Sending different profile to sound guy

  • Hello all,

    thank you for any advise or info I will get from you. I am pretty new with Kemper profiler Powerhead. I wanna ask, is there a posibility to play on stage and have one profile that is playing in my back with physical CAB. But to sound guy send another profile by line?

    Because some profiles I dont like when i play in my CAB but in PA it sounds absolutly great. So i d like to play with profile that I like in my back but send second one directly by line to MIX.

    Thank you all

  • The simple answer is no.

    The profiler can only use one profile at a time.

    Couple of points on this:

    1) I would question why it sounds so different - your guitar cab is probably the issue, so try others or go FRFR

    2) Your PA sound is the priority, so does it matter that it doesn't sound as good?

  • Thank you for answer.

    Other profiles sound good. This one doesnt sound good even on my studio monitors, atleast for me. Others might like that.

    2) well I wanna hear my sound as well and want it to sound good. I need to have a great feeling on stage and enjoy sound that I play.

  • Are you sure the difference isn’t that you have profiles with cab sim and other one without? A profile with no guitar cabinet simulation applied could sound good into a real guitar cab but not good into a PA or monitor. There are some profiles that have no cab sim or have it turned off to be used into a power amp and real guitar cabinet/ speaker

  • Are you sure the difference isn’t that you have profiles with cab sim and other one without? A profile with no guitar cabinet simulation applied could sound good into a real guitar cab but not good into a PA or monitor. There are some profiles that have no cab sim or have it turned off to be used into a power amp and real guitar cabinet/ speaker

    This is what makes the kab so perfect for me. Foh gets main out w/cab sim and monitor gets whatever speaker imprint I choose to push air at me.

  • If it is only some profiles which are sounding bad on stage but sound great out front and you are using imprints with a Kemper Kabinet then there might still be a solution for you.

    Have you tried using a different speaker imprint just for those rigs? Some amps sound best with specific speakers and the rig you are sending to FOH was probably profiled with a complementary speaker. A Fender Deluxe will probably sound very different onstage with a Vintage 30 imprint to a FOH rig that was profiled with a with a Jenson or JBL. In extreme cases you can even change to full range and use the cabinet that is being sent to FOH.

  • If it is only some profiles which are sounding bad on stage but sound great out front and you are using imprints with a Kemper Kabinet then there might still be a solution for you.

    Have you tried using a different speaker imprint just for those rigs? Some amps sound best with specific speakers and the rig you are sending to FOH was probably profiled with a complementary speaker. A Fender Deluxe will probably sound very different onstage with a Vintage 30 imprint to a FOH rig that was profiled with a with a Jenson or JBL. In extreme cases you can even change to full range and use the cabinet that is being sent to FOH.

    He is using a guitar cab I think...but I agree the answer is a Kabinet :)

  • Thank you for answer.

    Other profiles sound good. This one doesn't sound good even on my studio monitors, at least for me. Others might like that.

    2) well I wanna hear my sound as well and want it to sound good. I need to have a great feeling on stage and enjoy sound that I play.

    If its just one profile, ditch it.

    However, a guitar cab is always going to sound significantly different to a profile going through a PA.

    My experience..

    I used to use a 4 x12 and mike the cab....all my sounds were OK off my backline and through the PA, but never great. TBH I was a little underwelmed.

    I then decided to stop miking the cab and take an output to the PA and it sounded awful...why? Because my guitar cab was so dominant that it "smoothed" all the sounds out. That taught me a few things:

    1) A Guitar cab has a HUGE impact on the end sound, hence why FRFR is more accurate ( but not necessarily better).

    2) Some profiles just don't sound good. Don't bother trying to make a bad profile sound good

    3) Focus on FOH sound first. That is the most important. Yes you want a good on stage sound to be inspired but it doesn't matter they are not the same and on stage sound isn;t quite as good