Thin Lizzy- Live & Dangerous guitar tones

  • Hi there,

    So I've always been a massive fan of the tones achieved on this album, specifically the tones used in the solo's for "Rosalie/Cowgirl Song" and "Still In Love With You". From what I have found, they used JMP100 amps live, with a Coloursound Wah, Watkins Copy Cat delay and possibly a MXR Phase 100 (especially in the verse & chorus of "Still In Love With You").

    I've been trying to achieve something close to this tone for a while now. I've been using a JMP profile from Blittle, as well as a 68 Mars PA 100 from Tone Junkie. I'm playing a Gibson Les Paul Standard (Dimarzio Super Distortion in the bridge and a Air Classic in the neck). I've added the following effects in the profiles:

    Slot B: Treble Booster- for a bit more treble and attack

    Slot C: Wah High Pass- for the cocked wah tones Brian Robertson has

    Slot D: Wah- Pretty sure a Vox Wah preset with a bit more sweep

    Slot DLY: Bison preset. Delay Time: 216 ms. Feedback: 33%. Mix: 74.4%

    Slot RVB: Club preset. Unable to achieve the reverb sound at this point.

    I've spent a fair bit of time trying to achieve something close to the sound, but my results have been quite limited.
    Does anyone have any advice to get a bit closer to the tones from the album? I think the tape delay preset sounds more appropriate, but needs a fair bit of tweaking. Would appreciate any suggestions to achieve the reverb, modulation and delay sounds. Any amp profiles from the rig exchange that you can suggest to use as a baseline would also be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks heaps,


  • You will have to double guitars to get the harmonies right. The reverb might have been added on the Master bus to glue everything together. I found this....…3000x4477px.jpg

    At this point, I'm not too concerned with the harmony parts. Mainly the individual tones. I used that picture when researching the players and the gear they used, I used to love searching these up years ago before Rig Rundown existed. Still a good resource too

  • Davi G Burns have good Marshall tones for Thin Lizzy in Rig Manager .But Thin Lizzy didn't use Di Marzio pickups.Have a look at D G Burns Marshalls

    Thanks for the suggestion mate. They didn't, I also have an Gibson SG with the 490R & 490T pickups which is probably a bit more suited. But I love the SD. Looking at getting the Bare Knuckle Emerald pickups for the SG in the future

  • You are never going to get the exact sound even if you have the guitarist's original equipment. You can only get close. If you are just doing a cover song for a gig then no one is really going to care. Just play it good.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • You are never going to get the exact sound even if you have the guitarist's original equipment. You can only get close. If you are just doing a cover song for a gig then no one is really going to care. Just play it good.

    I agree, I'll never be able to replicate it exactly. But Its a brilliant tone (IMO) and I'd love to at least get the reverb and delay as close as possible.
    I've been using the club and concert hall reverb, as they more than likely didn't have a reverb unit live (could have been added post production).
    As for the delay, I've been using the Bison and Tape delay settings. According to that picture you shared before, Brian Robertson uses two Copicat delays in series. So he may have had one delay running a slapback echo and the other set to a longer delay.