Midi Morningstar Mcp6 pro With kemper player latency

  • Hi all

    im using Morningstar mc6pro as centre command for controlling KPP, the problems is I’m. Noticing annoying latency while I’m changing preset on my mc6 pro ( I’m using kemper USB A to mc6pro USB C connectivity ) any ideas how to fixed this

  • ipran February 18, 2024 at 4:52 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “Mcp6 pro With kemper player latency” to “Midi Morningstar Mcp6 pro With kemper player latency”.
  • I have a similar setup using MC6pro, player. and some strymon pedals. I spent way too much time trying to figure it out, but I did find a solution. The USB A port on the player does not work reliably. What threw me is ocationally it would work, but more often it would not. Solution: use a USB C (morningstar) to USB B (player) and you should not have any more issues. The player responds immediately with this cable using the B port.

  • eeh: the USB A port on the player works fine <period>

    maybe not when used in combination with that specific pedal.. so maybe the problem is with the pedal ? (and maybe the problem is with the KPP... of course)... but one cannot post bluntly 'the USB A port isn't working reliably' because that is pertinent not true.

  • Thats a fair point, and I didn't mean to make it sound like the A port doesn't work with any MIDI pedal. So let me restate, I found with the Morningstar MC6 pro the player USB B port seems to work perfectly, whereas when I tested the player with the Morningstar MC6pro using the A port I had less reliable results. BTW I love this pedal. I used it on stage today and it worked flawlessly. I uploaded rigs from my Profiler rack and was astounded with how the player assumed all the settings. I A B the player to the rack unit and could not tell them apart. The player is a game changer.

  • Thats a fair point, and I didn't mean to make it sound like the A port doesn't work with any MIDI pedal. So let me restate, I found with the Morningstar MC6 pro the player USB B port seems to work perfectly, whereas when I tested the player with the Morningstar MC6pro using the A port I had less reliable results. BTW I love this pedal. I used it on stage today and it worked flawlessly. I uploaded rigs from my Profiler rack and was astounded with how the player assumed all the settings. I A B the player to the rack unit and could not tell them apart. The player is a game changer.

    So if using usb B to usb C KPP to mc6pro we cannot using rig manager on Mac/pc at same time unless we utilize the din 5 port right ? Or this latency problem comes up because im using both at same time ( usb B - usb A to Mac, usb C- usb A to mc6pro) I will check it out

  • After some inspection , using USB A or B and with / without connection to rig manager come with similar result .

    Using mc6 pro as PC scrolling ( scrolling through preset up and down ) ( result good , no latency as good as KPP foot switch )

    Using mc6pro as PC selector ( jumping to certain preset each FS on mc6pro , noticeable latency not as good as KPP foot switch , can’t keep up with rhyme of song no gapless result)

  • using port A or port B on the KPP should yield same result in this situation.

    Are you sure the MC6 is sending only one single PC at footpress? this can simply be verified by connecting the MC6 to a PC/Mac in stead of the KPP (using the same cable: USB-A to USB-c)

    how do you observe? looking only at the frontpanel LEDs? or actually listening to the audible result? (on the Kemper audio always has priority!)

  • using port A or port B on the KPP should yield same result in this situation.

    Are you sure the MC6 is sending only one single PC at footpress? this can simply be verified by connecting the MC6 to a PC/Mac in stead of the KPP (using the same cable: USB-A to USB-c)

    how do you observe? looking only at the frontpanel LEDs? or actually listening to the audible result? (on the Kemper audio always has priority!)

    I Will report you later for any midi command I have program , because I have press and long press mode , for sure looking to the panel and Audible is noticeably late

  • Looking at this Morningstar MC 6 Pro I see, that it offers both single button and combo button functions. I guess, this has a consequence: single button functions don't work, when you hit the single button, but when you release the single button. Could it be that you are not aware and interpret this as "latency"? When you hit the first button the unit cannot know, if your intend is triggering a single function or if you will hit a second button soon, since your real intend is to trigger a combo function.

    That is a natural downside of combo button functions. We will have the same, when we will introduce combo button functions at the Player. Combo switch functions can be executed as soon as you hit the second button. But single button functions wait until you release the single button. That is something you need to get used to and adapt your workflow to. We explain this downside in our manual in detail.

    Perhaps that is the reason, why ipran is observing fast scrolling and latent selecting.

