Kemper Profiler Player MIDI to USB cable solution

  • Really enjoying the Player. Have built a pedalboard with a Boss switcher. I am currently running a Midi cable from the Boss switcher to an Eventide H9. From the Eventide H9 another midi cable goes to my Boss SDE3000-EVH. I am looking for a cable that will run from the Midi out of the Boss unit to the USB of the Player so I can change the patches on all of those units simultaneously. Through extensive google searching, all I can find is 5 and 6 foot USB to midi cables that are completely impractical for a pedalboard as I would have to coil it up. In other words, it would take up a lot of space. I reached out to Kemper and they suggested I try the forum. Has anyone tackled this issue yet? Thanks in advance for the help.

  • Doesn't the Boss unit support MIDI over USB? Pretty sure it does.

    Maybe skip the MIDI to USB conversion and use the USB port instead.

    Also - MIDI only uses three wires max. Some use just two (even with a 5 pin connector, my Disaster Area DPC.Micro uses 2 and works perfectly fine).

    If a TRS or 5 pin connector to USB cable exists (and works), cutting and splicing the ends closer together would be no big deal for someone with even basic soldering skills.

    "Without music, life would be a mistake.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

    Contact - Kemper Amps

    Edited once, last by Ruefus (March 5, 2024 at 3:06 PM).

  • Well I ordered a few cables. Will see if it works. Programs coming out of the SDE3000 make me nervous. I love the sound of that unit but have struggled with ease of use from a patch creation standpoint. Thanks everyone for the help. I shall report back.

  • AFAIK only a "USB Host" port can send Midi. If your Boss switcher has a USB Host port, like e.g. the Morningstar MC6 Pro has, I don't know, but a delay or other client device will most certainly only have a "USB Device" port (a device port can only communicate with a host, not with another device - there is no daisy-chaining in USB).

    The other issue here is of course that the actual encoding/encapulation of data is completely different between a "raw" Midi stream coming out of a DIN port and whatever highly involved encapsulation is used for Midi via USB. A simple adapter cable is not solving this.

    The usual solutions include: a) using a Midi controller with a dedicated USB host port (e.g. Morningstar MC6 Pro, Disaster Area dmc.micro pro or dmc 6), b) direct connection to a computer, and c) adding a dedicated USB Midi Host adapter to the board (e.g. Miditech or Kenton, Kenton if you want it to last longer than the warranty).

  • Thanks everyone for the help. I caved and bought a 6 foot usb to midi adapter and it works really well. Was able to keep it wrapped up so not too bad under the pedalboard. The next thing we need from Kemper is potentially partnering with someone to make a smaller cable and more importantly, put in the functionality to select a specific MIDI channel for the player to receive on rather than Omni.

  • BE READY for a LOT of issues with the Kemper Player ! how do I know ? my setup is pretty unusable right now as the KPP act crazy with midi message that goes around it . if it the ONLY midi devices , you can around but it sending pcs and ccs ... you need luck !!! I can't talk much about it here too many defensive responses !

  • tsachou: what do you mean? you cannot spread misinformation without backed claims.

    the KPP works just fine with USB MIDI ... this has been demonstrated many times, and everybody can find proof of this on multiple reports on the web.

    one thing which isn't/wasn't supported in the current firmware release is the selection of a received MIDI channel.. this has been implemented already now (currently in beta-firmware), and will be available in the next firmware.

    if you encounter problems: please explain what isn't working for you, and we'll try to help find the problem in your specific setup.

    but do not bleat around unbacked nonsense.

  • I received this back from Kemper support this morning..."yes, that parameter is missing in the current PLayer OS, but is already prepared. Please watch out for the next Player OS, which will probably be version 10.9.6 and be published soon. The parameter is in System Settings in Rig Manager "MIDI In Channel".

    Once this is in place, I think it will be much easier to do an evaluation. Currently with "omni" only, you can watch Rig Manager when you send a group of midi commands and see the player jump from patch to patch as it responds to every PC command. My current solution was to have my 3rd command contain the patch I need to land on.

  • tsachou: what do you mean? you cannot spread misinformation without backed claims.

    the KPP works just fine with USB MIDI ... this has been demonstrated many times, and everybody can find proof of this on multiple reports on the web.

    one thing which isn't/wasn't supported in the current firmware release is the selection of a received MIDI channel.. this has been implemented already now (currently in beta-firmware), and will be available in the next firmware.

    if you encounter problems: please explain what isn't working for you, and we'll try to help find the problem in your specific setup.

    but do not bleat around unbacked nonsense.

    STOP THAT BS ! I have that device from day one with two different midi switcher not even Ron from RJM could help as the kemper receive messages on OMNI that has to be fixed on the Kemper Player side . like I said stop it ! I paid my money for this device , I play decent shows I'm fairly good using my products so ... really yo chill .