next press takes it back to it’s normal volume - works well but it’s limited- currently building a midi controller to do exactly as I need but like most things it takes time


  • I don't know if this will help but I often set my loudest tone at guitar knob - full volume, then I roll down for rhythm and roll up for my boost. If you get into a habit with it then it will save you a block.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.