    Perhaps the Morningstar is not waiting until you release a single button, but works with a timeout. And that is, what you experience as latency.

  • that´s correct Burkhard, but it´s possible to configure the Mornigstar for latency free switching, called "looper mode".

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  • Looking at this Morningstar MC 6 Pro I see, that it offers both single button and combo button functions. I guess, this has a consequence: single button functions don't work, when you hit the single button, but when you release the single button. Could it be that you are not aware and interpret this as "latency"? When you hit the first button the unit cannot know, if your intend is triggering a single function or if you will hit a second button soon, since your real intend is to trigger a combo function.

    That is a natural downside of combo button functions. We will have the same, when we will introduce combo button functions at the Player. Combo switch functions can be executed as soon as you hit the second button. But single button functions wait until you release the single button. That is something you need to get used to and adapt your workflow to. We explain this downside in our manual in detail.

    Perhaps that is the reason, why ipran is observing fast scrolling and latent selecting.

    Perhaps the Morningstar is not waiting until you release a single button, but works with a timeout. And that is, what you experience as latency.

    Hmm this make sense , what im trying to do is when I’m pressing single button it refer to certain preset and when I’m double tap the button it goes to effect menu bank so I can toggle up/ down the A, B , delay , reverb slot , I guess I’m figure out without sacrificing zero latency , I’ll try that when I’ve time

  • that´s correct Burkhard, but it´s possible to configure the Mornigstar for latency free switching, called "looper mode".

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    maybe I’m doing 2 different function per button

    Single pressed for jumping certain preset and double button to goes effect menu . Maybe this is the suspect . I’ll try different approach and I’ll reports later when I have time

  • Has someone tried to narrow in and confirm my assumption?

    My suspicion is, the Morningstar, does wait, when you hit one of its buttons with single functions. It sends the MIDI message, as soon as you release the button, which the Player then processes immediately and without latency. It should be easy to verify this.

    For a user who isn't aware, this might appear as a techncial issue. However it is a consequence of buttons, who have single functions and at the same time combo functions together with other buttons. This is a downside of combo functions that users need to live with. Isn't that explained in the Morningstar documentation?

  • Guys just to share a little observation on my end. I’m using the profiler player and MC 6 Pro too. At the moment I kept kept things simple for a show last weekend. I only used PC and CC. I just needed to change presets. What I did notice was, when I was on bank 1, I can change from preset 1 to 2 or 2 - 1 with no issues. The issue only arises when I’m changing presets from different banks.

    (Example: Preset 1 is on bank 1. When I change to preset 6 which is on bank 2, then I notice the delay)

  • That’s probably due, at least in part, to the Player having to load a new bank.

    The other units pre-load up to 5 rigs per performance. The switching in between them is as close to instantaneous as can be.

    But when you switch performance (or a bank of 5 or 3 for the Player), it has to load new data, which takes time.

  • I Can confirmed the problems is solved , multiple command in one button makes latency become problems

    I’m only using 1 PC command and I have the latency. But not all the time. I have yet to fully test but so far I notice within the same bank I can switch presets instantly. The latency occurs when I’m changing presets to a different bank. I’m going to test these again this week.

  • maybe I’m doing 2 different function per button

    Single pressed for jumping certain preset and double button to goes effect menu . Maybe this is the suspect . I’ll try different approach and I’ll reports later when I have time

    This video confirms my suspicion, that the Morningstar only sends MIDI comands when one of its single buttons get hit in what they call Looper Mode. Otherwise the Morningstar waits until the button gets released.

  • Guys just to share a little observation on my end. I’m using the profiler player and MC 6 Pro too. At the moment I kept kept things simple for a show last weekend. I only used PC and CC. I just needed to change presets. What I did notice was, when I was on bank 1, I can change from preset 1 to 2 or 2 - 1 with no issues. The issue only arises when I’m changing presets from different banks.

    (Example: Preset 1 is on bank 1. When I change to preset 6 which is on bank 2, then I notice the delay)

    Following up on my observation. I suspect the latency is from the Kemper player itself. What I noticed is, when I step on the mc6 pro foot switch to change presets, I see the bank lights on the player change immediately but the lights for the drive on the kemper player and foot switch lights(which indicates different effects) takes about 1 second to change.

    So the Morningstar doesn’t appear to have any lag. Do take note for this observation I’m only using PC messages and not CC. And I only have 1 message per preset.