Kemper Player mobile app “performance view”

  • I wish for a view in the mobile app that puts the screen to vertical orientation and shows similar information than the dedicated screen of other kemper products in performance mode. Current rig name in big, bank name and other rigs in the bank in smaller text type. This way you could put your phone next to the player like an extension screen (into the pedalboard), and monitor your current whereabouts during a performance. When the tuner is activated it could switch to a tuner screen such as the other models do. This app feature would make the player more usable in live situations!

  • I wish for a view in the mobile app that puts the screen to vertical orientation and shows similar information than the dedicated screen of other kemper products in performance mode. Current rig name in big, bank name and other rigs in the bank in smaller text type. This way you could put your phone next to the player like an extension screen (into the pedalboard), and monitor your current whereabouts during a performance. When the tuner is activated it could switch to a tuner screen such as the other models do. This app feature would make the player more usable in live situations!

    The Player wasn't announced, i don't know how long they've worked on it but i think they've purposed the minimum to work fine and reliably till the beginning.

    The player imposed already a work on rig manager to correspond to Player's capabilities (FXs, Fxs slots, 50 rigs, etc....)

    I assume those kind of improvements could come on our tabs/phones....

    On the other side, we already know that Player's features are deliberately reduced and could be unlocked....

    Even if, in my opinion, the Kemper Stage is the ultimate stage device the Player will never be able to reach (cause of hardware limitations), even if you can add midi pedals, watch your phone's screen (i don't want to do this on stage), etc.... I think Kemper has to keep some limitations on this unit to justify the gap.... Player has already got a tuner....

    The Player is a balancing act, to purpose enough and not so much regarding big brothers....

  • Furthermore I was thinking that the possibility to simply connect it with the cable would limit the risk of interference. I noticed a lot o problem with my wireless system.

    I haven’t noticed any interference but I do often struggle to get the Player to connect to my phone or iPad at gigs or rehearsals so a cable connection as a fallback would be a very welcome feature for me.

  • Which wireless are you using? I have the boss wl-50, and unfortunately it works only at 2.4 Ghz. Thanks to the Player I also have a pretty compact pedalboard, but this means that the wireless' base it is quite close to it.

    Anyway, to not go off topic, I propose that improvements in usability and stability of an external screens (phone and tablets) would be appreciated from most of the live player.

  • To be totally honest, i'm one that complaints about all Player's limitations....

    I've got a Stage and i don't catch why i can't have exactly the same rigs and settings possibilities between all my platforms.

    I still think Kemper should unlock features (for free) for already kemper owners.... It's not a choice to go to the cheapest product we've done (certainly not my case), it's a way to grow our device package with a product we like....

    They can unlock for fee for only Players owners.... I'm sure some don't meet the problem i have cause they don't have a Stage/Rack or Head on the other side....

  • I’d be fine with the Player having the same capabilities of the bigger units. Who wouldn’t?

    I would also expect the price to go up considerably as a result. Bill Gates taught IBM and the rest of the world where the value lies between hardware/software.

    Fewer buttons, knobs and switches isn’t going to diminish that value very much.

  • I believe this is not the right approach to designing great products. Instead of deliberately diminishing the Player, I would prefer to improve the Stage. The goal should be to make each product as good as it can be. This will also drive the company's success.

    I actually agree with you as a consumer but it is definitely not the way the commercial world works these days.

    In every industry the current business model seems to be to make the full all singing all dancing version at the start of the project then release models with different limitation sets to maximise profit extraction from the development costs. Kemper have actually been very good at going against this market startegy for many years . Maybe they will change going forward (paid upgrades) due to commercial requirements or maybe they will decide to stay with their traditional model and increase the Player’s capabilities as free updates at some point. The reality is none of know what discussions are taking place inside the business and we will just need to wait and see how things pan out.

  • They can unlock for fee for only Players owners.... I'm sure some don't meet the problem i have cause they don't have a Stage/Rack or Head on the other side....

    Coming from a Player owner, I like this idea. I got the Player because I know I don't really need the full fledged Stage/Rack/Head (at least for the time being). However, I would like to have a couple of extra blocks for particular sounds. I only found this out after using it for a few weeks. I'd be happy to pay for that upgrade after the fact, rather than adding extra pedals or switching to a bigger member of the Kemper family.