How do I get this tone?

  • Tried to find this from many profiles commercial and free but it seems kemper just can’t touch this. It’s a Friedman amp.

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  • I always though it was his Tele into his Supro but it turns out he used a Vox Super Beatle 🤓

    Jimmy Page reveals the amp he really used to record Whole Lotta Love
    The guitar icon details his setup on classic Led Zeppelin albums in an exclusive new interview with Total Guitar

    The key is probably a Tele and way less gain than you think.

  • I was referring to the YouTube video and the guys tone through the Friedman BE100. I can’t get his tone with kemper and any profile. I tried adding a Studio EQ before the stack and got closer. I sampled some profiles from Rig Buster Friedman and they are not close.

  • What about this tone is missing? A lot of this tone is high end. Are you trying to get that tone on the same speakers you are watching the video on? monitors?

    That tone sounds pretty generic to me (I have bad ears). Like any Marshally sounding profile would work. Am I crazy?

    DGBURNS has been posting wild Marshall Profiles on RIG EXCHANGE.

    If you grab his latest Marshall Clean:

    GEQ -> OC Stomp (Pushing Marshall) -> Amp ->Studio EQ -> Soft Shaper

    Adjust the gains to get where you want to be.

    OC defaults to gain of 3.3. Drop that down a little.

    AMP - Could change the EQ to a FREED LP.

    Soft shaper defaults to 2.2. Adjust as needed.

    If you need more sustain, the Kemper Comp Stomp is amazing set to SOFT default.

    Hope this helps.

  • Thanks for your replies. It’s the wooden cabinet sound I guess. This tone has a mid range gained honk to it mixed with a bit of gain. I added a stereo EQ to get closer. Any profile I have used sounds more sterile and less organic. I have the kemper Kab and have tried all of the IR’s

  • It’s the wooden cabinet sound I guess. This tone has a mid range gained honk to it mixed with a bit of gain.

    Ahhh yes. I am writing a VST and I added a 150Hz low Pass filter and run it thru some distortion to get that cabinet thump. Then I made a pedal that is just a mid range bandpass filter with some distortion.

    Not sure how to recreate that in the Kemper. Could try some Overdrives and use the mix control to just add a touch. But most overdrives are bandpass filters set to around 700Hz. And you are looking for something between 100-400 Hz.

    Another option would be post amp EQ followed by a compressor. Then you could over boost the lows and then try to tame them with the compressor. (Thats right 5 words in a row that start with T, a new world record). I usually set the low EQ of the Studio EQ to 180Hz and boost up gain from there.

    The distortion I am using is similar to the Kemper Soft Shaper. You could play around with putting that before and after the amp. But it will be pushing ALL frequencies. So the next step would be a parallel path setup with an EQ and KSS before the amp, but then it bypassess the amp so that wont really work either. Need a parallel path mix option in the Kemper Before Amp/After Amp. Does it exist?

    So basically just download JUCE and write your own VST is what I am saying :wacko:

    The last option would be to get some IRs in WAVE format (normal type) and edit them in an audio program. You could then add a ton of low freqs to the IR. Generically they start to get compressed sounding when you do this so a little high boost is also necessary. I have made IRs using a graphic EQ after the mic to adjust them at creation.

    If you get crazy, I have added one of my IRs that I tend to use the most. It is a little more thumpy than most IRs but also a little crispy and in your face. Made on homemade 2x12 cab with eminence speakers and EQ'd Behringer C1 and SM57 mics.